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Everything posted by paulopanz

  1. File Name: RF-84F Thunderflash KLU File Submitter: paulopanz File Submitted: 25 August 2014 File Category: F-84 The Republic F-84F Thunderstreak was an American-built swept-wing turbojet fighter-bomber. While an evolutionary development of the straight-wing F-84 Thunderjet, the F-84F was a new design. N. 24 planes were delivered to KLU and served from 1955 to 1963. What's in: - 2 new skins (camo) [good for NATO fighters campaigns] - Historical decalsets; Credits: - Soulfreak - Templates; - Paulopanz - Skins & Decals; Install: - all mod folder content in your mod install - overwrite That's all Enjoy @ paulopanz (*) Pics made using new Stary's Sarcasm 2.0 Beta !!! Click here to download this file
  2. Days of Thunder(streak)s Vol. 4 - AMI

    Version 1.0


    194 F-84F served with Italian Air Force (Aeronautica Militare Italiana) in 3 Aerobrigate, later 3 Stormi and 8 gruppi, from 1955 to 1972: 5^ A.B. 101° Gruppo "lampo" 1957-1964(*) 1966-1967 102° Gruppo "luce" 1956-1964 103° Gruppo "guizzo" 1956-1958 6^ A.B. 154° Gruppo "freccia" 1955-1963 155° Gruppo "pante" 1956-1967 156° Gruppo "lince" 1956-1966 51^ A.B. 21° Gruppo "tigre" 1956-1959 22° Gruppo "grifo" 1956-1959 8° Stormo 101° Gruppo "lampo" 1967-1970 36° Stormo 156° Gruppo "lince" 1966-1970 50° Stormo 155° Gruppo "pante" 1967-1972 (*) in 1965 this unit was equipped with F-104G and in 1966 reverted on F-84F What's in: - 16 upgraded/edited Hig Rez Skins - all historical serial numbers done Credits: - Ludo: Templates - References: Thunder Tricolori - Luigino Caliaro - paulopanz: SkinWorks Install: - all in your mod folder Note: - You Need Days of Thunder(streak)s Vol. 1 to fly the plane During A.B. era 1955-1967 1-30 numbers were for 1st gruppo; 31-60 for 2nd gruppo; 61-90 3rd gruppo. From pics this seems not always true. So I decided to not implement. If you like to divide among groups the serials this is the 5^ A.B. example in texture.ini editing. 154-6AER-55 [TextureSet] Name=154°Gruppo, 6^ Aerobrigata "freccia" Nation=Italy Squadron=154°Gruppo StartDefaultDate=1955 Specular=1.000000 Glossiness=0.500000 Reflection=0.600000 DecalNumberRandomize=TRUE DecalNumberBlockSize=40 DecalNumberStart=0 DecalNumberEnd=12 155-6AER-56 [TextureSet] Name=155°Gruppo, 6^ Aerobrigata "pante" Nation=Italy Squadron=155°Gruppo StartDefaultDate=//1956 Specular=1.000000 Glossiness=0.500000 Reflection=0.600000 DecalNumberRandomize=TRUE DecalNumberBlockSize=40 DecalNumberStart=13 DecalNumberEnd=30 156-6AER-56 [TextureSet] Name=156°Gruppo, 6^ Aerobrigata "lince" Nation=Italy Squadron=156°Gruppo StartDefaultDate=//1957 Specular=1.000000 Glossiness=0.500000 Reflection=0.600000 DecalNumberRandomize=TRUE DecalNumberBlockSize=40 DecalNumberStart=31 DecalNumberEnd=39 Enjoy! @paulopanz
  3. File Name: RF-84F Thunderflash RDAF File Submitter: paulopanz File Submitted: 21 August 2014 File Category: F-84 The Republic F-84F Thunderstreak was an American-built swept-wing turbojet fighter-bomber. While an evolutionary development of the straight-wing F-84 Thunderjet, the F-84F was a new design. N. 23 planes were delivered to RDAF and served from 1957 to 1971 What's in: - 3 new skins (1 silver; 2 camo); - Historical decalsets; Credits: - Soulfreak - Templates; - Ole Nikolajsen - History & Album of RDAF; - Paulopanz - Skins & Decals; Install: - all mod folder content in your mod install - overwrite That's all Enjoy @ paulopanz Click here to download this file
  4. RF-84F Thunderflash RDAF

    Version 1.0


    The Republic F-84F Thunderstreak was an American-built swept-wing turbojet fighter-bomber. While an evolutionary development of the straight-wing F-84 Thunderjet, the F-84F was a new design. N. 23 planes were delivered to RDAF and served from 1957 to 1971 What's in: - 3 new skins (1 silver; 2 camo); - Historical decalsets; Credits: - Soulfreak - Templates; - Ole Nikolajsen - History & Album of RDAF; - Paulopanz - Skins & Decals; Install: - all mod folder content in your mod install - overwrite That's all Enjoy @ paulopanz
  5. Info WOE

    Guarda nella sezione di Sf-1. Ci sono cockpits per tutti i gusti: dal mig-21 al mig-23. Segui le istruzioni ed è fatta.
  6. Tk is almost gone. Not Sf-2. This is the first time I know that a quite popular product is left and abandon from its maker .... Many people is making tablet/pc games but not Tk. He left Pc at all. R.I.P. So Sf-2 is ours now.
  7. Version 1.1


    This pack is a TW DLC enhancement. So it's needed to work. WHAT'S IN: stock F-8E (FN): Prototype, 14F Grey skin New F-8P (FN): 2 blue skins, special Dernier Catapultage skin; dedicated numbers OPERATIONS: - Key 10 cockpit - key 9 wingfold (*) both animations are automatically closed at take off REFERENCES: - Gaëtan Marie: LTV F-8E(FN) Crusader CREDITS: - Denis Oliveira 3D parts - Coupi F-8P avionics & Cockpit aspect (V. 1.1) - Paulopanz skins, decals, data.ini edits INSTALL: - all in main mod folder Enjoy @ Paulopanz PS: we need a good Clemenceau/Foch carrier class
  8. Ultimamente ho trovato una miniera d'oro di seriali/numeri di reparto e mi sono imbattuto in due volumi interessanti di Luigino Caliaro "I caccia italiani della serie 80" e "thunder tricolori" .... Così ho cominciato a dedicarmi alla nostra aeronautica militare. F-84F WIPS (RF-84F, F-84G, F-86E a seguire) se qualcuno fosse in possesso di materiale soprattutto decals o immagini ogni aiuto è bene accetto ..... Ci siete?
  9. Tuoni, Lampi, Fulmini,Sciabole e Saette

    F-84F Thunderstreak: presente (i numeri nelle porte frontali del carrello dell'8° Stormo 68 sono stati aggiunti grazie a Kodiak, l'uomo dei lods)
  10. File Name: RF-84F Thunderflash AMI File Submitter: paulopanz File Submitted: 15 August 2014 File Category: F-84 Il Republic F-84F Thunderstreak è stato un turbogetto statunitense con ala a frecccia e compiti di caccia-bombardiere. Nonostante fosse un'evoluzione del F-84 Thunderjet con ala dritta, l'F-84F fu un nuovo progetto. Il RF-84F Thunderflash era una versione da ricognizione fotografica. L'A.M.I. ricevette 78 macchine e le usò operativamente dal 1955 al 1973. Cosa abbiamo: - 3 nuove livree; - Decals storici; - Apertura tettuccio animazione 10, chiusura automatica al decollo, aperto se parcheggiato; - loadout.tga; - AMI Service & Mod Notes Crediti: - Stefano Steve "S" - livrea Originale 18° Gruppo per SF-1; - Wrench/Eburger68 - precedenti modifiche ai files.ini; - Luigino caliaro - Thunder Tricolori; - http://www.millionmonkeytheater.com/ForgottenJets.html - Seriali; - Paulopanz - livree & Decals; Installazione: - mettere tutto il contenuto della cartella "mod" nell'installazione prescelta; - sovrascrivere; E' tutto. Divertitevi. @ paulopanz ======================================================================================== The Republic F-84F Thunderstreak was an American-built swept-wing turbojet fighter-bomber. While an evolutionary development of the straight-wing F-84 Thunderjet, the F-84F was a new design.The RF-84F Thunderflash was a photo reconnaissance version N. 78 planes delivered to A.M.I. and served from 1955 to 1973. What's in: - 3 new skins; - Historical decalsets; - open canopy 10 key, automatic closing at take off, paking open. - loadout.tga; - AMI Service & Mod Notes; Credits: - Stefano Steve "S" - Original SF-1 18° Gruppo Skin; - Wrench/Eburger68 - previous ini edits and tweak; - Luigino caliaro - Thunder Tricolori book; - http://www.millionmonkeytheater.com/ForgottenJets.html - Serials; - Paulopanz - Skins & Decals; Install: - all mod folder content in your mod install - overwrite That's all Enjoy @ paulopanz Click here to download this file
  11. RF-84F Thunderflash AMI

    Version 1.0


    Il Republic F-84F Thunderstreak è stato un turbogetto statunitense con ala a frecccia e compiti di caccia-bombardiere. Nonostante fosse un'evoluzione del F-84 Thunderjet con ala dritta, l'F-84F fu un nuovo progetto. Il RF-84F Thunderflash era una versione da ricognizione fotografica. L'A.M.I. ricevette 78 macchine e le usò operativamente dal 1955 al 1973. Cosa abbiamo: - 3 nuove livree; - Decals storici; - Apertura tettuccio animazione 10, chiusura automatica al decollo, aperto se parcheggiato; - loadout.tga; - AMI Service & Mod Notes Crediti: - Stefano Steve "S" - livrea Originale 18° Gruppo per SF-1; - Wrench/Eburger68 - precedenti modifiche ai files.ini; - Luigino caliaro - Thunder Tricolori; - http://www.millionmonkeytheater.com/ForgottenJets.html - Seriali; - Paulopanz - livree & Decals; Installazione: - mettere tutto il contenuto della cartella "mod" nell'installazione prescelta; - sovrascrivere; E' tutto. Divertitevi. @ paulopanz ======================================================================================== The Republic F-84F Thunderstreak was an American-built swept-wing turbojet fighter-bomber. While an evolutionary development of the straight-wing F-84 Thunderjet, the F-84F was a new design.The RF-84F Thunderflash was a photo reconnaissance version N. 78 planes delivered to A.M.I. and served from 1955 to 1973. What's in: - 3 new skins; - Historical decalsets; - open canopy 10 key, automatic closing at take off, paking open. - loadout.tga; - AMI Service & Mod Notes; Credits: - Stefano Steve "S" - Original SF-1 18° Gruppo Skin; - Wrench/Eburger68 - previous ini edits and tweak; - Luigino caliaro - Thunder Tricolori book; - http://www.millionmonkeytheater.com/ForgottenJets.html - Serials; - Paulopanz - Skins & Decals; Install: - all mod folder content in your mod install - overwrite That's all Enjoy @ paulopanz
  12. Tuoni, Lampi, Fulmini,Sciabole e Saette

    RF-84F Questi sono in arrivo ... per gli F-84F sto aspettando un lod per capire dove mettere alcuni numeri. Gli F-84G sono fatti, ma mi piacerebbe poter avere anche i pochi RF-84G della 3^ A.B. Siate vigili ma non urbani .....
  13. Denis: that's what I was looking for ..... ..... an IRAQI and ARA versions too would be very welcome.
  14. Well, my friends, Tk (aka TW) left us. Now he plays with silly game phones .... but I'm very happy for his new job. So DCS could be a good place to continue our hobby. But, as far I know, the only terrain available is Georgia (Wingsoverisrael can be very happy ..) and planes seem to me - I could be wrong - quite always those from lock on or flaming cliffs ..... They made a fantastic P-51D and are making a superb F-86F ..... but what we can do with them? This is a modern simulation with a WWII and a Korea age plane to fly .... a nonsense for me. If they want to grow - I think - a more popular terrain should me made (Vietnam, Middle east, Europe, Korea ....) and many more plane of the same age too. About WWII I think there isn't no future: IL-2 serie and next IL-2 Stalingrad will prevale. So a fantastic Fw-190D-9 Dora could not be the right thing to develop this sim. For a jet age sim Tk seems left the scene and could be room .... but this is not the way to go on. No joy, in fact, to fight a P-51 or an F-86 with an F-15 over Georgia. I have DCS/FC3 but I'll not buy such add-ons. This is only my humle opinion and excuse me for my bad (italian) english. So I will go back to my SF2 brushes, waiting for realy DCS good news. Have a good summer! Paul
  15. Volker, I'm sure You will be back in action very soon! We wait for You!
  16. Tuoni, Lampi, Fulmini,Sciabole e Saette

    Grazie Ragazzi @ Antonio: Prima di dipingere un modello c'è tutto uno studio ed una ricerca di materiale da fare. Per me è parte integrante del divertimento. Attualmente (oltre al Magister da rifinire) il mio interesse è sugli F-84/86. In futuro chissà. @ Alex: Manda tutto quello che hai. Sto rifacendo tutte le code del 154 155 156 gruppo. Troppo grandi gli inserti colorati.
  17. S.O. 4050 Vautour IIA

    Version 1.0


    The Sud Aviation (SNCASO) S.O. 4050 Vautour II was a French bomber, interceptor, and attack aircraft used by the Armée de l'Air (AdA). Vautour is the French word for vulture. S.O. 4050 Vautour IIA: Single-seat, long-range attack aircraft, armed with cannon and bombs (carried internally or on four underwing pylons) Not operational in France (13 planes only for testings), it was widely used by Israel (17+2 planes sold) by No. 110 Squadron "Abi-rei Ha-Tsa-fon" - The Knights of the North. What's in: - 5 historical correct skins/decals by year (original Wilco reworked and SF2NA upgraded) - 1 New IDF Camo skin - 1 New historical AdA silver skin with proper, correct decalset - cockpit, pilot, patches for stock skins - Screens and images - some ini tweakings - only reading aircraft.ini file and restore file for afterpatching use Credits: - Model TW - F-86D Cockpit: Sabre Dog Team - IAF 50s/60s Pilot: Wrench & PappyCheckSix - original IDF skins Wilco - new ones, upgrades and new decals me Install: all in main mod folder. Enjoy @paulopanz PS: These Vautours are mainly for Starfighter2 who asked me long time ago. At last we have them my friend.
  18. Contiamoci!

  19. SF2 KAW F2H-2 Banshee Tweeks Pak -for Razbam Banshees

    That's what i was thinking at ..... if only Raz (as promised ...) cutted those ugly ropes/spikes .......!!!
  20. File Name: USS Coontz (*) File Submitter: paulopanz File Submitted: 06 March 2013 File Category: Destroyers The Farragut class was the second destroyer class of the United States Navy to be named for Admiral David Glasgow Farragut. The class is sometimes referred to as the Coontz class, since Coontz was first to be designed and built as a guided missile ship, whereas the previous three ships were designed as all-gun units and converted later. Ten Farragut-class ships were ordered between 1955 and 1957. Each ship displaced 5,800 tons under full load, with a length of 512 feet (156 m), a 52-foot (16 m) beam and a top speed of 33 knots (61 km/h). Originally commissioned as guided missile frigates (DLG), they were redesignated as guided missile destroyers (DDG) under the fleet realignment in 1975. They were also the only redesignated ships to be renumbered as well under the realignment, with the first unit changing from DLG-6 to DDG-37 and all subsequent vessels being renumbered upwards in order. All ships of the class were decommissioned between 1989 and 1994 and subsequently scrapped. What's in: - a whole working escort class SF-2 ready for Vietnam era scenarios - numbers/names decalset (*) You need YAP to grab the lod file CREDITS: - Yankee Air Pirate (needed) - Paulopanz SF-2 porting & new decals - Colmack for missiles put in place INSTALL: - extract the rar - take Coontz2.lod in GroundObject/DLG-9 folder from your Yap WoV install - put it inside GroundObject/Coontz extracted folder - put all in your main mod folder enjoy @paulopanz Click here to download this file
  21. T-6A Texan II HAF

    Paulo (not Carlo): very well done! Make more.
  22. USS Coontz (*)

    Version 1.1


    The Farragut class was the second destroyer class of the United States Navy to be named for Admiral David Glasgow Farragut. The class is sometimes referred to as the Coontz class, since Coontz was first to be designed and built as a guided missile ship, whereas the previous three ships were designed as all-gun units and converted later. Ten Farragut-class ships were ordered between 1955 and 1957. Each ship displaced 5,800 tons under full load, with a length of 512 feet (156 m), a 52-foot (16 m) beam and a top speed of 33 knots (61 km/h). Originally commissioned as guided missile frigates (DLG), they were redesignated as guided missile destroyers (DDG) under the fleet realignment in 1975. They were also the only redesignated ships to be renumbered as well under the realignment, with the first unit changing from DLG-6 to DDG-37 and all subsequent vessels being renumbered upwards in order. All ships of the class were decommissioned between 1989 and 1994 and subsequently scrapped. What's in: - a whole working escort class SF-2 ready for Vietnam era scenarios - numbers/names decalset (*) You need YAP to grab the lod file CREDITS: - Yankee Air Pirate (needed) - Paulopanz SF-2 porting & new decals - Colmack for missiles put in place INSTALL: - extract the rar - take Coontz2.lod in GroundObject/DLG-9 folder from your Yap WoV install - put it inside GroundObject/Coontz extracted folder - put all in your main mod folder enjoy @paulopanz
  23. View File DH Venom The de Havilland DH 112 Venom was a British postwar single-engined jet aircraft developed from the de Havilland Vampire. It served with the Royal Air Force as a single-seat fighter-bomber and two-seat night fighter. The Venom was an interim between the first generation of British jet fighters – straight-wing aircraft powered by centrifugal flow engines such as the Gloster Meteor and the Vampire and later swept wing, axial flow-engined designs such as the Hawker Hunter and de Havilland Sea Vixen. The Venom was successfully exported, and saw service with Iraq, New Zealand, Sweden, Switzerland and Venezuela. Model: Pasko Flight Model: Starfighter2 Skins: Gramps 1st upgrade: Wrench SF2 edition: - Skins, ini editings etc. Paulopanz - New FM, 2 alternative cockpits Baffmeister (see own readme) - Sound, testings & tweaking Spillone104 - testings Spitwulf - AMI 'archeological quest' Spitwulf - RNZAF skin by dtmdragon What's In: - 12 RAF Skins - 3 RAF Suez Skins - 5 Swiss Skins - 1 Venezuela Skin - 1 IRAQI Skin - 1 A.M.I. PREVIEW here: http://forum.combata...56225-dh-venom/ TO INSTALL: Put everything into main mod folder. 3 cockpit choice: - Meteor Exp.1 default Baffmeister's options: - A-4 modded rename venom_cockpit(2) and use - Pulquì (Foxmonter's) adapted rename venom_cockpit(3) and use N.B. If You don't use the last You could delete whole cockpit folder That's all folks! Paul Submitter paulopanz Submitted 06/03/2010 Category Other  
  24. DH Venom

    You are right cowboy! It seems I missed them in some upgrade and I unluckly haven't a backup copy ..... No problem with roundels but before redo the serial numbers anyone has them please? Thanks in advance.
  25. No news bad news

    Antonio, Tk left this sim an year ago, selling out all unfinished planes, except - maybee - some Mirage IIIE. Now he make silly $$$$ android phone games. Good luck! This is bad but now we have a fixed platform to use, instead of all those unstable patches .... The modding communiy went mostly on WWII planes and we are going to have one of the most complete WWII plane collection ever. Many people were in love with DCS but there are few planes, one terrain and no great modding possibilities (this is my parsonal opinion) so I think they are falling back to SF2. No many new great planes? I think not: the Mirage F.1 of exp. 3 (waporware) is here .... The most needed magister is coming the MiG-25, Su-17 and so on ... The community has lost a lot of energy in redoing too much model I tink ... but the quality now is high. About carriers you are right, but I hope that something new will arrive. No other sim like this. So be confident my friend. Paolo

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