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Posts posted by jimgad

  1. Thanks Broadside...nostalgic as hell...its been many years since i DID play Wings.....but as soon as that intro started I was straight back there again! The part that always stuck with ME for some reason was that French accordion music played in the mess hall as the diary indicated losing people....that, and the graveyard procession at the end...which I saw FAR too many times!

  2. Sheesh....I give thanks to the creators, and discover in the space of a few hours that I've joined a community! Just gets better and better..... ;)

    I'll certainly check in on the multi player team speak channel Vasco...... and my hometown Olham is London, UK.

    And to everyone else...thanks for making me welcome....it's much appreciated.

  3. Hiya, nice post.

    I find myself in a similar situation. I have been interested in WW1 flying since the 1980's. I used to spend hours and hours playing TSR's Dawn Patrol. Then got busy with life after school and college. The advent of pc's games came about, and then RB3 for me. Since then, I haven't really played many decent WW1 flying sims, kind of been a glut of them. I have ordered OFF and am excitedly waiting for it in the post!


    Trust me....you won't be disappointed! Once I'm a little more au fait with the controls, it's going to HAVE to be multiplayer! (and divorce could threaten at that rate! ;)

  4. Just blown away. Early days, and I know I'll have issues....but.....

    I've carried an interest in WW1 aviation since childhood. My "claim to fame" at school was naming the top 5 aces of each combatant country, complete with victory tally. (Never got many dates with that skill...but you go with what you have...;)

    As i got older, I started to appreciate the possibilities of computers and waited for the WW1 flying sim to allow my imagination to take flight.

    I recall an old Spectrum game......very basic..... followed by a Cinemaware product that was heavy on atmosphere, and infuriating in it's arcade section where progress depended on shooting trenches. BUT...the way the music evoked and the "journal" added to the immersion, still stays with me.

    On to Red Baron....and I always assumed that to be the best I'd manage.

    Until now......

    OFF BH&H arrived this morning......I spent a time upgrading the comp with the new card I bought for the occasion...along with the memory sticks. Struggled into the install......begrudgingly walked the dog...and finally....30 minutes ago, found myself sat at the controls of an EIII....staggered into the air, and simply waltzed along enjoying the countryside, the blip of the motor, and the odd testing of gun. Before skimming the tents at the airfield and landing, grazing the tip of the wing as I did.

    Thank you....the whole team. Everyone who worked on this.

    It'll get harder....of course...and that will be part of the excitement....but this is simply a thanks to all who've finally allowed a man with a limited budget to evoke a sense of a time he has daydreamed of...and could never experience.



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