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Posts posted by JoeF

  1. Hi;


    I had a virus infect my computer recently and had to have my operating system (WinXP) rebuilt. When I tried to use WOV I found that when I started a mission, there was engine noise only for a few seconds and then silence. All other parts of the sim work fine. I find that the engine sound works properly if I'm viewing the aircraft from outside but silence if I'm in cockpit view.


    All of my other sims (MS FS, CFS1, CFS2 and First Eagles) have no sound problems; only WOV. Any ideas?





  2. Or maybe the flightengine.ini needs to be tweaked. Had the same problem when the Gripen came out. had it installed on a fresh install in which I forgot to do the tweak.








    Excuse the dumb question, but after the the file has been extracted and tweaked, how do you put it back to where it was extracted?



  3. Hi;


    I recently downloaded the F-102A from combatace and the F-111F and FB-111A from column5 for WOV and I think their great! However, since about a week ago, I have not been able to run them consistently. After I select the aircraft and the loadout I want, I select the "Fly!" button. The loading screen comes up and the progress bar shows the %program loaded. A few seconds after the progress bar reaches 100%, the screen goes blank and my machine crashes / restarts. Every once and awhile, especially if I try to run them right after my system comes up after being turned on. they will run OK (sometimes). All of my other aircraft (original and add-on) are OK. Any ideas?




    Joe F.

  4. Hi;


    After downloading the F-111D and putting all items where they should be (sounds in sounds folder, etc, ), I tried flying it in WOV and the system crashed. After I had selected my loadout and clicked "fly!", the screen with the progress bar came up and a few seconds after the bar reached 100%, the screen went blank and the system crashed / restarted. I have Bunyap's weapons pack loaded and I'm running Win XP and WOV with the Oct 08 patch. Any ideas are appreciated.




    Joe F.


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