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Everything posted by Goffik

  1. True, but I like things to look as realistic as my meagre abilities allow, and I don't have any issues with looking down when required... its only a quick tap of my hat switch, after all. I'd rather that than the 'arcadey' image floating around in the corner. As for the 'hard' suggestion, thanks, but that's for later. Being new to the game (and returning to flight sims after a long time away), I'm concentrating on getting my flying up to par first, so I'll deal with the radar later. Thanks to Romflyer for the text removal tip too. Edit: Can someone tell me how I extract files from FlightData.cat in SF2? The extractor throws up an error and closes, though it seems ok for other files.
  2. Greetings all, I got SFG some years ago with the BoB II: History of Aviation pack, though I've only tried it properly quite recently (RIAT 09 inspired me to dig out my flight sims). Really enjoying it, so much so that I want more. It seems that the only place I can buy any TW games now is directly from their own website. On there, all of the SFG/WoX games and the SF2 games are exactly the same price, hence the reason I'm here. I have enough cash for all three of the WoX games or all three of the SF2 games. Don't worry, I've already read up on the games and compared them, so I'm not here to ask about features. SF2s Vista compatibility also isn't an issue, because I have XP. What I want to ask is which should I buy from a technical point of view? The first thing I mean by that is stability. SFG/WoX has been around longer and seen more patches (though I've still had a few issues), yet SF2 is a 'new and improved' version with a few patches of its own. So which has fewer issues? The second thing is mods. There's fewer mods for SF2 at the moment, so are all the excellent modders out there making the transition, or are they generally sticking with SFG/WoX? I'm willing to wait for mods to appear, but if they're going to remain rather few in number, then I'm thinking SFG/WoX might be better. Oh, and in SF2s favour, I like the fact that they can be merged into one big game instead of multiple separate ones. I wouldn't be bothered by the lack of WoI either, because its mainly the other WoXs I'm interested in. Besides, TW are working on SF2I anyway. Opinions? Thanks in advance.
  3. That appears to be the perfect answer, just what I was looking for... and from a modder too. Thanks a lot... I'll go with the SF2 series. Time to spend some cash.
  4. I'd like to know this too. I always play from the cockpit, so I have a radar display in front of my face anyway... I don't need another one in the corner.

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