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About TheCameraGuy

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  1. I see. So i guess I'll just have to tweak my audio settings then. Thanks a lot for the help you guys. :)
  2. alright sorry, scratch that last post. what i meant was the type of fly-by sound you can hear in The Recordist website. or maybe someone can edit the dll. so that there will be a separate fly-by sound.
  3. Ah yes, something like that. That external engine sound is what i'm looking for. and yes, i can hear the rumble too. here's what i meant. <BR><BR>[EDIT] oops sorry, it was in mp3 format.
  4. yup i think that's what it's called... the low rumble lingers long after the jet has passed by. is there any way to enhance the effect other than turning up the bass volume?
  5. Hmm, i don't think so, because i do get engine sounds, but they don't seem to have that 'unique' fly-by sound, like you know, maybe on FSX or even youtube, when you see those jets flying by - the low jet rumbles can always be heard.
  6. Hi everyone! Recently i was wondering... and realised that when viewing a plane in the [F10] mode, there isn't any sort of 'fly-by' sound. So i thought it would be more awesome and immersive if there are sounds for plane fly-bys. As far as i know, there will be some dll. editing needed to make the plane produce its own fly-by sound. It would be great if anyone is interested in this. Thanks!
  7. does it contain singapore and the malay peninsula? I'd be stoked to hear that it does actually. ^_^
  8. SF1 WoE. with the october patch installed. :)
  9. oohh hahah my bad. it's 480-gallon, sorry. anyway i also tried to add the 480- via weapon editor but to no avail - still can't load it onto the Bug. :(
  10. hey there guys! i have a little problem. i can't load the 300-gallon fuel tanks anywhere on the E and the F Hornet. also they aren't visible on the 'Quantity left' screen. Any solutions? It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! :)
  11. Hello there and thank you for making the F-15SG mod. It's super awesome, really. However i encountered i little problem. I noticed that there's an extra pilot sitting under the fuselage, just behind the centreline fuel tank. Is there anyway to remove it? Thanks :)

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