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Everything posted by kreelin

  1. I remember a guys on checksix-fr who compared TK's F-4 and the plane basic performances. Th result was TK's figures was quite right (IRC less than 5%) He he... You know me too much Ed
  2. Nele, By changing the wetmachtable to match the floggers one, you suppose both engines have exactly the same performances at supersonic speed ... Streak used TK's wetmachtable in his FM. Of course we don't know how and where TK got his data so we cannot say if they are "realistic" or not but I think the best way to "correct" the engine tables( if needed ) is to use Streak's latest works on the F-4 HighDef aero coeff and then compare the plane overall performance with real chart in F-4 pilot's manual... The other solution is to get the real performance data of J79
  3. My new son...

    Congrats for you and your wife Brian ;)
  4. I took the ML in a spin and I like the result ;). Great job Doc. I will test her in combat session now...
  5. Wooaooo.... Very interesting vid Ed ;=
  6. Shin Kazama is right. You have to know how to hover first. Then how to move the plane gently forward, backward, on the left and the right. And then you can try deck landing ;) Here is a little vid showing you 2 ways to land. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJGdJSSibUc (to copy/paste) The first attempt is more like the RL. You have to approach on the left side of the deck. + 5kts CA speed and 15ft above the deck. What I use to do is doing the approach at +20kts and decelerate to +5kts when the plane is over the beginning of the deck.
  7. Cobra -able ? Well SF series physical engine is not perfect but one can do a lot of good things ;) So if you want to compare reality and in game... A real SU-35 in a airshow http://www.dailymotion.com/_kreelin_/video/2310507 And the SU-27 in WOE (pay attention at my last "cobra") http://www.dailymotion.com/_kreelin_/video/x18j50_puggie
  8. Question for Charles of A-Team

    Unfortunately not... This is something missing in TK's series. Specially with WWI planes that don't have airbrake ;). I've already tried to model this in Jet Flightmodel long times ago but never find a way to do it... I hope TK will do something about it one day ;)
  9. ErikGen is about to finish his Fiat G91 R3 . Quite impressive for a first 3D model ;) Here is a little video to show you his work... Fiat G91R3 by ErikGen
  10. Unfortunately, the video rez is not enough to enable us to see the details of the model... But screenshot does ;)
  11. It's coming (4 or 6 months :) ) .... I'm still working hard on it. But unfortunately I think I'll never manage to make something flyable by AI :(. So it would be for Human pilot and single mission only (no campaign) Wessex in Recon
  12. Oh Sh.....t Yeah America NW is not bad too
  13. 4 or 6 months ;) @Fubar Nice skins Fubar... DBS will be THE map for those new goodies
  14. Yeah... F-14, F-15, F-16, be aware... She's coming (4 or 6 months ;) ) Su27 do Braziouuuuuu
  15. Yeah... Jtin is right. If you want to fly helos like helos, you need a specific FM. SFP1/WOV/WOE/FE are not adapted for real Helo flight dynamic (I hope sincerly it would be possible one day). Now what you see on my youtube video is just a show of my WIP on helo's FM (and to tell how fun it wold be to fly a "real helo" in WOV). For now the FM is still crappy... I stopped the work cause I have less and less spare time and I finally stated out that it absolutely needs a game engine improvement if I want a decent result...
  16. Yeah... She is still in progress http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PffU4YQJq_c But hope we will have some news very soon
  17. Don't know about the "Young Lion" but what can I tell is Skyhawks are on their way Check this out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHOqtmsNdkc
  18. Danke Gepard ;)... My WOI (Wings Other Israel) is almost complete now....
  19. Arf6, In fact if you start you plane from a carrier, you cannot choose to land on airfield in your flight path. It's a game limitation ;)
  20. File Name: Tornado GR1A Movie File Submitter: kreelin File Submitted: 5 May 2006 File Updated: 5 May 2006 File Category: Thirdwire Series (SF/WOV/WOE/WWI) AD's Tornado in training mode ;) What a great plane it is Click here to download this file
  21. Ah ok.... You want some tank hunting... Try this one ;) [MissionHeader] AircraftType=AH-1G MissionMap=VietnamSEA MissionType=CAP StartDate=06/18/1977 StartTime=09:00 [Weather] WeatherType=CLEAR WeatherAlt=4000.0 WeatherThickness=500.0 HasHighLayer=FALSE HighLayerAlt=8000 FogAmount=0.6 ContrailAlt=8000 StartWindDirection= StartWindSpeed=17.57222 WindGustingAmount=25.57222 [MissionData] FriendlyAirActivity=1 EnemyAirActivity=1 FriendlyAirDefenseActivity=1 EnemyAirDefenseActivity=1 PlayerMissionID=1 PlayerPositionID=1 MissionNumber=1 AdjustStartPosition=TRUE AdjustBaseWaypoint=TRUE [AircraftMission001] AircraftType=AH-1G Name=Showtime FormationType=USFighter Texture= Squadron=-1 AircraftNumber=1 Size=1 RandomChance=100 MissionType=CAP CarrierBased=FALSE ObjectiveID=1 RatingForSuccess=50 StartOnGround=TRUE Position=600000,522000,0 StartTime=0 Heading=0 Speed=75.00 Alignment=FRIENDLY AmmoPercent=100 FuelPercent=100 Loadout= TracerMixRatio=50 PilotTrainingStandard=NORMAL TargetArea= Nation=USAF Waypoint[01].Position=600110,522228,0 Waypoint[01].Speed=0.00 Waypoint[01].Size=200 Waypoint[01].Command=TAKEOFF Waypoint[01].Objective=TRUE Waypoint[02].Position=593037,526857,500 Waypoint[02].Speed=75.00 Waypoint[02].Size=200 Waypoint[02].Command=ATTACK_OBJECT Waypoint[02].Objective=TRUE Waypoint[03].Position=496111,555727,500 Waypoint[03].Speed=75.00 Waypoint[03].Size=200 Waypoint[03].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[03].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[04].Position=544323,501547,500 Waypoint[04].Speed=75.00 Waypoint[04].Size=200 Waypoint[04].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[04].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[05].Position=599974,522137,0 Waypoint[05].Speed=75.00 Waypoint[05].Size=200 Waypoint[05].Command=LAND_TOUCHDOWN Waypoint[05].Objective=FALSE [GroundMission001] GroundObjectType=T-55 Name=Tank FormationType=SovietTank NavalObject=FALSE Carrier=FALSE ShipNumber= Size=16 RandomChance=100 ObjectiveID=0 RatingForSuccess=50 Position=599956,523538,0 StartTime=0 Heading=0 Speed=0 Alignment=ENEMY Nation=NVietnam Loadout= Texture= Waypoint[01].Position=599956,523538,0 Waypoint[01].Speed=7 Waypoint[01].Size=1 Waypoint[01].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[01].Objective=FALSE [GroundMission002] GroundObjectType=T-54 Name=Tank FormationType=SovietTank NavalObject=FALSE Carrier=FALSE ShipNumber= Size=4 RandomChance=100 ObjectiveID=0 RatingForSuccess=50 Position=599956,523538,0 StartTime=0 Heading=0 Speed=0 Alignment=ENEMY Nation=NVietnam Loadout= Texture= Waypoint[01].Position=599956,523538,0 Waypoint[01].Speed=7 Waypoint[01].Size=1 Waypoint[01].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[01].Objective=FALSE
  22. Guys, We can't let this tool not to be compatible with SP4... According to what you guys said above, I think there is a way to make this tool fully working with SP4 ;)
  23. Ok could you try this one _______________________________ [MissionHeader] AircraftType=AH-1G MissionMap=VietnamSEA MissionType=CAP StartDate=06/18/1977 StartTime=09:00 [Weather] WeatherType=CLEAR WeatherAlt=4000.0 WeatherThickness=500.0 HasHighLayer=FALSE HighLayerAlt=8000 FogAmount=0.6 ContrailAlt=8000 StartWindDirection= StartWindSpeed=17.57222 WindGustingAmount=25.57222 [MissionData] FriendlyAirActivity=1 EnemyAirActivity=1 FriendlyAirDefenseActivity=1 EnemyAirDefenseActivity=1 PlayerMissionID=1 PlayerPositionID=1 MissionNumber=1 AdjustStartPosition=TRUE AdjustBaseWaypoint=TRUE [AircraftMission001] AircraftType=AH-1G Name=Showtime FormationType=USFighter Texture= Squadron=-1 AircraftNumber=1 Size=1 RandomChance=100 MissionType=CAP CarrierBased=FALSE ObjectiveID=1 RatingForSuccess=50 StartOnGround=TRUE Position=600000,522000,0 StartTime=0 Heading=0 Speed=75.00 Alignment=FRIENDLY AmmoPercent=100 FuelPercent=100 Loadout=Attack TracerMixRatio=50 PilotTrainingStandard=NORMAL TargetArea= Nation=USAF Waypoint[01].Position=600110,522228,0 Waypoint[01].Speed=0.00 Waypoint[01].Size=200 Waypoint[01].Command=TAKEOFF Waypoint[01].Objective=TRUE Waypoint[02].Position=593037,526857,500 Waypoint[02].Speed=75.00 Waypoint[02].Size=200 Waypoint[02].Command=ATTACK_OBJECT Waypoint[02].Objective=TRUE Waypoint[03].Position=496111,555727,500 Waypoint[03].Speed=75.00 Waypoint[03].Size=200 Waypoint[03].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[03].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[04].Position=544323,501547,500 Waypoint[04].Speed=75.00 Waypoint[04].Size=200 Waypoint[04].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[04].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[05].Position=599974,522137,0 Waypoint[05].Speed=75.00 Waypoint[05].Size=200 Waypoint[05].Command=LAND_TOUCHDOWN Waypoint[05].Objective=FALSE [GroundMission001] GroundObjectType=T-55 Name=Tank FormationType=SovietTank NavalObject=FALSE Carrier=FALSE ShipNumber=10 Size=16 RandomChance=100 ObjectiveID= RatingForSuccess=50 Position=600435,522881,0 StartTime=32400 Heading=0 Speed=0.00 Alignment=ENEMY Nation=Soviet Loadout= Texture=Green Waypoint[01].Position=600435,522881,0 Waypoint[01].Speed=7 Waypoint[01].Size=1 Waypoint[01].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[01].Objective=FALSE Waypoint[02].Position=600214,522482,0 Waypoint[02].Speed=7 Waypoint[02].Size=1 Waypoint[02].Command=WAYPOINT Waypoint[02].Objective=FALSE ___________________________________________
  24. Bingo, Could you copy / paste your mission here ? I'll see what goes wrong...

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