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Everything posted by Rafair7643

  1. Am I getting old?

    A few years ago my wife treated me to the full Sky HD+ package. Just means I now have 300 channels of crap, instead of 5.
  2. Nollaig chridheil agus bliadhna mhath ùr From a chilly and white Alba
  3. OMG WTF?

    That would be bad, but not a patch on the reality of the situation. Currently being remade in New Zealand........................................................wait for it..................................... The Dambusters
  4. The Past Decade

    Got to agree with the majority regarding the global events, they really were terrible. Even mother nature gave us a kicking with the Tsunami. Like a previous member, it's been up and down. Wife broke arm in 3 places just before Xmas last year. Left me as head cook and bottle washer, which had a knock on effect on my own long running health problems. On the Flightsimming side the decade kind of reflected real life really. Started off at ProjectAI and ended up General Manager, then moved to work for Avsim, until I fell out with the boss and then helped form Military AI Works and a had a super time making Military Mods for FS2004. Had to take a back seat though as it just became too large a drain on time and health. Hope everyone has a better start to the new decade and to all those serving in the Stan and their families, you are in our thoughts every day.
  5. Your first combat flight sim...

    First post for me. My first ever "combat" sim would be The Dambusters for the C64. In comparison to todays offerings, it was pretty tame, but in those days it was top notch.

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