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Everything posted by paulopanz

  1. The program keep your own pilot kill score in pilotdata folder. decal level is the key for markings: 0 is for insigna or fixed decals;1 for squadron badges; 2 for numbers; 3 for kills If You use stock star leave simply kill entry. If not, You have to point to decals folder like mykills/kill_. With tga format decals like kill_000; kill_001; kill_002 and so on. To place the killmarks You have to do some tests (I use nothighess ultra light terrain for fast loading times) the format is: lenght, high on the fuselage/nose/tail left/right side. Look at the other placed decals as a guide. Remember to set the proper scale to allow 99 kills, too (I use to edit pilotscore in pilotdata folder to find the correct room) And last keep this line DecalMaxLOD=2 because in sf2 or sf1 last patched without it decal don't show. I hope i have helped You a little. Paolo
  2. The answer is yes x 2 .... and You have to place killmarks properly on the plane's meshes (nose, fuselage, tails or similars, according with model ...) There are some nice non-red stars killmarks to use in SF1 decals/temps d/l section if You want not use the stock ones (btw VVs & NVPAF pilots, too used red stars). If You use the stock red stars You have only to add in bottom of the decals.ini the lines You posted, changing only position. Cheers Paul
  3. The b-36 is at A Team site. But the shadows are not good with a lot of black ropes, that should be fixed. A beta tornado is avalaible, too. A b-50 is realy missing.
  4. We could fix the B-58, too. But the white box (named 'box01', I think) is inside the bomb pod, so I can't use the same tricks as B-47E .... .... so if someone don't find the way the only solution is remake that pod. These planes are quite old but realy gold and for me worth some cure. Paul
  5. B-47E SF-2 FIX



    B-47E SF-2 FIX Hi Folks, here isn't a full plane (that You can download at Colum5 here http://www.column5.us/aircraft.shtml) but only a fix for removing white crosses and tailfin issue (no material assigned). The input came from our friend Gaunt aka Imre, who reported me that noisy bug. To complete the SF-2 standard conversion I added the userlist.ini (a very very simple task indeed). You have only to put the included folder in you mod/objects/aircraft one and let overwrite. This little work is dedicated to original makers of this fantastic plane (very good for an early '50 campaign). Enjoy. Paul
  6. Wov! I never saw that roundel! It'ld be easy to make ... I wait Your tables. What about the badge on engines? Could we found it in good color picture?
  7. Bonjour (and here finish almost all my French ... ) Frank these are BAF the OOBs I have taken from Midland book: ... but You just remembered to me Hunters: I remade from TMF only 7^ Smaldeel sometimes ago, but now why to limit us? Let's make the hunters, too! Help me.
  8. Hi there. I'm making ALL strange US planes with the red star (sabres, T-33, F-84G etc.) and I think to rebuild the mig.21 lineup with new numbers made. A pair of Yak-9 (field mod + 2 mg or not) and some Pe-2 are incoming, too (but I lack numbers ...). Some people at Italian forum are working on a terrain to fly them (there are some pics of my works ...). Maybe You could join the project .. Paul
  9. Hi FrankD very proud of Your interest. Every historical addiction is always wellcome. In fact I found only wing 13 num and not the squadron and had some dubt ... but the picture was so nice. The 7th and 33th were ok? As far I know this'ld be BAF Meteor F8 full line up in 1956: 4 Smaldeel 1 Wing Bevekom 349 350 7 Smaldeel 7 Wing Chièvres 8 9 25 Smaldeel 13 Wing Brustem 29 33 If You have numbers, pictures and references we could do almost ALL (I'm a little encyclopedical ..), if You like. Please PM to me. PS: I dream about an ugly, but so nice, duck: blackfly's CF-100 Chanuck in BAF dressings, too.
  10. Meteor F.8 X 8 Skin Pack



    Meteor F.8 (TW exp.1) Skin '8' pack All historical numbers. Quite simple silver/camo dressings. 1 RDAF 4 KLU 3 BAF Simply put all in your main mod folder. I made these hoping that they could fly in our '50 campaigns ... .... and someone like them. Yours Paulopanz 17.12.10
  11. Parlando di Bagatelle e Facezie.......

    Ok ho letto il tutorialino. Ma quello è il lavoro in generale. Per la raccolta dei dati che servono come si fa città, basi, porti, impianti? La misura è latitudine/longitudine? Per le piste serve l'orientamento? Mettiamo che mi faccio carico dell'Albania ..... Paolo
  12. Parlando di Bagatelle e Facezie.......

    Dunque, dunque. Ho capito che serve aiuto ma non ho capito come potrei essere d'aiuto io. Per questo mi ero dedicato a quello che so fare: dipingere qualche aereo utile alla causa, partendo da quelli che mancano di più, gli avversari. ........... non per voler fare la frusta prima del cavallo. Se posso fare qualcos'altro c'è bisogno di una "idiot guide" (e penso possa servire a più di uno di noi .... ): Mau spiegaci di preciso cosa serve e come farlo e ci proviamo volentieri, ma spiegalo da zero perchè sinceramente io (non so Voi) non ci ho capito ancora nulla. Paolo
  13. F-86K

    Si sono bellini .... il filippo è un F e il siamese è un D. Io però volevo prima completare la linea dei Kappa.
  14. Very good done ....! Could You post the updated plane or new inis & weapons? Please. .................I was working on some 'strange' F-86D & IF-86D with red star on wings from Yugoslavia. Paul
  15. It's a dragster! Wrooooooooom!
  16. You are too kind with me Guys, .... and remember that the 3D parts addictions, that made the real difference from stock soviet Mig-19, are by our friend Alex, 'Spillone104'.
  17. F-86K

    Grazie Alex, grazie Mau. Io intanto dopo il Venezuela (!) mi dedico alla Norvegia, integrando e aggiornando l'ottimo lavoro già esistente. Stasera, da casa inserisco qualche scatto. Paolo
  18. You are right two times Svetlin: I forgot to include in the pack (I'm very sorry about this!) and they are only red top repaints of the stock ones silver and green ... I hope You like them, otherways restore the stock ones. Here You are: Tanks.rar Thank You for Your interest. Paul
  19. Parlando di Bagatelle e Facezie.......

    Si, Alex approfitto anche per chiederTi se hai anche il "richiamo del Kappone"............. nel senso del J-47. Paolo
  20. Parlando di Bagatelle e Facezie.......

    Non sono riuscito a trovare praticamente nulla sui nostri T-33. Se mi passate qualcosa non ho problemi a farli tutti (ormai ci ho preso la mano). Vi risparmio qualche altro Yugoslavo WIP (...), e vi prometto qualche Kappone. Per il resto mi pare che l'effetto del nuovo scenario sia più che buono. Piuttosto avete selezionato le basi da inserire? Per le stelle filanti poi basterà citofonare ad Alex ... Paolo
  21. Parlando di Bagatelle e Facezie.......

    Anch'io da toscano, italiano. Ma gli avversari per gli Starfighter qualcuno deve pur farli
  22. F-100D Armée de l'Air complete

    Version 1.1


    F-100D Armée de l'Air I started this mod of stock SF-2 F-100D to upgrade old TMF SF-1 as we needed it for SF-2 EU campaigns. It took me so far that with a big help from Ludo, who made ALL the historical numbers, so ALL squadrons were made in silver and/or camo. - 1/3 Navarre (silver) - 2/3 Champagne (silver) - 1/11 Roussillon (silver & camo) - 2/11 Vosges (silver & 2 camo) - 3/11 Corse (silver) - 4/11 Jura (2 camo) The refuel probe is deleted but if You'ld want to install (as in loading screen) simply use included alternative F-100D-FR_DATA(Refuel).ini. As a tribute to TMF I included original readme of SF 1 model. That's all. Paulopanz
  23. Parlando di Bagatelle e Facezie.......

    Ragazzi, questi ve li devo proprio fare vedere ..... tanto per popolare i cieli del Friuli Addestramento Traino Bersagli Ora mancano solo gli RT-33 ed i TV-2. Ho anche un Pakistano discreto (ma mi mancano i seriali). Se avete quelli italiani ......
  24. Parlando di Bagatelle e Facezie.......

    Mau, qui c'è veramente da sbizzarrisi .... con tutte le nostre basi, per me è ottimo. .... A dire il vero non ero sugli F-6 albanesi ma su queste meraviglie nuove di pacca ... .... ci servono anche gli RT-33 ed i TV-2 (non so in cosa differiscano dal tipo base: la JRV li ebbe di seconda mano dall'US NAVY). Grazie Enrico. Paolo
  25. Shenyang F-6/F-6C Pack

    Version 1.5


    Shenyang F-6/F-6C One year ago Spillone104 (Alex) and I started this mod. I kept it in my pocket for a long time but now it's time to share. Every known (by me) squadron was made. The skins are mine, the 3D work and sounds are by Alex. The pack includes 4 versions (due the fake pilot by Fast cargo system used): - F-6 (12 skins) - F-6 green (4 skins) - F-6C (6 skins) - F-6C camo (6 skins) All from Pakistan except one from Bangladesh. All historical serial numbers included. To install: all in main mod folder as usual. I hope You will enjoy it as We enjoied making. Paulopanz 1.5 = If You have a previous install you can overwrite previous install. Working on ground canopy (auto closing at take off) key=0. Next step: PLAAF J-6 family

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