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Everything posted by striker01

  1. Does anyone know it there will be a RF-4 aircraft soon? Regards Striker01
  2. Fates, maybe I´ll start it when I have a little more time Striker01
  3. Fates, you shouln´d paint that. The original was painted with car paint. They had much problems removing it after the Hopsten AFB open day 1986. My crewman did this paint on the original aircraft. B) Striker01
  4. Didn´t try it but it would be what I was looking for. Striker01
  5. God And Bad News

    Sounds very good Striker01 merry christmas ;) :o :D :D :D
  6. Dagger332, thanks, I´ve made the changes and it works well Striker01
  7. Didi you remember that the F-4 had her 1. flight 45 years ago in May. For this I made a phantsy skin. See it at the link below. http://www.36vtfw.de/gallery/view_album.ph...lbumName=36vtfw I now decided to get as much pictures from real F-4´s as I can get. In the gallery linked to above you will find a section 5053 Phantoms if you want load up your pictures there to get as close a can to the 5053 aircraft produced. I hope this can be done until May 2008 when the F-4 has its 50th aniversary. I will mail alot the next day, weeks and months to contact everybody who probably has heard about a Phantom get meet the target. I hope I get some support from the forum members here. Striker01
  8. Hi Dagger, similar to that. I mean the real one. http://www.36vtfw.de/gallery/view_album.ph...me=5053Phantoms My e-mail is striker01@36vtfw.de Thanks for help Striker01 Sorry, I made mistake with my e-mail address. Its now corrected It it now available also at www.5053Phantoms.com
  9. Hi deathdealer, I dont have your e-mail addres not at home, where im now. follow the link below and you can see the bird. I´ll sent it tomorrow. http://www.36vtfw.de/gallery/view_album.ph...lbumName=36vtfw Striker01
  10. @ Deuces and Dagger, does this solve the problem with the square arrond the sun? Where exactly can I find this in SFP1? Striker01 "Dagger-the problem appears to stem for the BlendOp values in the 2 FlareMaterial values. I was able to create the problem with your EnvSys and correct it by changing the BlendOp from BlendOp=BLEND_SRC_ALPHA to BlendOp=BLEND_SRC_ALPHA_ADD_DST This was in both the [sunFlareMaterial] and [TwilightSunFlareMaterial] "
  11. Hi, I thought it was in the BioHaz flie libary but it isn´t. Sent me you e-mail address to striker01@36vtfw.de. I will check the size of the download and sending it to you later. Striker01
  12. If there will be no problem by Major Lee´s side I can upload this tomorrow on my website www.36vtfw.de Striker01 P.S you will also find it on this site www.36vtfw.de/SFP1online/index-Dateien/frame.html in the Cold War ´58 package
  13. Fine thing. I wonder when we will see also the Buccaneer and the Jaguar. Striker01
  14. Hi Jinks, sent to striker01@36vtfw.de The link to Gramps site is also available there. Regards Striker01
  15. Hi Deathdealer, I willsee what I can do with the F-4 Striker01
  16. Hi sparkomatic, you can download it here. Follow the instructions and don´t forget to rename the desert.cat which you have to copy in there after installation http://www.simwarrior.com/sfp1/terrain.html Striker01
  17. Thanks alot, Jinks and where do I find your skin? Shall I upload it on my page? Striker01
  18. Nice skin Jinks, but to use it I need the bird first. Where can I grab that? Striker01
  19. Hi Honkielips, check this site http://www.36vtfw.de/SFP1online/index-Dateien/frame.html You might get some more information concerning online flying Regards Striker01
  20. Hi Hawker, Hi Capun, I can place it on my site next to the ship mods. Regards Striker01
  21. Hi all, I uploaded some new skins for F-4F´s on my website www.36vtfw.de and one special Regards Striker01
  22. Hi, thats nice work but were to get both aircraft and skin? Regards Striker01
  23. Hi Soulfreak, is that the grey JG71 skin? check www.36vtfw.de download area F-4F skins Regards Striker01
  24. If you like sent me also a copy Regards Striker01

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