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Posts posted by vinc

  1. Hi,


      Thank you so much for replying... :victory:    ,    Heres the link to the skin download ...    http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?download=162      if that doesnt work,  the skin download is on this site..  just go to downloads , F-15 skins.. and its the skin that says Hi-Res NASA skin.. so u can check it out there


    P.S.  My E-Mail  is  NirvanaRlz88@aim.com  so if u need to tell me somthing  feel free to E-Mail me anytime :)


                Thanks A Bunch!    :bye:





    Sorry for my late response but I was out of the country I have downloaded the skin but haddend tested it yet. I will try to e-mail you this week as I think i know the problem.





    P.S. my e-mail is vinjet@gmail.com so feel free to mail

  2. Hey Guys,


            Has Anyone Noticed that when you download the F-15 high Res Nasa Skin For Lock-on After you install it  replaces the  "STANDARD"  skin of the F-15?... Well i did not particularly like the  fact that it takes the place of the standard skin ....  So whenever You Create an F-15 Squadron of planes .. they all are in the NASA skin unless you change the skin in the Mission editing mode... Although i love the skin i found this annoying...  And when you fly the  Fast Battle Planner You cannot Change the skin ..so if you want to fly against an F-15, it is in the NASA skin which i thaught was unrealistic...  Can Anyone Tell Me How to Change the SKin DOwnload in a way that it will not Replace the Standard Skin of the F-15?... This would make the SKin PERFECT!  :biggrin:


        -THnx In Advanced to all who reply-




    Hey :victory:


    Well i dont know the skin and i dont now if i can answer your question if i dont have it so can you please put a link to where you can download it. Then i think i can answer ypur question


    kind regards :bye:



  3. Tried it out.  You can't take off from the US carrier, and the A2G system is impossible, and I can't get a lock with sparrows.


    But hey, if you wanna drop dumb bombs and shoot heaters, and land on a US carrier with a US jet, then this'll do just fine.


    well I think that are problems do to the fact that it replaces the SU33 and so it uses that weapon system


    but i am glad it works





  4. Hi flyboys (and girls?)


    None of my (hi-rez) skins show up in payload screen (using LoMan 2.1 Final). The ones I've tried thus far (except the default ones of course) is a F15c skin (Black Dragon) from http://www.lockonskins.co.uk/dlc.php?page=skins&SKID=61 and Su-27 skin (Tiger) from http://www.dutchtigersquadron.nl/Tigerskin...Tiger-large.jpg. In Loman the Su-27 skin gives off the hi-rez warning and places itself in Bazar\Temp folder. The F15 skin appears normal as a CDDS.


    Tried various things, reinstalls (always uninstall b4 reinstall, fresh install of Lomac (v1.02), created new missions etc. So I wonder:


    My Bazar/Temp folder contains both of tga and bmp files for the same AC - is that a problem?


    And my Loman Folder is installed in the C:\Games\Ubisoft folder - could that couse problems or so?  (just a thought)


    And NO the included readmes gave nada, zippo - NICHTS!!

    Any place where you can find info (generally) of where all the files are suposed to go?? A LOMan newbe FAQ? Sort of... (?) 


    And BTW - my payload screen almost shows no graphics on the planes what so ever (small bits &pieces at best) and lags like H! Has always done so no matter what Lomac version so far (not tested Flaming Cliffs yet however). Dun now wtf that is about!?


    My specs: DELL Laptop P4 2.4GHz, GeForce 4 4200 Go, 512 RAM


    Well not verry sure but i think your problem is that you have both .tga and .bmp in the same folder, delete the tga's and leave only the bmp's (of the planes in question of course).


    the payload screen problem has proberbly something to do with your computer...even if it's a good one..you can always try to change the graphics options. Anyway i heard that it's not an uncommon problem :sad:


    well maybe not much help :dntknw::bye:

  5. quote=CyberJesus,Aug 4 2005, 02:46 AM]

    You mean what? Use two diffrent skins on two AC:s at the same time? Or mix them together? What?


    In the the WorldTexturesBMP.cdds file there are 2 skins 1 named UH-1-okras.bmp and the other one is UH-1okras-2.bmp . These 2 skins are for the 212ASW model, but ingame you have only one skin for this chopper.


    Now regarding my comment on the 212ASW model, if you look at it it's more like a AgustaBell AB204ASW but thats a differend storry (has nothing to do with my question) ;)


    Here are the 2 skins






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