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Everything posted by balaz

  1. MiG-19S,SV,R,Field Mod FARMER

    good work :D but why these birds are slow down when I use afterburner????
  2. Weapons Pack 2

    which software you use to create weapons???
  3. Su-34 New Camo

    Where can I download the SU-34?? o.O
  4. Il-28 Beagle cockpit

    Excellent job :D and works perfectly in the lates patch ;)
  5. SF-2NA Ark Royal

    Can I use this ship in the previous ( e.g.: SF2/SF2V/SF2E/SF2I) games????
  6. Weapons - Pack 1

    This weapons-pack is VERY VERY GOOD When upload the second pack???? :D:D:D
  7. Weapon Data Editor v02.20.08

    Download: http://combatace.com/files/file/8130-mirage-factory-weapons-pack-01252009/
  8. Tomcat Over Europe '79

    It was a VERY nice work.
  9. Weapons Pack - 03 Jul 06

    Good job!!! It's fantastic! My favourite AA Missle is AIM-9X Sidewinder.

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