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Everything posted by SkippyBing

  1. wyverntoford.jpg

    From the album Skippy's FSX Album

  2. wetyet.jpg

    From the album Skippy's FSX Album

  3. phantomoverark.jpg

    From the album Skippy's FSX Album

  4. howlowcanyougo.jpg

    From the album Skippy's FSX Album

  5. 3ds Max 9 for $149.95

    It's very unlikely this is legal. Autodesk don't really sell you the software, they sell you a license which if you read through the EULA is non-transferable. I also don't think there is such a thing as an OEM install of 3D Studio, it's not that kind of product. Also check here
  6. Russ, I had this problem with the Wyvern at one point, when taking off from Hinch's Eagle in the Tunisia terrain in WoE. Put it in the WoI terrain and it worked fine. Do you take off normally? When I was having the problem I was getting thrown vertically up into the air and then attaining flight by luck rather than judgement!
  7. Daring

    Quite possibly all of them!
  8. Ahh Javelin, the only fighter to slow down when you engaged the afterburners!
  9. Syrinx, Your nose is funny. Sorry had to say that, it seems to be missing the step aft of the radome. Other than that looks good, which wingtips? n.b. I've spent most of the weekend working on my FSX version so I'm starting to notice all the minor details now! Someone mentioned a Stringbag, I've got a lot of one somewhere I'll see what I can do.
  10. India sinks Somali pirate ship

    The general composition is available through most news agencies i.e. which ships etc. Suffice to say you could probably figure out the general capabilities from that, the limitations are ROE and the capabilities of the weapons systems involved. You're basically stuck with guns and line of sight weaponry due to the size of the pirate vessels and the ROE (it helps if they shoot first), which leads to the second problem, there aren't enough ships to cover the area the pirates operate in effectively. Well not since they've started operating 450NM off shore anyway. It's a big ass ocean to misquote Billy B Thornton in Armageddon.
  11. Useless Factoid of the day

    True, which is why the clocks in GPS satellites are set to run 0.11MHz slow on Earth to work correctly in orbit, 14400NM from it's centre.
  12. HMS Eagle

    And look, it's got more guns than the latest Daring. Might be handy against pirates that!
  13. Useless Factoid of the day

    The original term for the Port side of the ship was Larboard. This may have caused some confusion.
  14. Useless Factoid of the day

    The Latin name of the American Buffalo is Bison Bison. Clue's in the name people, clue's in the name.
  15. New Law...Salute like a Man

    Don't know about the USN but in the RN by tradition we don't salute indoors, believed to be a hangover from wooden ships etc. where there just wasn't the room to do it without hurting yourself, that and only a cad would wear a hat indoors! Similarly we don't stand to toast the Queen at a mess dinner as years ago the King was dined in onboard one of his warships and smacked his head standing for the toast, he then excused the Navy from having to stand, a tradition we continue to use to confuse the junior services, that and growing beards.
  16. The Man Cave...

    No sure, we believe you Dave
  17. Kennedy Assassination

    So you're saying an organisation unable to tell that the biggest financial crisis in recorded history was about to happen due in part to their policies could organise an assassination and cover it up for 40+ years? And the extra-governmental thing doesn't fly either, seriously show me one large organisation that is vaguely well run or able to react to an external event with any sort of efficiency or without having leaks. Like I said an effectively incompetent organisation manages to pull off the crime of the century and keep it covered up for decades, seriously why the desire to make something more complicated than it is?
  18. Nigeria has a satellite?

    That they are, although from what I know of the country the population have very little say in the matter. They still have a lot of oil left, if the country was managed properly they'd be some sort of beacon of development and progression. Unfortunately as with most African countries politics are still at the tribal clan level so any foreign earnings are shared out amongst them rather than benefiting the whole country. So like the rest of the world but more obvious.
  19. Nigeria has a satellite?

    You have to wonder who they bought it off! Honest Al's used Satellite emporium, one careful owner no bangs or dings, eight track with four speakers! Serves 'em right for never sending me the £19M that was resting in an account....
  20. Kennedy Assassination

    The main problem I have with government conspiracies is that it involves the government being unbelievably competent at something when most of them seem unable to run a postal service to a satisfactory level of service.
  21. rfactorcentral downloads

    Think you have to register these days.
  22. Kennedy Assassination

    Maybe they do invent time machines and someone went back to assassinate him because if he lives it's all too awful. If you think about it too much it gets very confusing knowing what tense to use.
  23. Kennedy Assassination

    The one simple answer to that is that governments like classifying stuff. The US Government certainly still had troop movements from WW1 classified as recently as ten years ago for no obvious reason. The rather good book 'How to Kill' has a section on the Kennedy assassination and debunks all the 'popular' conspiracy theories, there really is no evidence that anyone other than Oswald was involved. I mean the shot must have come from the schoolbook repository, how many other people due you think were hiding in there with guns just in case?

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