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About ViperBoy

  1. Weird Mouse Problem

    Intel Pentium 2.79 Ghz, .99 GB of Ram Geforce FX 5200 How do I find out what driver versions and dx versions I have? sorry
  2. Weird Mouse Problem

    I have the anti aliasing turned off on my video card, and have tried every resolution available. The cursor only shows up after pressing escape, and even then it will not work, I have to press the letter E to quit the flight. Definitely strange
  3. Weird Mouse Problem

    lol yes I'm well aware of that, I do have a little bit of experience playing the game. Regardless, thanks for the help. :yes:
  4. Weird Mouse Problem

    I'm assuming when you say falcon 4 options, you mean the setup menus. I have tried every combination in there and still no luck....I must be missing something obvious, keep your ideas coming, thanks.
  5. Weird Mouse Problem

    I recently updated the drivers on the video card and yes they are the official drivers. I'm using a Geforce FX 5200. I have played with resolutions, no luck there either. What exactly are rendering options? I'm definitely not what anybody would call computer saavy..What I don't understand is the game used to work fine with this video card and the current resolution I'm using now....Thanks for your help
  6. Weird Mouse Problem

    I patched up to the latest version using lead pursuits website, 1.013 or something like that. Carried out all the "basics" and pretty much everything you said....still not working but thanks for the help anyways I'm about to blow this computer up if I don't get playing soon.......
  7. Weird Mouse Problem

    Hey everyone, I need help on this one. I have never had a problem with falcon allied force before, been playing it a while, until one day I load a flight and the mouse is 100% gone, only while in the airplane. All the menus work fine, the mouse only disappears when I am actually in the cockpit. The only time I can see it is when I press escape, and then it is a little green arrow and I can't click on the two buttons their either, I have to hit the letter E to quit. I have tried turning off antialiasing, reinstalling, and changing graphic cards, no results.Anybody have any idea whats going on? Thanks

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