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Everything posted by stingray77

  1. Alright: the resolution gets saved and after leaving and reentering the game it is saved as per the selection of the previous session...
  2. 'Kay - got it hooked on and works flawlessly... I just notice that the SF-in-game-screens go a bit beyond than my screen's surface - most noticeable on the "home" button in the upper left corner being half "off screen" and that only the upper half of the loading-progress bar is seen at the bottom of the screen... Sorry for asking before trying more myself (just a bit "free time" at office far away from my rig at home ), but when I change the monitor resolution in the game's options, I do not see an immediate change. Do I have to quit and go back into the game to see the effect of the change made? Thanks.
  3. Great - please share the outcome. This thing (shimmering) has been going on for quite SOME time and I gave up the hope that it would be cured by some NVIDIA-driver update. Actually my assumption grew and grew that it's (as said) not on their side but the game's...
  4. Do you mean that mue's and gerwin's works need to be updated or your tweaking values? And for the time being, I will also check lowering texture quality as per your description. Thanks
  5. On the 340 or the current driver set? What texture quality did you go down to, then?
  6. I decided to update to the most recent set of drivers after all. Same here: no performance issues but quite some flickering, especially on shadows and structures mostly on airbases... Not sure whether this is more on the game-engine-side than on NVIDIA's...
  7. Hey, have a look at the Dogfightv2.3 in the File Announcements - this may bring us closer to Top Gun, maybe...
  8. Very cool, man! (Strange that I did not notice you mod, when you rolled it out originally - must have been real life getting in the way...) Hooked up onto SF2NA, set a flight 2 F-14 against 3 expert A-4 over SWUS and got a little closer to Top Gun... (Just that they are REALLY trying to kill you instead of shooting at you with blanks... ) Being used to starting my missions at ground, at first I got puzzled by jumping into flight immediately - but no big deal. "As is" this mods starts with "unmarked" birds (at least the player ones, which can be changed in the "Loadout" - did not see the Skyhawks close enough - but assume same). What's that linked to? Would be great to "paint" the A-4 as "Adversaries", too... Anyhow, many thanks!!!
  9. Cool - sounds like it's at least worth trying. Thanks for your input!
  10. Guess the title says it all: Just assigned key-commands to my newly purchased Warthog Hotas via the TARGET Software. When starting SF2 now through the "Fly Now!" in TARGET (I linked it to my desktop-shortcut of the highly modded games) SF2 starts with a plain vanilla version with no mods at all. When I click on the same desktop shortcut (without going through TARGET) everything is as before and should be - redirecting to my mod folders - but without the Hotas of course... If I change the working directory pointing to my mod-Folder, SF2 cannot be opend (Win-message: "pogram stopped working" something...) What's going (what did I do) wrong here? What's the solution? Cannot be that impossible, but I cannot envision the solution. Thanks for your help! (I will share my fcf-file when finalized and if you care to have it...)
  11. Okay, solved as well - I needed to switch back from my custom controls to the default one... Now I gotto fine tune my assigned buttons... If anybody cares (just leave a reply here), I will upload my fcf...
  12. Got it (at least closing in): its the dreaded Win-user-rights again... As I am starting SF2 as admin, I need to do same with the TARGET to have it start up SF2 "internally" the same way... Now I still have to find out why my assigned buttons do not get recognized. Might well be connected to the same thing.......
  13. Rolling back to the previous set of drivers and flying the same mission, I just see that this was present then already...
  14. New set of NVIDIA-Drivers released today (368.22): back to worse on Win 7 - same shadow flickering in SF2V but in SF2NA parts of clouds "tiles" are missing now (see screenie) - I think this was already fixed... No good!
  15. Hey, great to learn that this one is not dead, yet!
  16. Another update: 365.19 on Win7 - rolled out and installed May 13 Same as before: SF2NA no issues, SF2V still some shadow flickering on airfields... Appears to be less, but might have been due to time and weather at the time of flying over that airfield... It definitely is not yet gone.
  17. Update: NVIDIA 365.10 released yesterday - on my rig (Win7) this works well with SF2NA, but the flickering of shadows in SF2V (it's mainly on airfields) is still there... Hope this is of help to some of you.
  18. Okay, the shadows in SF2NA appear to be gone - but I just noticed some flickering on SF2V airfields... So, we are not fully there, yet.
  19. Same here - sure some more throrough testing needs to be done, but the erratic shadows that I've had with the previous drivers in SF2NA seem to have gone. No issue in SF2V either,so this looks promising so far... Let's keep our fingers crossed!
  20. Thanks - I have only little time currently... Otherwise I would try myself.
  21. Nvidia 364.72 just released - anybody tested it yet?
  22. I am getting game loops to up to 4 every now and then - and can confirm drop in frame rates. This is despite some fix I found somewhere here that would freeze loops to 1... Switching map on and off takes loop down to 1 again btw...
  23. Thanks Zola - paulopanz replied just recently that the latest nvidia-drivers (359.06 as per Dec 1, 15) would deliver the cure... Can anybody confirm? I'd love to see them working before updating and having to roll back afterwards, plus the disappointment. Would be great to learn that is's eventually sorted (even if not through TK himself).
  24. additional details: updated to 358.91 and checked SF2NA - same artefacts/flashing shadows in the cockpit and on shadows outside of plane as with the previous drivers... Still no joy! Back to 353.62 and everything is a-okay....... Sorry to spoil the "good news"...
  25. CANNOT confirm - repeat: CANNOT confirm! Issues remain... Rolling back to 353.62

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