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Everything posted by paulopanz

  1. Take a look here .... http://www.forgottenjets.warbirdsresourcegroup.org/ A gold mine.
  2. A quiet week end over Suez ... Something is brand new (wet paint) .....
  3. I really like it. Two little things to upgrade your work: 1. the brefing room lacks map, I don't know if this issue could be fixed, but I think could be great having map on the wall! 2. the "option" about no arcade cones or target pinpoints, should be an option I think ... so a clean install and optional files I think should be better. (I like having cones and target highlights ....) Anyway a big thank you mate!
  4. Armstrong Whitworth Meteor NF.12

    Version 1.0.0


    As radar technology developed, a new Meteor night fighter was developed to use the improved US-built APS-21 system. The NF.12 first flew on 21 April 1953. It was similar to the NF 11 but had a nose section 17 inches (43 cm) longer; the fin was enlarged to compensate for the greater keel area of the enlarged nose and to counter the airframe reaction to the "wig-wag" scan of the radar which affected the gunsighting, an anti-tramp motor operating on the rudder was fitted midway up the front leading edge of the fin. The NF.12 also had the new Rolls-Royce Derwent 9 engines and the wings were reinforced to handle the new engine. Deliveries of the NF.12 started in 1953, with the type entering squadron service in early 1954, equipping seven squadrons (Nos 85, 25, 152, 46, 72, 153 and 64); the aircraft was replaced over 1958–1959. What's in: - a new plane - 12 RAF skins 12 - pilot, weapons, sounds - all planes built serials 100 Credits: - Vetro 2k: original T.7 model - Yakarov79: nightfigher upgrade - paulopanz: skins, decals etc Operations: - key 10 canopy open Enjoy! @paulopanz
  5. View File Armstrong Whitworth Meteor NF.12 As radar technology developed, a new Meteor night fighter was developed to use the improved US-built APS-21 system. The NF.12 first flew on 21 April 1953. It was similar to the NF 11 but had a nose section 17 inches (43 cm) longer; the fin was enlarged to compensate for the greater keel area of the enlarged nose and to counter the airframe reaction to the "wig-wag" scan of the radar which affected the gunsighting, an anti-tramp motor operating on the rudder was fitted midway up the front leading edge of the fin. The NF.12 also had the new Rolls-Royce Derwent 9 engines and the wings were reinforced to handle the new engine. Deliveries of the NF.12 started in 1953, with the type entering squadron service in early 1954, equipping seven squadrons (Nos 85, 25, 152, 46, 72, 153 and 64); the aircraft was replaced over 1958–1959. What's in: - a new plane - 12 RAF skins 12 - pilot, weapons, sounds - all planes built serials 100 Credits: - Vetro 2k: original T.7 model - Yakarov79: nightfigher upgrade - paulopanz: skins, decals etc Operations: - key 10 canopy open Enjoy! @paulopanz Submitter paulopanz Submitted 01/11/2019 Category Meteor  
  6. ... and you had a perfect stranger flyng around Very nice to test your missions
  7. The Snoopy was removed, as I remember, mostly because it wasn't possible to set it with terrains or nations ... So you could find a stranger plane in an odd place and you could not avoid that. Never fixed, never put again in game.
  8. F-101B VooDoo. SF.2 2019 Redux.

    A comprensive F-101B Voodoo Encyclopedia by Squadron. Great.
  9. Non solo Lockeed / Aeritalia F-104S

    F-104S ASA 36° Stormo XXII° Gruppo Caccia Intercettori
  10. Non solo Lockeed / Aeritalia F-104S

    .... e qualche caccia-bombardiere
  11. Non solo Lockeed / Aeritalia F-104S

    Questi sono "i miei". Anno 1990 A.D. sopra Albinia (GR) in un combattimento simulato ebbero la meglio sugli F-15 e Grosseto mantenne la Classe "A" tra le basi NATO ... bei tempi.
  12. This is my first time with WWII planes, but I was little boried to fly over the A.O.I. (fantastic having this forgotten campaign to fly!) with US Amarillo serials. So here we are: Capitano Mario Visintini 16 vittorie, medaglia d'oro al valor militare alla memoria 412^ Squadriglia autonoma ... col suo gregario
  13. View File Schweizer Luftwaffe F-5/F Tiger II This is a remod of original F-5E/F-5E Sharknose by Mirage Factory and BPAO made for SF1 and my previous SF-2 skins and F-5F by FastCargo WHAT'S IN: - 3 planes - 17 skins - 100 + historical serial numbers CREDITS: - original models F-5E (Mirage Factory, BPAO: see original readme) F-5F (Fastcargo) - RWR parts for F-5E 79 (Spillone104) - skins, decals, screens etc. (paulopanz) OPERATIONS: - key 10 canopy open / autoclosing at take off Enjoy! @paulopanz PS: Fake Pilot needed, as Fake News not included! Submitter paulopanz Submitted 12/28/2018 Category F-5  
  14. Non solo Lockeed / Aeritalia F-104S

    Eh si magari
  15. Non solo Lockeed / Aeritalia F-104S

    Un aggiornamento di quelli esistenti Pierre
  16. NF-104 tanks?

    The SF-2 model has built in tanks, so you need to delete them. Here the working data.ini NF-104A_DATA.7z
  17. Embraer EMB 314 Super Tucano (Beta)

    Hey mate, what about a Tucano (without super) too?
  18. RT-33A Reduxe

    Great one Carlo!
  19. Su-25 Paran Air Force

    Version 1.0


    Hi there, I never made a what if skin, even a Dhimari or Paran one, as I alway prefer real ones, and Spinners is far better than me using fantasy ...... But Stratos asked for this one. I hope he/you will like it and use in a campaign one of these days. @paulopanz
  20. Armstrong Whitworth Meteor NF.13

    Version 1.0.0


    Tropicalised version of the NF.11 to replace the Mosquito NF.36 for service with 39 Squadron in Malta and Cyprus and 219 Squadron based in Egypt. The first of 40 production aircraft built by Armstrong Whitworth was first flown on 21 December 1952. Former Royal Air Force aircraft were later sold to Egypt (6 aircraft), France (2 aircraft), Israel (6 aircraft) and Syria (6 aircraft). What's in: - a new plane - 13 RAF, EAF, AA, *IDF, SyAF skins - pilot, weapons, sounds - all planes built serials Credits: - Vetro 2k: original T.7 model - Yakarov79: nightfigher upgrade, *IDF Skins from IDF Meteors pack - paulopanz: skins, decals, screens etc Operations: - key 10 canopy open Enjoy! @paulopanz
  21. View File Armstrong Whitworth Meteor NF.11 Although based on the T.7 twin seater, it used the fuselage and tail of the F.8, and the longer wings of the F.3. An extended nose contained the AI Mk 10 (the 1940s Westinghouse SCR-720) Air Intercept radar. As a consequence the 20 mm cannons were moved into the wings, outboard of the engines. A ventral fuel tank and wing mounted drop tanks completed the Armstrong Whitworth Meteor NF.11 268 RAF, 25 BAF, 20 RDAF, 41 AA What's in: - a new plane - 27 RAF, BAF, AA, RDAF skins - pilot, weapons, sounds - all planes built serials Credits: - Vetro 2k: original T.7 model - Yakarov79: nightfigher upgrade modelling - paulopanz: skins, decals etc Operations: - key 10 canopy open Enjoy! @paulopanz Submitter paulopanz Submitted 10/03/2018 Category Meteor  

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