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About ironmike

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  1. 4th Fighter Group. As you can see, they paid a heavy price versus the Luftwaffe. "A" flight 334th Fighter Squadron P51b 42-106924 QP-L Lt. R.K.Hofer 'Salem Representative' A flight CO. Assigned 9/23/43- KIA 7/2/44) P51b 43-24841 QP-D Lt. C.G. Howard P51b 42-106846 Maj. G.E. Montgomery P51b 43-6898 Maj. H.D. Hively 'Deacon' KIA (shot down by fighters) 6/6/44 "B" flight 334thFS 4thFG . P51b 43-71780 QP-Q Lt. M.H. Kolter KIA 5/30/44 P51b 43-6636 QP-N Cpt. N. Megura "Ill Wind" Shot down friendly fire 5/22/44 P51b 43-6819 QP-B Maj. D.W. Beeson "Bee" Shot down 4/5/44 POW P51b 43-6818 QP-K Lt. J.W. Ayers "C" flight from 335thFS 4thFG P51b 43-7172 WD-H Lt.T.E. Lines "Thunder Bird" A/C shotdown 6/6/44 F/O W.Smith Jr at controls KIA P51b 43-6718 WD-R Capt.J.W. Goodwyn "The Mary A II" for his fiance Mary Alice Green. P51b 42-106855 WD-Z Lt.R.J. Cooper shot down by Bf109 8/18/44 Les Andelys, France KIA P51b 42-106464 WD-O Capt A.L. Schlegel 15 total kills shot down 5/7/44 with Lt E.H Shapleigh evaded capture "D" flight in grogress
  2. The final 2 sections... P51D 42-103602 Lt. G.C. Smith VF-C 336th "Connie" P51D 44-63233 G.H. Davis VF-D 336th "Inky's Dinky" (Shot down 11 Febuary, 1945, Lt. H.A.Kaul K.I.A) P51D 44-64142 Lt. J.P. Murchake VF-G 336th "Tiger Baby" P51D 44-14527 Lt. C.W. DuPree VF-S 336th "Sack Queen" P51D 44-13317 Capt. D.R. Emerson VF-B 336th (Donald Duck) P51D 44-13307 Lt. J. Lane VF-J 336th "Butch" P51D 44-14388 Lt. V.E. Chandler VF-U 336th "Wheezy" P51D 44-13325 Lt.F.C. Bonds VF-Z 336th
  3. 2nd section 336th FS, 4th FG P51D 44-14277 Cpt. D.J. Pierini VF-H 336th FG "Jersey Bounce" P51D 44-15375 Cpt. F.M."Lefty" Grove VF-T 336th "Lefty" P51D 44-13575 Lt. H.E. Dugan VF-V 336th "Penny" P51D 44-13315 Lt. W.H. Williams VF-W 336th "Djigooblie II"
  4. Well there is another multi-skin squadron almost finished. 4 planes from the 334th Fighter Squadron will be the first section of the 4th Fighter Group. Sections 2-4 (12 skins) will come from the Groups' 336th FS. 1st section P-51D 44-73108 QP-O Maj. L.H. Norley Jr. 334th "Red Dog XII" P-51D 44-14518 QP-P Lt. C.H. Beason 334thFS "NAD" for his wife Nadine P-51D 44-14110 QP-R Lt. T.J. Cronin 334th "Sprutz" P-51D 44-11661 QP-X Lt.Col. J.J. Oberhansley 334th "Iron Ass" MOre to follow...
  5. OK, Where is the EAW Combat Ace Forum?

    Usually the windows Nt error message is triggered by attempting to run EAW from an exe that is called someting other than eaw.exe. Look at you main directory and see what the exe is called. If it is different than EAW.exe save a copy and change the on in the eaw folder to EAW.exe, then try it again. Also, it is best to just copy the EAW cd into a new folder rather than installing it. Once you have copied it run it and start a career, start a misson then exit the program. The sim should run fine. If it does, then do the upgrades. If your Briefing Screen is messed up, that is a problem being sorted out currently by those working on 1.28C etc.
  6. EAW Multi Skin System

    RAF 198 is finished and on its' way to the Talley-Ho site. There are 2 versions of the unit. The first is the 24-bit full color and the second is the 8-bit Glide version. Typhoon Ib of RAF 198 Squadron Base HR skin was created by Flying Tiger, based on original files by Mike1. Squadron research by Peter M. Booth Model improvements Col.Gibbons and Rotton50. Skins Iron Mike Pluhar 9/10-2009 "O" Oliver is the final skin
  7. EAW Multi Skin System

    Gentlemen, Today, 16 October, 2009 the Typhoons of RAF 198 Squadron were given a final 3dz model that celebrates the pilots that flew her. There had been problems with the 8-bit Glide version that were crippling this new multi-skin project. Thanks to Col. Gibbon and his unflagging devotion to all things RAF and EAW the wings have been fixed. This skin has seen the efforts of Ray "Rotton50", Col. Gibbon and star researcher Peter M Booth combine to make this project possible. Thanks gentlemen... 8-bit glide version...
  8. Screenshot Thread

    Here is a Nakajima Ki-201 Karyu (Fire Dragon) for the SPAW expansion pack...
  9. Sandbaggers/Tally Ho back up

    Talley-Ho is the Holy Grail of EAW, it is THE Library...
  10. Glide wrappers

    I've got an ATI 4850 and do not have any problems with fog in d3d or Glide with Hackensacks. My drivers are from this past summer. I do note that Glide does treat colors and 3d models differently than d3d. It seems to prefer the original palettes to modded ones and dislikes piggybacks as well. It drives me crazy whilst skinning a bird.
  11. Screenshot Thread

    SPAW (South Pacific Air War) is a new campaign from "The Mod Squad". There are many new planes making their debut in the EAW world in it. Here are a few for its' first expansion pack.
  12. EAW Multi Skin System

    Here are a few examples of multi-skin planes...

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