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Everything posted by McNally

  1. "Yowza"



    This is the original version of "Red vs. Blue," which was given the working title of "yowza." Aircraft from every era battling in the skies over Southern California. For this mission to work, you need the following: scal terrain F-16A_10 MiG-28 MiG-15 F-86F F-14A F-15C This mission is a joy to see if everything falls together right. The F-86s knew to go after the MiG-15s the first time I played it. The second time I got to see a MiG-28 get shot down by a Sabre because it was dumb enough to try playing chicken. Questions, comments, praise, and money should be directed to hmcnally@gmail.com
  2. Is it just me, or is the yield on our nukes woefully limited? If our target is near an airfield, hitting the airfield itself ought to obliterate it, shouldn't it? I started using nukes so that I could drop the sucker in the general vicinity of the target from 30,000 and not have to worry about ground fire! Or am I totally overestimating the yield of our tactical nuclear weapons? Or is this more of a practical limitation? Y'know, keeping me from nuking myself out of the sky (which I did with one of the nuclear A/A missiles... oops)? (I'll bet the Russkies have high-yield tactical nukes...)
  3. File Name: Red vs. Blue File Submitter: McNally File Submitted: 14 Apr 2005 File Updated: 14 Apr 2005 File Category: SF Missions/Campaigns Update: Okay, this thing ain't working like it's supposed to. So here's the deal: When I first made the mission, it was on the scal terrain map. When I tweaked it so that it could be played without updates, the map didn't change for some reason. So you're going to have to download the scal terrain. Sorry. I'll work on a desert version when I have time. This is it: The dogfight you've been waiting for since you got out of pilot training. 14 American fighters against 28 MiGs. This is my first mission with the editor. Well, first GOOD mission - the last one had 132 aircraft. It was like trying to play Doom 3 on a Super Nintendo. Just drop the file into your /Missions folder, located at: :\Program Files\Strategy First\Strike Fighters\Missions\ Feel free to e-mail me with any suggestions or comments. hmcnally@gmail.com Click here to download this file
  4. File Name: "Yowza" File Submitter: McNally File Submitted: 14 Apr 2005 File Updated: 14 Apr 2005 File Category: SF Missions/Campaigns This is the original version of "Red vs. Blue," which was given the working title of "yowza." Aircraft from every era battling in the skies over Southern California. For this mission to work, you need the following: scal terrain F-16A_10 MiG-28 MiG-15 F-86F F-14A F-15C This mission is a joy to see if everything falls together right. The F-86s knew to go after the MiG-15s the first time I played it. The second time I got to see a MiG-28 get shot down by a Sabre because it was dumb enough to try playing chicken. Questions, comments, praise, and money should be directed to hmcnally@gmail.com Click here to download this file
  5. As the subject asks, I was wondering if the canopy mods for SF1 will work for WOV. Normally I'd just toss it in and see what happens, but with my luck, it'll cause the game to delete my harddrive or something.
  6. Amazingly enough, I was thinking about asking if there was a project for this under works just this afternoon. And as it happens, my secondary hobby makes editing extra-appropriate pilot photos a lot easier.
  7. I'm running a 2.26 gigahertz processor with 768 megs of RAM. My graphics card is a GeForce FX5600 with 256 megs of RAM of its own. Not exactly needy in the performance range here. So why is it that any mission in Wings Over Vietnam slows to the point of "screw this, I'm gonna play something else?" Am I the only one with this problem?
  8. I prefer it with hard, actually. I swing by whenever there's people there. If it's not set to hard, all those kills I make with AIM-7 are less impressive. :p
  9. Some of you have seen this. My new paintjob for my F-100s in WOV. Can someone send me the F-100D folder from their WOV directory? I'd kinda like to have an airplane that isn't inside out. hmcnally@gmail.com
  10. I have an nVidia Geforce FX 5600. And I don't know what's wrong with my e-mail address. I have anothe 2000 megs of storage free and the test e-mail I sent myself seemed to work...
  11. The what drivers? Also: It doesn't seem to be in my inbox. Is it in your outbox?
  12. Um... I'm reasonably sure everything in the RvB mission is stock. I'll place a readme in it with all the different aircraft, though. [edit]Aha! Found the culprit. I had realized that the map the mission takes place on isn't stock so I tried changing it. Apparently the change didn't take. [edit the second]Okay, new .zip is up. To make life easier, I just added the terrain in with the mission. [edit the three]Yikes, I didn't know my upload rate was so craptacular. Uh... this is gonna take awhile. Check back in, like, an hour.
  13. Yeah, I just tossed in all my fighters into a ziploc bag and shook it. It was fun to watch the first run through, since the Sabres knew instinctively to go after the MiG-15s. The F-14s, unfortunately, were oblivious to the MiG-21s coming at them from behind. And the F-15s used up all their missiles within 5 minutes. It sure was gratifying to see a MiG-28 get shot down by an F-86, though.
  14. Red vs. Blue



    Update: Okay, this thing ain't working like it's supposed to. So here's the deal: When I first made the mission, it was on the scal terrain map. When I tweaked it so that it could be played without updates, the map didn't change for some reason. So you're going to have to download the scal terrain. Sorry. I'll work on a desert version when I have time. This is it: The dogfight you've been waiting for since you got out of pilot training. 14 American fighters against 28 MiGs. This is my first mission with the editor. Well, first GOOD mission - the last one had 132 aircraft. It was like trying to play Doom 3 on a Super Nintendo. Just drop the file into your /Missions folder, located at: :\Program Files\Strategy First\Strike Fighters\Missions\ Feel free to e-mail me with any suggestions or comments. hmcnally@gmail.com
  15. I tossed them in to go with the F-14s, because I watched Top Gun yesterday. But you're right. On the other hand, how often do F-86s and F-15s fly operational missions together? :p I think the one I'm going to submit is going to have stock aircraft for convenience's sake.
  16. I tried to do something like that. Alas, I got a little overzealous. Using the mission editor, I put 52 American fighters against 80 MiGs. Would have been great. Except the game slowed down so much I thought I somehow tried playing it on my old Nintendo. I think I need to scale back the fight some. [edit]Please note that the screen capture is for the above mission, not the revised mission as described below. Okay, so I scaled the mission back some. 14 American fighters against 20 MiGs (it's no fun if we're not outnumbered). It ran quite smoothly and we ran into the MiGs just as I planned. I might need to tweak the waypoints some so that the flights are a little more tightly grouped. The F-14s and F-16s didn't engage anybody, whereas the F-15s went winchester within the first five minutes of the engagement. But at one point, I marvelled at how the AI seemed to know instinctively who to go after. I saw a MiG-15 being chased by an F-86, etc. I myself only managed three kills. Kill #1 was against a MiG-17 with my gun. Kill #2 was against a MiG-28 with a Sparrow. Kill #3 was a head-on gun kill against a MiG-28. Alas, I was a bit too close the the -28 when I got him - he was still in one burning piece and we were headed straight at each other. Boom. Anyone want me to submit this one after I've worked out some of the kinks?
  17. Now, I know that actually tanking is impossible, but I was wondering if anyone has actually made any tanker aircraft? I've heard that some were made or were being made, but I've never seen them. I was hoping I could see if I could actually maneuver into position and hold it, provided tanking ever actually became an option. And even if it doesn't, it'd be fun to try.
  18. Check out this F-4C. Who here thinks it can be done? http://aircraftresourcecenter.com/Gal3/230...rts/gal2386.htm
  19. Yeah, that's about right. Except the paintjob looks too fresh. Did that thing just come out of the paint barn or something? :p
  20. It's been about two years since I've seen it, but I remember a scene in Top Gun where two F-14s are flying away from the camera around dusk. Once they shut off the afterburner, their exhausts were completely dark. Of course, I'm going by memory here and could be mistaken. Still don't know why I haven't grabbed up the DVD for cheap yet.
  21. Is it possible to edit it so that it won't self-destruct until it's out of lethal range? I highly doubt that the ACTUAL missiles behaved like that.
  22. Alas, still nothing. I push the throttles to burner, I pull the trigger... And nothing happens. No different sounds, no cool-as-hell fireball trailing behind. Just nothing.
  23. While we're on the topic of self-fragging, I seem to be having trouble with the nuclear A/A missiles. Every so often, they'll fail to guide and detonate within killing range of... well, me. Is this me shooting outside of optimum firing parameters or were these things just really really unreliable (they were, if I recall correctly, made by the same folk who made the AIM-4, which damaged more Phantoms than they did MiGs according to Roger Clinton, 8TFW crew chief)?
  24. I'm not getting this to work. I'm 100% certain I followed those directions exactly, but it's not dumping and burning.

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