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About VS816

  1. There are more pictures here.......enjoy. http://www.naturecoast.com/hobby/ma1001.htm
  2. You may find this interesting.................it's on my "wish" list for Christmas. http://www.historicaviation.com/product_info.po%3bjsessionid=NjN6aqJb57AWCxfTWMHSc_lx?ID=7778
  3. Worst Navigation Error Ever

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh Chimay.........now there's a place to spend a few days....................hic.
  4. Hi everyone, I've just been reading a great book....."First Blitz" - by Neil Hanson....it's all about the WW1 bombing of England, very interesting and packed with all sorts of facts.... for anyone interested in early flying it's a must read. ISBN 978-0-552-15548-9. (for anyone interested)

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