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Everything posted by paulopanz

  1. So You read my mind my friend ....
  2. Waitng for Cocas this weekend I had some fishing .....3 postcards from far east .... let me introduce You new born Tu-16KS "Badger-B" with Kometa cruise missiles working. I planned Soviet, Auri, EAF and IrAF skins.
  3. ..... and to use on flatops decks as SF-2NA needs: A) Add these lines in your F3H-2M_Data.ini [MissionData] NationName=USN ServiceStartYear=1956 ServiceEndYear=1964 AircraftRole=FIGHTER AircraftCapability=DAY_AND_NIGHT Availability=COMMON Exported=FALSE PrimaryRoles=SWEEP,INTERCEPT SecondaryRoles=ESCORT,CAP NormalMissionRadius=800 MaxMissionRadius=950 Ceiling=13000 MinBaseSize=MEDIUM CarrierBased=TRUE CarrierParkSpan=7.97 <---------------------------- CarrierParkAnimationID=6 <---------------------- B) Change these parmeters in your F3H-2M.ini to show shadows on the carrier deck [shadow] CastShadow=TRUE ShadowCastDist=10000 MaxVisibleDistance=800 Happy navy!
  4. Thank You very much! I was going to ask You for this upgrade, now i hope You will make the same job for Slava class, too!
  5. We lack Greek letters, my friend .... they are 3 words often written as 2, usually readed as a one ... because they explain the same concept, ruling from Omerus to George Lucas. I try this way: Kalòs k(ai) Agathòs = Beautiful and Good. It's the idea of hero. In fact the main caracter in each poem, book or film is always handsome and right .... I only mean You made a very nice and needed job. Next time I'll post this way
  6. "kaloskagazòs" [once upon a time I studied very hard ancient greek ....] I was so bored with that old stock splash screen .... very well done.
  7. As all Razbam's works it's not up to date. Many black tractor beams are under the wings! So as for prowler, intruder etc. it's only the cockpit that will be usable ..... when a new better banshhe will be done. I think (and wrote) that it's a shame for a payware product leave it and its costumers without any assistance.
  8. Those damned black ropes not ever show them. But if You set noon and clear in mission parameters they realy have few chances to hide. The mission editor isn't SF-2NA updated (Tk said). The only way to put in is saving mission and file with text editor. But if You set a single mission in '50 You will see many numbered escort Fletchers around an essex carrier! About post war ships they had different masts and little weapon changes. We had 4 in Italian navy. But quite all free world navies had them. I don't know almost anything about 3D modelling (I'm only a painter) but Your Fletcher is realy very good and I'ld like very much having it swimming in all post war scenarios we will have. So maybe it worths a try .....
  9. This could be useful for other old mods upgrades, as it doesn't seem always an easy job. As I'm mostly interested in post war fletchers, including those sold to many navies around the world and this is a late war ship dress, could You plan a post war edited Fletcher, maybe adding a flag, too? I'ld be happy to help in dressing.
  10. The Fletcher now rocks! BTW the names file in the pack is a .txt file and not an .ini one so I think that can't properly work. [the USS Fletcher code num was 445 and not 623]
  11. Well I'm not a 3D artist who can find solutions for such quite common issue ... BTW I can tell what i've seen Ravenclaw on Buc and Timmy on Lansen saved the lod with decals. Veltro on new, revamped yet in the works Javelin cutted the mesh. Such issues were solved. As I can't do it so I can't tell You how to do tha,t but sure they are able to explain if needed.
  12. No, as on the original, only one seacat is working now ..... tomorrow never knows
  13. This is the issue explained. It's very common on Hinch's ships and Cocas is going to solve, I hope, on Leander family frigates.
  14. But let's go back on the flat tops ... HMS Centaur HMS Bulwark HMS Victorious HMS Eagle And a perfect working Leander batch 2 waiting for map issue fix from Doctor Cocas!
  15. You're right my friend. I always sleep by the way as my nights are mostly asleep , due 4 female but ugly students and their relative boyfriends, who live in upper appartment than mine. I'm not joking. They wasted my life in last 2 years but in couple of weeks they will leave and a two nice old people will arrive. So even if I will not make so many skins as in last times I realy hope for more sleeping.
  16. My pleasure, Sir. Here two more WIPs. USS Fletcher first repaint [note the decal mapping issue at midship] BAP Palacios (DM-73) [this updated Daring should need Exocet laucher]
  17. Yes I sent a pm to him this afternoon .....
  18. The Fletcher and the Cavalier have the same mapping issue than leanders, county and type-42. To add decals we need source files to solve. I hope Hinch will see our messages ....
  19. Properly upgrading the Iowa is a task far from my own capacity. I only made she work in SF-2NA. I'll be glad if needed to help her original makers to sail the Iceland sea. So it's only a picture of an escort vessel i put on the fray. i'm workin' only on british destroyers and frigates as on all the carriers I can immagine. Any help should be wellcome.
  20. No I'm not there. I left a comment here at CA. We mostly need his County Class and Type 42 destroyers Max files only to fix mapping issues and add decals. ..... maybe could You ask him? PS Rework started on Leanders.
  21. Here http://combatace.com/files/file/12012-idiot-team-iowa-class-battleship-80s/ but it needs to be upgraded to SF-2NA standard.
  22. Roger! As many items by Hinch (who can't receive PMs) need some upgrades (mapping) if he or someone has max files (es. Type 42 or County class ....) please pm me.
  23. An old lady ..... ..... and some updated big guns

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