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Everything posted by kreelin

  1. A tire touch smoke effect... You have it with the new patch
  2. Who knows http://www.dailymotion.com/_kreelin_/video...ig29_videogames
  3. There is a way to refuel your plane in WOI (didn't test it in others series)... But unfortunately only player a/c can be refuelled. See the little vid below ifr.wmv
  4. Well... In fact if you want really to use it with Harriers you can. But then you are sentenced not to VTOL
  5. Unfortunately you cannot use animation key for an engine
  6. The tool is avalilable here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=7350 Please read the readme ;-)
  7. Thanks STORM... I'll try to use those inputs to adjust the stuff. Unfortunately there is no solution for a/c who uses the Thrust Vector Key . And there is no way to refuel wingies too so I'm afraid the interest of this thing is really "light"
  8. As Gr.Viper described... No mystery... That's why i asked the question to STORM.
  9. LOL Stick... @STROM What is the average refueling time for birds like F-16 ? (If it's not a SD info)
  10. Exactly... So you are quicly alone then.
  11. Well AFAIK they used to be but I did a lot of test with the latest patch last night and all my wingies called BINGO few time after my refuelling
  12. Yeah... The tanker is there just for the show. You can refuel everywhere you want (on the ground, in the air, on the carrier...). You can even get more fuel than the a/c max capacity (not realistic but it's up to you ). In fact I worked on this month ago when working on Falklands addons. I wanted a solution to refuel Argies A-4. I was able to add fuel but then the main engine didn't work normaly . So I gave it up... Now I found the way to do it correctly but still have 2 points to resolve. - As it uses TVC, how can I do it for Harriers series ? - The fact that only the player's a/c can be refuelled is real problem. You always finish alone in the air
  13. It works exactly as C5 described here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...p;hl=YaP+Refuel and precisely You play with negative TSFC and that's it Now before giving the method, I need to find a solution for TVC a/c
  14. Well I don't know what YAP method is but at this time, there is not hundred methods to "cheat" refuelling in this series... I've worked on this longtime ago but never found the good way to do it.
  15. No... It's a "cheat". Not a new game feature. So do not ask TK about it
  16. Using FE Maps in KMD

    Unfortunately, there is no way to get "more detailed" terrain cause my editor cannot read the terrain data like in game. Now what kind of object placement do you want to do ? If you want to make your plane to take off from a specific AB, you have just to set the first WP of your flight above the AB and then click on "Take off" check box...
  17. LOL... Nice flares effect Ed
  18. We still need to fix some "details"... Stay tuned :biggrin:
  19. When did you start modding...

    Hmm... 2002 / 2003 for Flanker series. I started to Hexedit the game to make the SU-39 flyable (Flanker 2.03 or something like that) . My nickname was "Phoenix" on ubi.com :D
  20. What do you Drive?

    Very reliable... Traffic jam killer. Max speed Mach 0.025
  21. Ooops... My bad. I thought it was Mike's F22

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