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Everything posted by ChampionsVA56

  1. I tried to PM it but the darn file is to big to upload!! I may need you to PM me an E-mail address to send it that way. The terrain is still called "Range" because changing the name screwed up the terrain tiles or something. This is a pretty EXTENSIVE re-work and I"m only half finished with the new Drone aircraft There will be 15 total when done. I will send what is finished so you can play with them.....blow them out of the sky!!!. Also will send over the F-4N for the Missions I made.......attacking the Firebee and the "Super Firebee"....he he!! Let me know what you think. Some arrre not easy to take down...they have countermeasures and use them well . During install you may want to hide your files so as to not OVERWRITE anything. I have the CAT Pointer set to SF2V "VIETNAMSEA" since thats what I have been using.....I have the full SF2V GOLD expansion pack installed also. WHAT I REALLY NEED HELP WITH: I tried in VAIN to get some ARMED_RECON and CAS routes working with the Movement ini. I made 2 "Clone" ground objects with the "Range" nation in the userlist. They are the QT-34_85 tank for CAS and the Q_Zil-157_ZPU-1 truck for ARMED_RECON Missions. Both have had their guns "neutered" so they don't fire. I would like to have these used exclusively on the range for "moving targets" and have set up numerous checkpoints with marker shacks to compile the routes. SOMEWHERE I'm not getting something right so I'm asking for help!! HELP!!
  2. Ok...here's my question of the week. I made some new damage textures (TGA's) for the F-102. One for each skin panel using the correct name and called out the "_holes" in the ini file. But only the fuselage damage decal shows up. Is there a specific call-out in the data ini for damage to appear on the plane parts or is it in the LOD files?? Champ
  3. OK.....let me put a package together.......I will have to make a few tweeks to not overwrite your files (re-name the range inis etc.) Give me a day or so... ANY INPUT on ANYTHING would be most appreciated. I hope to post this before X-mas.......CHAMP
  4. Well...tried that too.....no dice. If I were to send you a copy of the Range I put together....would you take a crack at finding what I'm doing wrong?? Champ
  5. OK....here's my question for the week.................say you took a cool plane/model which has no landing gear..........let's say perhaps the Firebee Drone. An you gave it a cockpit(and guns,and missiles or cameras,etc)and now can fly it all over the place......BUT......no gear!! You can give it the imaginary gear of another aircraft (data ini cut/paste...he he!) but still.......goes KABOOM when you land it..............:rolleyes:Anyone have any little "tricks" up your sleeve for this one??
  6. Can you add a mesh with a "fake pilot" method??
  7. How can one change the number of AI aircraft launched on a mission? My AI controlled airbase will launch 10+ aircraft on a SWEEP mission and only 2 on a RECON. How could I change it to 4 and 1 respectively?
  8. One Turning.......Three were burning.

    QB-17L Drone after being worked over by F-94B starfires. A peek at something in the works!!!
  9. One Turning.......Three were burning.

    QB-17L Drone after being worked over by F-94B starfires. A peek at something in the works!!!
  10. Well....I tried everything (Userlists for vehicles), HUD plotted routes ,etc and still NO CAS or ARMED RECON on JSF's SF2 range................Game just freezes if you select one of these mission types. Must be some other glitch somewhere....so the heck with it!!! Static convoy targets is what I'm sticking with.
  11. Could you tell me the magic sequence for PHOTOSHOP?? I use version 7.0. Would love a shortcut like this...................Thanks!! CHAMP.
  12. And THANK YOU for your HELP......without it ...................no marbles for CHAMP!!
  13. AH HA!! TRANSPORT....................good catch. SO what is the magic word for GROUND_ATTACK routes...................TANK?? If I make only one Range nation (userlist) TRANSPORT and only one Range nation (userlist) TANK, will the game just use those exclusively:idea: (intended)?? Thanks...CHAMP
  14. When it refers to TRUCK routes.....does that mean any random truck,tank etc that matches the enemy nations list and userlist of the ground object? In this case I would need a ground object (like a T-34 tank) to ID'd as a "RANGE" nation to be available for selection? Does it pick at random or is there a method the game uses? THANKS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Champ
  15. Hooray!!....found the RANGE UPGRADE...........!! The pieces of the puzzle come together for Champ :.......now to find my marbles......................
  16. Probably is yours!! Came with the SF2 Range download........I'm ASSUMING (??) it does not function in the SF2 Range since nothing is moving....YET. If there is a updated version....I would love to see how it works. This is my first "stumble" into terrain stuff....thats why I'm asking LOTS of questions...........THANKS FOR THE REPLYS!!! Keep em coming.........me learn.....me learn!!
  17. Blasted an UN-MANNED drone with a "winder" and saw this go by.........had to pause game, jump out of cockpit via Ctrl/F12 and go see what it was...................... Who the heck invited this idiot? OK..........can this be turned off in the effects and can it be done for a specific aircraft?? Or do I just live with it.......THANKS...Champ
  18. I found it....in the AIRCRAFTFIRE EFFECTS ini...............clever!!! Looks like it stays...........thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I was UNAWARE this mod existed.........
  19. Here is my question for the day. IS IT POSSIBLE to change the default T.O. Flap setting to use landing flap angles for the takeoff run. I've noticed the B-47 needs a TON of runway(more than you have) with the current TO flap setting...........if you use LANDING flaps for TO you can get it airborne in about 2500m......the full length but it works. CAN the data ini be changed for this?? Also....where do you change the max speed that the flaps can be deployed for landing?? You need to slow the B-47 down to 150kts to drop the first notch of flaps........nearly impossible to do........I believe it should be closer to 200kts......Champ
  20. Putting together a new QB-47E target drone. I made the J47's the type with water injection(-25A).....added about 20 percent thrust. Now I can rotate at the VERY,VERY end and just get airborne before I mow the cactus. That's with TO FLAPS(20)........with LANDING FLAPS (50) she does much better.........3/4 runway....Champ
  21. Can it be removed or modified? I don't want pilots ejecting from "PILOTLESS" drone aircraft......
  22. NOT to sound stupid....BUT is there really a mod for this?? I installed the SF2V Gold expansion pack and before this......never saw a bailer before. Did I get a little extra surprise from the pack???...champ
  23. Here's another question for the Terrain Guru's.........................I made a target runway which looks really nice and tempting to destroy.... I increased the Target Value and now I get orders to bomb it quite often (what I wanted). BUT....then I and my wingie drop 2000,1000,500 pounders all over the target point (center) and NUTIN!!! No "Mission Complete".....no points......NO CIGAR!! What gives? [TargetType115] Name=Gravel_Runway FullName=Bombing Range Target Runway ModelName=SLB2600 TargetType=MEDIUM_RUNWAY ActiveYear=0 TargetValue=10000 UseGroundObject=FALSE DamagePoint=140.0 ArmorValue=0.0 ArmorType=0 RepairRate=10.0 StartDetectChance=100 StartIdentifiedChance=50 IncreaseDetectChanceKey=10 MaxVisibleDist=30000.0 ZBufferOffset=6.000000 FlatObject=TRUE DamagedModel= DestroyedEffect= DestroyedModel= SecondaryChance=0

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