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Everything posted by Warrior108

  1. I recently Got Wings over Europe for around 5 bucks, and when i saw that you could download planes.. I found this website immediately. I got an account and tried to download, but i can't really get it. I've tried multiple ways and methods. Most Games that can support downloads like The Sims 2 has a folder where you unzip the files and place them in the downloads folder, but WOE doesn't seem to have this... Please Help! P.S. I didn't know where to put this topic.. So i though this forum was the best, if there's a better one, please excuse me.
  2. shoot.. How, on earth, did i miss that! :blush2:
  3. I didn't see it.... Anyway, I downloaded the AT-6B, and whenever i fly, i have a pilot that's...floating under the fuselage.. suggestions?
  4. Yes.. I found it, but should I change something?
  5. Ok.. Got to cockpit working. But still can't get sound.. Ah well. I'm soon going to be getting a new computer, so it doesn't really matter, i'll have to reinstall it anyway
  6. Ok.. Got it working now It was a typo. Anyway, i downloaded the S-3, and it works but it has no sound, nor cockpit? any suggestions?
  7. This is what it says: [Decal001] MeshName=nose DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=LEFT FilenameFormat=FA-18F/VFA32_CAG/D/nosenumL Position=4.806,0.075 Rotation=0.0 Scale=0.95 DecalMaxLOD=2
  8. Ok.. Downloads and everything is working. I downloads Erwin_Hans F/A-18F and it works perfectly, but the Decals don't work... I've looked into the files and saw nothing.. the decals are in the right place... But they still don't show up?
  9. Ok.. Hate to be back so soon.. Whee do i find the latest version of the WeaponEditor, i've looked on Thirdwire, but neither look or have the same functions as the one in the tutorial... I've searched but to no avail.. Help please! Here is the part of the ReadMe that covers Weapons: +--------------------------------------------------------------+ Weapons add the best way is use the WeaponPack release somes days after Hornet. if you can't wait, use last weapon editor from ThirdWire and import FA-18_Weapondata.ini (you can found this file in weapons directory) in your weapondata.ini. +--------------------------------------------------------------+ it doesn't really make sens to me... P.S I know i seem hopeless, but hey, I'm only Twelve!
  10. Yea.. I did blow plenty up in the F/A-18, so you can't say i never flew it Well, Luckily it took five minutes to install. So looks like I'll have a fresh start. So, thank you for your help now, and hopefully in the future too!
  11. OK... Whenever i try to open "Single Mission" The Screen goes black, and it doesn't load. Doe anybody know why this is?
  12. Thank you..... But, when i read EricJ's F/A-18F ReadMe, it says to use the latest weapons pack that would come out some days after the Hornet.. I looked around, and the most recent was from January...
  13. Ok.. One more question.. in Terrain mods i see "Siberian Sun" and the sky is a dark blue... Not the light blue default.. Is there a way to change that???
  14. Ok.. So it id don't do the thing with the Weapons editor.. Then the Plane won't work? Ok.... Where do i find the Weapons editor.. And what do they mean by replace the XXXXX (I dunn how many X's..) with a number?? Also Rom, I did, but that's a Hornet, I'm looking for a super Hornet.. Preferably the Two-seater. Thanks in advance...
  15. Ok.. I have WinRAR, and i tried to Download EricJ's F/A-18F, and i extracted Sound to sounds folder, Effects into effects, and everything where it should go, but it doesn't work... Any advice? Plus, What is the Weapon Editor? Thanks for your time...
  16. OK.. Again, This will sound stupid.. But when I'm armed with AGM-65 maverick missiles, or anything that isn't a Sparrow or Sidewinder, then i can't select it.... Is there some special way? Plus, How do you Unzip 7z files.....
  17. OK... Thank you I was thining maybe that's why my downloads weren't working.. Ok thank you!
  18. So..... It Doesn't affect the game? Does it prevent the downloads for working? If so, What do i change it back to? Again.. Please excuse my ignorance...
  19. Is there anyway to change it back?
  20. OK.. Thanks MigBuster, i figured it out.. Now another thing. For some strange reason the LOD files in all my downloads have MS Word Icon's...
  21. One Last thing (Sorry for Double post...) How do you take-off and land without doing missions.. is there anyway?
  22. Ok, So I think I Got everything from the C-130J into the Proper folders, Now to test it... In "Single Mission" will the name of the Airplane show up with the default aircraft? NVM, I got it, and Am jumping with Joy! Thank you! :)
  23. Ok... Do i put the files of the files of the Plane in the Games program files? Like the C-130 Engine sound into the "sounds" Folder?
  24. OK... Thanks! Which F/A-18 Super Hornet do you recommend downloading.. It's may Favourite plane, so it deserves to be downloaded first.. If i can get it... Ok.. When i attempt to download to Patch, it says "Wings over Europe is not a valid Directory" Do you know a way to get around this? Plus, I don't have WinRar, but i have the Trial Version of Alpha Zip,Should i get WinRar? and EricJ's Super Hornet says it requires another sort of Extractor to open.. Please excuse my Ignorance...

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