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Everything posted by kanalrat

  1. Hi, my Solution of this issue ist the "Falkland-Mod-Method". I made a Copy of SF2 Europe.exe at its root-path (C:\Program Files (x86)\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2). Named it "SF2 Modded.exe". Then i started the "SF2 Modded" exe-file. Now it creates the Folder "saved games/SF2 Modded". This Path wasn't overwrite during the last months. To me, this method works. Ah: don't forget to copy the ini-file, too.
  2. The British and "Big" birds ...

    Search Youtube for this: "Lightning Aerobatics (1963)" - you see the Scramble at Second 30f ...
  3. Hi! I found many Skins for the central american Air Forces, but no Terrain ... Is there anybody who made an Map/Terrain of Central America? The Idea is to create a short Campaign about the 100 Hours War in Juli 1969 ("Soccer War" or "Football War"). Salvadorian P-51 vs. honduran Corsairs. Only Infantry Units on the Ground. Few Days (14. to 18./19. Juli 1969). I build a Campaign with few Aircrafts - 14 in 5-6 Squadrons in El Salvador and 20+ on the honduran Side. Works ... Now i´m working on a Terrain with Stock WoV-Tiles. Guatemala an Belize in the NorthWest an Costa-Rica in South-West. Few Target-Areas in Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua are (nearly) ready. One possible Option of that Terrain (in a far and unknown Future): play with the Border-Conflict between Guatemala and Belize (FAG vs. RAF with Harriers) or doing some COIN-Action over the Border between Honduras an Nicaragua in the Years 1978 to 1988. A few Days ago i found little Informations about an Border-Conflict between Honduras and Nicaragua ca. 1957. The honduran P-38s were involved. Sorry about my Way to write in English, but i´m not able to do better ...

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