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Everything posted by striker01

  1. ... my sites www.36.vtfw.de www.36vtfw.de/SFP1online/index-Dateien/frame.html www.36vtfw.deJaboG36/index-Dateien/frame.html will be down from the 6th till somewhere arround the 20th this month will be down due to a move to another Provider. The Provider I´m still using did give me the time to move first. Sorry, no GAF Skins for two weeks. Regards Striker01
  2. That right. The only this missing in the moment is the forum/guestbook. But I think we will manage that on monday. I´ve got another question. I try to make fuel tanks for the two F-4F versions in Hill II scheme and for the PeascRhine scheme plus one for the AIM-9L Missile. If I simply put the new bmp-flies to the sim they will change for all F-4´s so I think I have to assign them as seperate weapons and also assign this to the loadout.ini. How do I create a lod-file. I mean how to open an existing one and rewrite it. Hope you can help Striker01
  3. :D Move is done. All my pages are up again. Sometime things work faster than expected. Feel free to download the new skin. Regards Striker01 B)
  4. ... my sites www.36.vtfw.de www.36vtfw.de/SFP1online/index-Dateien/frame.html www.36vtfw.deJaboG36/index-Dateien/frame.html will be down from the 6th till somewhere arround the 20th this month will be down due to a move to another Provider. The Provider I´m still using did give me the time to move first. Sorry, no GAF Skins for two weeks. Regards Striker01
  5. Move is done. All my pages are up again. Sometime things work faster than expected. Feel free to download the new skin. Regards Striker01
  6. Hi all, can one of you tell me how to open and modify a lod-file? I try to make different locking fueltank for my GAF F-4F collection. Regards Striker01
  7. Hi Capun, thats the advantage of a non perfect Powerpoint Homepage Cu Striker01 oh, did I mention that I was the first CrewChief in Gaf who got exyperience with the Mav?
  8. www.36vtfw.de click "News" and follow the Button
  9. Hi Capun, files are up and running at www.36vtfw.de Regards Striker01 Pictures on my website will follow soon
  10. Ok, I will put that stuff on my server. Sent when ready. Striker01
  11. Hi Capun, how big are these files? Generally there is no problem doing that. Have you contacted fng2k if he likes to implement the ships into his EAWEuro Terrain? Striker01 striker01@36vtfw.de
  12. Hi, if you need some space to upload it I can help you. Send it to me and I will put it on my site. www.36vtfw.de Regards Striker01
  13. Ok, thats right. I don´t know, if the inner pylons have an effect on this. Striker01
  14. We used them as fighter-bombers till early ´90s with MK-82, BL-755 and Maverick AGM-65B. The problem flying the MW-1 on an F-4F seem to be that only short range flights could be done. Due to the fact that it is Centerline mounted and the wingtanks would block the flightpath of the bomlets. The Tornado Wings are mounted much higher and so are the fueltanks. Sorry, I did´nt find a Photo on an F-4F on a testride Regards Striker01
  15. Hi tomcat1974, the MW-1 is not used by the German F-4F´s but was only tested with one from WTG-61 GAF test Center. It was build for use with the Tornados. Regards Striker01
  16. Hi all, sorry for the problems reaching my web site. Due to a problem with the providers server my web site www.36vtfw.de could not be reached. Now everything seems to be fixed an you can go there again and grab one of my GAF F-4F skins. Regards Striker01 The one below is ready soon. Still missing some decals.
  17. Holloman F-4F is ready for download now at www.36vtfw.de Regards Striker01
  18. That just great stuff Regards Striker01
  19. Very nice indeed. Very flyable but I can´t get the weapon added. I extractet the weapondata.ini and copied all data from your resective txt file and saved it but it doesn´t go back to the objectdata.cat. There is to old one. I must say that I don´t have much experience adding weapon to the sim. Regards Striker01
  20. Hey Sundowner, I´m sad to see this. I try to keep alive this outstanding aircraft and you feed it to the crowd;) Striker01
  21. Hi all, I modified the Green/grey German F-4F skin by USAFMTL and crab_02. There are now 4 different skins (grey, red, white and yellow tail) included in one package downloadable at www.36vtfw.de Visit the NEWS and find screenshots and the download. A Royal Bavarian Airforce skin will follow soon. See also a preview on the above mentioned web site. Regards Striker01
  22. I´ve added also some reworks of Marcelo (marcfighters) da Silva´s germany1 skin and two special repaints of the F-4F ICE skin by Jan "Goose" Wischnewski for download. I hope you enjoy. More to come. Regards Striker01
  23. Hi Capun, is it possible to add your fantastic add-on to every map or is is limited to the basic dessert terrain? What I mean is there are so many superb add-ons for SFP1 so lets get them together with the best terrain maps. Regards Striker01 PS. Well done
  24. In addition to the above mentioned skins I added a special color scheme today. CU Striker01

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