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Everything posted by stingray77

  1. Well, what actually is vsync? ...I don't use it - not that I know of... Okay, thanks for the info about my "stutter" - I already thought that it would be due to the mass of objects. At the end there's nothing to complain much about. I am running all slides to the max - so I can well live with 10fps over Hanoi and Haiphong! ;) Thanks for the clarifiation.
  2. Hm, I am running the GTX660, too. What I randomly see, is that when flying SF2V over heavily populated area (it appears it's connected to that), the fps drop to 10 - 15 something... You mean that might be connected to the GC and switching to 660ti does the trick? Furthermore: except for changing the hardware (I have this new rig fow two weeks only - exchanging the GC is not really on top of my to do's) what else might remedy this situation? Could TK write some kind of patch - or would it be/remain related to drivers of that chip? Anybody at NVidia to address this to???
  3. Kevin, good that (at least) you have/kept all the original exe's - otherwise you would be lost... This way, it's "just" a lot of work re-installing and patching all the games... What I also do, is keep copies of every game-install on a back-up-drive - deleting a "crashed" game and copying back from the back-up is well possible then... As in several previous threads: BACK UP, guys - there will come a time, where you will say "good that I did"!
  4. Okay, Spillone104 - but somebody HAS to do the testing (as long as TK himself does not do enough himself). You are partly right: sometimes the blow hits you, sometimes someone else - still I have deepest sympathy with everyone who has to find out that he was f***ed...
  5. Hey, I feel with you, Wrench - and like the others said: don't quit! That would be a terrible loss to the community... I must say, that I stayed on July 2012 and downloaded the patches since but was reluctent to apply them. Looks like kind of a smart move...
  6. Hey, I am almost back with my SF-series after switching to a new rig... One thing (of many more to come, I'm afraid): I imported my X52Pro-controls and everything works like a charm - except the mouse and mouse-button on the trottle... Using the "usual" mouse is a-okay, and in the Saitek-control-software I can see the little mouse cursor moving as it should. But not so in-game... I tried re-assigning buttons in SF2 (despite that before it was attached to using the "usual" mouse) but when I move the little stick on the throttle, noting is registered... I'm a bit lost - thanks for your help. Oliver
  7. Hey guys, thanks for your support! I got it sorted out - de-/re-installed the programming software and that seems to have been doing the trick. Mouse on the stick back alive! :) Thanks again!
  8. Yup, game has mouse assigned for camera movement and l/r clicks to zoom in and out - the Logitech mouse does everything as should be but not the throttle one... What do you mean by "slave to the main mouse"? Hm, as I haven't changed anything from the set-up before, I'm a bit puzzled... I just un- and re-plugged the USB of the X52 - that alone disn't have any influence... I will also check re-installing the software... I'll keep you posted.
  9. I didn't find this on the KB (or am I blind? ) How can I make the game create the mod-folder not under C:/users.../TW/SF2 but (say) D:/simulators/SF2??? I DO find an entry "where to find the mod-folder" in the options.ini in the mod-folder itself - but changing that to the above doesn't change anything...
  10. So, there has to remain one copy of the mod-folder in C:/user/saved games.... which contains only the options.ini (with the redirection to the "new" mod-folder on D:/ ) and versions.ini? Okay, that sounds feasible. Thanks guys!
  11. I never found the time/energy to create a mission myself (doh!), but reading a section in one of my aviation books brought up an idea: Surprise mission "KE007" 1983 Player: Russian pilot Sitting on alarm in a Su-15 based at Dolinsk-Sokol AB mission: intercept US RC-135 what do you do when you see the a/c and find out is not a military RC-135 but a civil (???) B-747 (Korean Airlines Flight 007')? ...They don't react to your signaling (flashing posi lights, firing a burst of tracers)... Do you follow orders and take it down??? Might be nice to set it up like this with a "surprise" to the player and let him decide... (Quite sarcastic, though.) ...Even a trascript of the Russian radio transmission would be available..... A human tragedy as well as an intriguing piece of history - the more you read, the more you want to know! Maybe someone finds this interesting, too...
  12. Hey, my notebook quit (and I'm not going to have the gpu soldered to the mainboard a 5th time or so!) - so I am up for a new rig... I am thinking about a gaming tower (no real need for a notebook), but what would be your recommendations? What are the current minimums for a smoothly running SF2? Is the game able to "play" with / benefitting from a 3D-screen? Recommended resolution and widescreen-possibilities of the monitor...? See, I am poking in the fog just to get a better idea what machine to look for... And it will certainly not be a HP after the weak (German) support they were giving me, when my dv-pavilion started developping probs! Thanks for your input
  13. Thanks for your input everybody. I just placed my order: - I5-3570K CPU - intel Z77 Express - 8GB DDR3 - 128GB SSD plus 1TB SATA - GeForce GTX 660 with 2GB RAM - Win7 Home Premium 64bit - liquid cooled (wow!) (pretty much as SFP1Ace recommended) and together with it a 24" Asus VE248H 1920x1080 screen plus Logitech G510 keyboard Loooking forward to receiving the pack - not so very much to re-installing the whole bunch of software..... But that's the way it is! Thanks again!
  14. Same true for Microsoft Flight Simulator 9? (I know, strange to ask this here - but anyway....)
  15. Ah, VERY helpful - indeed... The more as this describes one of the "bestsellers" on a German hopepage I found.... ;) A little heavy on price, but this appears to be a "stable" investment. The one I found has Win7 64bit - if I rember correctly I should better stay with 32bit, right (and why is that)? As said: the hint that 3D would "work" (to whatever extent) was from the TW-borad somewhere - I need to look that up... Again: thanks a lot!
  16. For the sake of completeness, I had to fully delete the "whitecone"-entry to get rid of it... Just setting it to 0 did not fully do the trick... But I absolutely love the "pure look" with only the cockpit left and the minimal red square showing the enemy! Of course the gameplay is somewhat tougher now...
  17. Not the worst of ideas... Maybe I will grab the F-4N then..... But most importantly: what's your impression - how is the stutter doing after this patch? Some posts don't sound overly promising... This is MY main issue currently...
  18. Hum, is this a dumb one? Can I also adjust it (HUDDATA?) to only show the enemies/target (but not the radar in top right and own flight data in lower left corners) on "normal" settings?
  19. Hum, I am quite happy with gerwin's terrain as well - so, this together with having to invest into SF2 and SF2E (I do have V) does keep me away from this (great - without doubt) expansion pack.... Thanks for putting it together anyway!!! (You Vietnam-XP still rocks and rules! )
  20. The catch (of course) would not be the skill to take down the airliner (despite the overshooting-situation when, shortly before the shootdown, 007 went from FL330 to 350), but the conscious decision whether to obey orders or not...
  21. What a shame - they look so "want them"! Thanks for sharing your info...
  22. I'm not THAT much of a modder - so (dumb question maybe) is there some pack with which I can get all these carriers (41, 42, 64, 65, 66...) and import them into my SV2V (I also have NA for that matter)? They look absolutely great!
  23. I know there's the knowledge-base, but maybe you can just give me a quick hint where to look for the glitch... It wasn't before yesterday that I realized that the Skyraiders coming with the Vietnam Gold are not available for selection in my SF2V - a comparison with back-ups of earlier (and working) installs don't show me differences in the mod/aircraft/a-1-folders - it appears it's all there: A-1.ini, A-1_Data.ini and all the rest... So what exactly makes ac appear in the list of selectable aircraft in the game? Thanks, mates. Oliver

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