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Everything posted by creature

  1. F9F-5 Wrench: I'm still trying to get the nose gear streightened out. I'm doing a little cross-ref with the F9J. That's how I got most of the -5 fixed the first time. I also noticed that I do a very nice slide off the end of the deck on my carrier landings I'm in no rush to get this fixed, just tinkering around in my very spare time. Let me know what you come up with. Creature
  2. Wrench: Ooopsee:) I put the fuel tanks in with the -5. didn't know they didn't have them, thanks. Did you notice that the nose wheel turns the wrong way, i've been trying to fix this. I'm still tweaking the bouncing. Remember, I'm not a modder, just someone with OCD. Creature
  3. Wrench: You made my day. You really did! I'm not a modder, so you can imagine how long I've been trying to do this. I was able to add the fuel tanks. [LeftWingStationInboard] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=1 StationGroupID=1 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-1.9,0.24,-0.4 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=1500 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,FT -------------added FT AttachmentType=USN,USAF,NATO ModelNodeName=LWingPylon PylonMass=20 PylonDragArea=0.04 FuelTankName=TankPanther -----------added entire line [RightWingStationInboard] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=2 StationGroupID=1 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=1.9,0.24,-0.4 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=1500 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,FT AttachmentType=USN,USAF,NATO ModelNodeName=RWingPylon PylonMass=20 PylonDragArea=0.04 FuelTankName=TankPanther I remember I had to rename the fuel tank or something like that. Don't exactly remember , sorry. As for the bouncing. The original doesn't do it, so I'll try to fix it. I also changed the default engine sound to "Jetburner". MUCH MUCH better!! You can hear Brubaker running out gas:)) Later and thanks creature
  4. Gocad yup understand that. But I'm still not getting an automatic numbering of aircraft when starting a mission. For some reason they all have the same number, unlike before the Sept/Oct patch. I can still change the numbers but I have to do it through the load out screen. This is different than the missing decals. I think SC took care of that. c
  5. Dave: thanks, but I am very curious why all of a sudden the original format no longer works with the new patch. c
  6. Alright, more fun. The B-58 Loadout.ini had an extra dash for the MK-43. should have been MK43. as that is how it was in the Weapondata.ini. I also had to add lines to the weapondata.ini that came with the B-58 zip file. than I reloaded ((basicaly means you open the newly edited weapondata.ini, check to see if your weapon is there, than save and exit)) and all is well:))) Now for some reason my aircraft decal numbering has crapped out. If you still have the original aircaft files you downloaded the designers usually supply those lines in the readme.txt good luck creature
  7. OK, forgot to save the weapons editor :-P , so I got my weaponsdata.dat now and a few of my weapons back. The B58 hustler is still empty though.
  8. I'm having the same problem with some of my add-on aircraft. I downlaoded the the new version of the weapons editor from thirdwire, and followed the post that directed me to delete the weapondata.dat and start the new weapons editor. My weaponsata.ini is in my objects/weapons folder. I still have no weapondata.dat file now in my weapons folder. I remember this happened before on one of the patches, but it's been so long I forgot how to fix it. creature Come visit us in HL
  9. Hey Fast: Where is the file? creature
  10. Fast: Nice Ride!!! Creature
  11. File Name: Wings Over Vietnam Service Pack v05.15.06 File Submitter: creature File Submitted: 7 Oct 2008 File Updated: 9 Oct 2008 File Category: SF/WO*/FE Patches The Latest Sept 08 patch has a few glitches for multiplayer, so we that hang out in Hyper lobby are using the previous 8.30.06 patch. but you need to patch 5.15.06a first then the 8.30.06 patch. We also have to use Hamachi as a work around to get online. here is the link. https://secure.logmein.com/products/hamachi/vpn.asp?lang=en Click here to download this file
  12. Thanks for renaming the title:) I think that will clear alot of things up. I will be more careful next time. Creature
  13. Crusader you ding dong:)) Dave I'll be happy to edit my post and put WOV in the title if there is a way to do it:) creature
  14. Dave: I'm looking into that now, but just to be clear the WOV_sp051506a.exe is not required when installing the 8.30.06 patch? Maybe I should have been more clear on my post. If I have to amend it let me know how to do that. thanks creature
  15. Hi Dave: This was for multiplayers who have already installed the Sept 08 patch, and want to roll back there version to 8.30.06. The only way to do that, if I am correct, is to reinstall WOV than patch 5.15.06 than the 8.30.06 patch. As far as I know the 5.15.06 patch is required. The 5.15.06 is not on Third Wire anymore. That is why I posted them here. Still Haven't given up on this Multiplayer thing yet:) Creature
  16. Version


    The Latest Sept 08 patch has a few glitches for multiplayer, so we that hang out in Hyper lobby are using the previous 8.30.06 patch. but you need to patch 5.15.06a first then the 8.30.06 patch. We also have to use Hamachi as a work around to get online. here is the link. https://secure.logmein.com/products/hamachi/vpn.asp?lang=en
  17. That's awsome, I've waited a long time for this:))) Now if we can get a rolling deck and a meatball, I can shelve everything else. Nice Job!!! creature
  18. We are of the same opinion as you about the other multyplayers, that is why we are at the WOV room in HL. All I can say is your welcome to come join us anytime, if you can get to work:)) Creature
  19. OK, first thanks to my wingies in MP:)) Second: I took this forums advice and posted exactly the same thing in the Third wire forum, and TK was kind enough to take the time and reply. And finaly, No, I don't live in a Cave:))) Here is the link for the Third Wire forum http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=5718 Creature
  20. "It is what it is" is the kiss of death in the flight sim community!!! I don't want to sound mean, but has anyone noticed that WOV/WOE/WOI/SFP1 are all the same damn sim??? Redistributing the same sim with a differnt title is not longevity, it's a mod! and is not fair to dedicated sim pilots that fly and BUY them. I have to admit the only reason I bought the other series is because I want to support TK and his sims, but to be honest they are still in their box, I saw no reason to load up my hard drive with the same sim. If you want to stick with the slogan "it is what it is" and not put more emphisis on MP then be prepared to join the ranks of other great sims that have wings on their boxes and halo's over their price tags. I've been flying flight sims since my first "Timex" computer that hooked up to a TV and used a cassete tape to load, and I've seen some beautiful sims disappear because "it is what it is" became "it is what it was". If I didn't care, I wouldn't post! Creature
  21. While I am over joyed that WOV is still being patched, I have to agree with Doghouse. There are very few of us that put up with the complexities of Multiplayer on HyperLobby, and we are very dedicated to WOV. I can't recall anyone asking for better graphics, skins, insignia or anything that may take a hit on Frame rates. This is an older sim that runs, oops, ran great on older crates like mine. Instead of killing our frame rates how about correcting a few of the old MAJOR problems like Multiplayer on HyperLobby!!!! Doghouse and I should be getting credit for tech support on this issue:)) It has single handedly killed WOV on MP. While I am well aware that WOV was not designed with MP as it's primary goal, MP air combat is where the longevity is!!!! Has anyone noticed how many players are on IL2 at any given time in HL??????? I'm sorry TK, but when I hear you don't support MP the aviation Gods become very sad:) You have a great sim in your WOV/WOE/WOI series, but don't sell it short by restricting MP. Creature

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