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Everything posted by Rusty_

  1. Hi I’m looking for basic Fighter pilot training procedure, either free publications or to buy. Also documents describing or with example of brevity for pilot communication (military) on ground and in air is interesting. Video/voice sources are also interesting.
  2. =SVPC= Scandinavian Virtual Pilot Coalition 661 Scandinavian Fighter Wing “FoxDevils” 663 Scandinavian Attack Wing “MudDevils” 666 Scandinavian Rotor Wing “SharkDevils” Slogan: More air time, less computer time Website: http://www.orkut.com/Main#Community?cmm=117462834 Community site covers forum, polls,events and member management. You need a gmail account to be invited oraccepted in to the community. Time zone: Central European StandardTime (GMT+1) and Central European Summer Time (GMT+2) Invites: Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Swedenand Finland Language: English and country native Voice: TeamSpeak server with 500 slots Playground: Privately owned dedicatedserver. Simulators: Flaming Cliffs, FlamingCliffs 2, DCS Black Shark, DCS A-10C Warthog, Falcon 4, MS FSX. Qualification: Take off and live to seethe airport as you turn to the left. If you accidently turn right you will haveone more go to qualify. Queue up in the “checkup” channel on TS3server every weekday at 21:00 for the qualification flight. Events: Maneuver training, combat training,Co-op missions and online team play. Monthly internal competitions with sponsoredprices.

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