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Everything posted by Bananimal

  1. Ok, this one took a while. Mostly due to the complexity involved in lining up the textures on the tail. And did I mention that the fuel tanks are a pain in the ass to skin? This one os one of my favorites so far. Introducing the famous VA-192 Golden Dragons....................
  2. Here's another from VA-15 VALions. Just finished it about 5 minutes ago. Finally got the textures as good as they're going to get on the tanks for now. I'm off to paint another. I'll post it in a little while!
  3. I've already released a mod to fix this. The problem with just adjusting the flyby view is that the LOD of your weapons becomes evident. So you see your plane approaching without weapons and then suddenly they appear. So I had to fix that too! It's all in the mod and you can download it here. Go to the SF downloads / Effects section of this site and look for.....Weapon LOD and Flyby View Mod.... Very easy to install. BTW...I took the liberty of allowing you to zoom in and out on the flyby too. It's a great little mod.
  4. That's awesome guys. Thanks so much for this. It'll really help alot in learning A2G weapons in this sim.
  5. If you have a boot disk with the FDISK command on it you might try the old "FDISK /MBR" command. This will re-write the Master Boot record of the drive and dump any viruses out of the Boot Sector. Make sure you don't reboot after running the command. As soon as it's done kill power to the system so that if the virus is in memory it doesn't jump back to the boot sector of the drive. If you need a disk let me know. I can zip it up and mail it to you.
  6. Well, since we have to wait around for the new planes to be released I figured I'd Paint a VA-72 Blue Hawks A-4C for you guys. One thing about the tanks. The way that the texture wraps on the nose of the tank caused me to be unable to realistically render the spike that you'd normally see trailing the nose of the tank. Other than that this one was fun to do. I'm just waiting on the Humpback models to really get to skinning. Here's a couple of screens. http://webpages.charter.net/sporon/bh1.bmp http://webpages.charter.net/sporon/bh2.bmp If you want to download it here's the attachment below
  7. Hi peeps, I've recently edited the Viewlist.ini file to create a flyby view that is zoomable as well as longer. It's very very cool and adds a lot to the game. Problem is when I edited the viewlist.ini file the external stores wouldn'rt show up until the aircraft was 1000 feet away. So, I fixed that too! Now your weapons will never dissappear when flying off into the sunset. Can anyone tell me how to push this stuff up to this site so that you folks can enjoy these two great mods!
  8. Hey peeps, I finally registered with the site so that I could share with you guys some of the things I've been working on for SF. Here are some screenshots of the once contraversial Louisiana Air National Guard Coonass Militia skins that I'm working on. I've only got a little more to do on number 637, mostly weathering and texture alignment and I'll be modifying the skin for number 522 to reflect more accurately the colors used on these aircraft. The Skins themselves are true representations of these aircraft. I'd purchased a Hasegawa F-4C to build and realized that I had the decal templates for them so I proceeded to start skinning them for SF. The one off blue camo schemes used on these aircraft were very short lived. They were painted in this scheme when the squadron was attending FWS in Nevada. Rumor has it that a black officer was offended by the name of the squadron painted on the tail of the aircraft and complained to higher ups. The powers that be who didn't understand what a Coonass actually was made the squadron change it's name to Bayou Militia. For those that don't know, a Coonass is a native Louisianian of French descent. They consist of the original settlers of the Bayou areas of the state and their extended families on the male side. You can call them Cajuns as well. Both are the same. I know this because I'm a Boudreaux and am considered a true Coonass of the state of Louisiana. And I'm proud as hell of it too! I hope you enjoy these screenies of the progress. Let me know what you guys think.
  9. Well...I've tried to push them up but I keep getting and error! I'll attach them here for those that have read the thread.
  10. Capun, My bad....Look for the "external view" and the "Flybyview" Sections in the file. [ViewClass005] ViewClassName=FlybyViewClass [ViewClass004] ViewClassName=ExternalViewClass Just copy these sections over the existing sections. Basically what I did was take the Tower view and Flyby view and used the best components of both then renamed it "Flybyview". Works pretty good. If you want to make the flyby last even longer increase the numerical value for the following modifiers: MaxObjectDistance=XXXX ResetTime=XX.X As far as the Snap Views I never touched them so you should be good to go there!
  11. I was planning on releasing them in packs of 4 aircraft each. If you guys would rather them seperately let me know and I'll go ahead and push the ones that are completed up. That would be # 841 and # 704 (Mig Killer) in the pictures above.
  12. I've already included the mod for Weapons LOD in the modi itself. It's done for you. Good pointers though for those who haven't figured it out yet.
  13. I was thinking this as well....Are you using the same default zoom keys or have you mapped them to something else?
  14. Hmm...never had that problem....You might try deleting the Viewlist.ini in the flight directory and replacing it with mine again. Did you not have one there to overwrite in the first place? Baffling!
  15. Cool beans.....The file has been pushed up to the site. You guys should see it in a couple of days!

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