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Status Updates posted by angelofdeath

  1. hi mate hows it going i no longer go by the name angelofdeath anymore in hyperlobby now im _RAAF_Devil flying with the RAAF squad in Hl il2

  2. hi mate Devil here hows it going

  3. hi hows it going i've been posting dogfight cilps on youtube.com since i chaned my name to _RAAF_Devil. Thats my squad name now in Hyperlobby, Here's a link to a dogfight i did in il2.

  4. you more likely be able to understand the radio comms from AWES.

  5. yes il2 is lots of fun ralley funny too when ur putting players in the rolling scissor at tree top level and the make mistakes and snap roll into the ground..lol

  6. hi hows it going is lock on any good worth playing??

  7. if u happaning to be on youtube check out my channel his a link to one of my clips i made have a good week.)

  8. i got the game lock on moden combat and hanging cliffs 2 looks like a great flight sim a bit hard to play but once get the hang of it it will be good)

  9. hi all come check out my new facebook page on planes and many more other things


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