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Everything posted by UnknownPilot

  1. Bit of advice re:-FSX

    The easiest way that I've found...... is to just avoid M$FS.
  2. The Winter Games

    This is rather off-putting : http://olympics.fanhouse.com/2010/02/16/us-goalies-ordered-to-remove-slogans-from-helmets/?icid=main|netscape|dl8|link6|http%3A%2F%2Folympics.fanhouse.com%2F2010%2F02%2F16%2Fus-goalies-ordered-to-remove-slogans-from-helmets%2F The IOC needs a house-cleaning, and bad, apparently.
  3. No screen shots tonight, and just 2 quick missions. March 31 '67, ran a SEAD mission to the west. Took 8 planes on that hop to split fire, and also pound out the AAA more quickly. Unfortunately, the "primary" targets wouldn't come up for some time, so there were lots of incidentals being taken out with no effect on the mission. Also, I tweaked the AI to fire rockets and bombs in 2s, but Wilber told me he was down to just guns, even though he never dropped any clusters. I wonder if having rockets in the centerline and CBUs on the wings had something to do with that.....? Anyway, I got 3 of the primaries, and then Red Crown told me I was good to go, which is good because I was out of ammo and nobody else was doing much, so I ordered everyone home. On the way out, Lt Jack Wood, Viper 21 was killed. Blown nearly apart, tail, one wing, canopy all gone and a big fireball in the sky as well. That sucked. No idea what hit him as it was relatively quiet otherwise. Missed the month of the next mission, but I imagine it was late April or early May, sent after a thermal power plant to the far north. Surprisingly recon showed it to be relatively barren of guns. I set us all up with 6 Mk82s in the center, and 600 gallons on the wings (300 per side). Gave us more range and more hitting power at the same time, but the little Skyhawk definitely was straining under the load. As the map would not let me change the pre-IP waypoint, I had to put the IP waaaay out from the target to avoid population centers and take us over the mountains to the north, on a south western attack run to the target. Then once I was out a bit from the boat, I switched waypoints and went straight to the IP. I also slowed us down some to let other flights get in there, but I think I overdid it, Anvil and Chevy flights were both already on their way out as we were just about 5 miles from the target, but there were still plenty of friendly fighters in the area, tangling with MiGs. I set up the ripple for 6, had to pop up about 2 miles out, worried that I wouldn't get the nose back down in time, guestimated a drop (and a very low alt and high speed), and missed, though I think 1 hit, but the target was still intact. Prior to my run though, I sent Wilber in after it as well. I just beat him to the punch, but he followed soon behind and nailed it for us. Then since it was quiet, but we were sooo far north, I reeled everyone in, and headed for the egress point, taking us back right the way we came. Once safely out over the gulf, I sent everyone home. 3 and 4 never dropped a single bomb this time, nobody got shot at, I didn't see a single puff of AAA, and all the enemy fighters were shot down. It was actually kind of eerie. We were closer to the boat than I realized when I sent them all home though, so it ended up being a race. (I like to get there first, just in case one of them has damage and can't land, and so it's become habit - plus I still had 2 drop tanks with fuel that I didn't want to throw away). Throttling up to 100%+, I shot past them about 5 miles out from the carrier on the final leg. I then chopped throttle, and waited, 4 miles..... 3 miles..... finally hit 400kts, popped the boards, but wasn't slowing down fast enough, so I pulled up into a near vertical dive. Once I dropped to 200kts, I went full dirty, flaps, gear and hook, and then started trying to get the nose back down, I watched the speedo spin counter clockwise, I pegged it, and decided to do a quick cheat and turn on the speedbar to look, by the time I did, I was doing 76 (and accelerating again, I suspect I dropped below 70kts), then turned it back off and focused on trying to lose 6,000 ft of altitude, just over a mile away from the carrier deck, with my flight coming in behind me, and I didn't want to wave off.... Going into a near vertical (down) barrel roll, buffeting the heck out of the plane, I managed to end up nearly at the right altitude at the right distance away, but was a touch fast and a bit too far to the right. I plowed ahead with it anyway, brakes still out, still at idle, seeing 200kts and worrying just a bit, I was at about a 45* bank trying to line it up enough that I didn't fall over the side while stopping. At the last second, I uprighted it, and flaired just a bit to get he hook down and trapped, was nearly at the bow by the time I stopped. Someone snapped a pic of some of the greenhorns watching me land for the first time, was a sea of Oh god, they would SOOOO strip me of my wings for this stuff. lol But without a meatball and LSO and with the impatience inherent in a computer game on limited time per night (or day), well..... I guess I'm a bit of a maniac. hehe
  4. OFF or RoF? Help the n00b!

    That is not true. I understand that you are a fan, and perhaps it's the only way you would consider, but, it is NOT the only way to smoothly look around. Obviously, there are those who are good with the mouse in one hand, stick in the other and are quite smooth. But even outside of that, the Cougar HOTAS has a microstick on the throttle which can be mapped to anything, including the mouse. In most sims, that's exactly what I use it for. It does take a bit of getting used to, but it is extremely smooth and controllable, and I use it as I would my head (though I am a bit more stiff in Strike Fighters because I don't like where the view center leaves the view). I think that statement would be like me saying that a ThrustMaster Cougar HOTAS (with rudder pedals) is the only way to truly enjoy a simulation and experience immersion with a side benefit of increased effectiveness. I may feel that way personally, but clearly it's not a statement of absolute fact (for everyone).
  5. What are you listening to?

    Cool, rockin', fun, and some sexy girls to look at to boot.
  6. Strutters...

    Good song, but not as good as KISS. I've always wondered if he was saying "they do respect her but, they love to watch her strut", OR "they do respect her butt; they love to watch her strut". lol Couple more good strut/ing/er vids we can't forget - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcAJ9siMseA and oh, erm, uh, don't mind me, sorry......
  7. While A2A is definitely "sexy", mud moving, especially in jets with massive amounts of ordnance (and guided munitions and huge guns) is anything but "tedious". It's really what air-power is all about, the reason for it's very existance. Plus, downing a MiG with an A-4, or A-7, or a Sukhoi with an A-10 after blowing some strategic asset of theirs to kingdom come is just sublime.
  8. What is the UK becoming?

    It goes beyond mere impedance of livelihood, it's a violation. That alone should bring about the same penalties. To a typical person, they see what you described - an inconvenience. But the car person, who's spent countless hours hunting down his prize, purchased it, cares for it year round, keeping it spotless, caressing it, loving it, spinning wrenches on it, modifying it, pouring his very heart and soul into it. To steal it is no mere inconvenience, and it's not about livelihood either, it's tantamount to kidnapping. And it's just as irreplaceable. Yes, you can get "another" car, but you can't get THAT car back. Pick any classic car, or even just any prized car no longer in production, from a C2 Sting Ray to a 2002 Trans Am WS6. Also, the insurance companies won't provide real value either, particularly in those cases, but even with current boring-ass econo-box, "white-goods", appliances they call cars.
  9. Ran a couple of missions in a row, not too much to report, and I can only save the debrief of the last mission I play before I exit (as it's in the clipboard), but when I exit, the mission on deck goes away, and is replaced by something else randomly. In my second to last mission, sadly, Ens Barkley was hit and killed near the target. Had be been following me down low, I think he may have survived, but my trusty wingman of many missions is now gone. I reluctantly re-took my original wingman of Ens Wilber, who had been MIA but made it back. Reluctant because I didn't want to make him go through that ordeal all over again. We were charged with taking out a warehouse building pretty much due west of the fleet. Very close, and fairly south, so I figured it to be a milk run, and one where we didn't need drop tanks. Gave 3 and 4 rockets, Wilber got a CBU, and I changed it up a bit for me. I noticed the Walleye was available. So I thought I'd give it a go. Slung one of them in the middle for the building, and then 4 CBUs on the wings for whatever else may be around. Ingress was quiet, as I expected. Until we got near the shore.... then many guns started opening up. We broke north, dropped down, and poured on the fuel to try to get away from those guns. Fortunately everyone stuck together. After going around that threat, we got back on the flight path, hit the IP, and I switched to the Walleye, and while I was tuning in the targeting, I ordered Wilber to go after the same target, just in case. He acknowledged, and I was climbing and accelerating. About 1.6 miles out and 3,000 ft up, I dropped, and it started to track, then went dumb, and missed. Hit a few other things, but not the primary target. And Wilber missed as well. In desperation I tried dropping 2 CBUs on it, and as expected, they did nothing. Just as I was about to give up, something grabbed my attention, catching me totally off guard - The big boys had arrived! And they totally obliterated the target area! Makes me wonder what we were even sent in for. lol However, thankfully, they saved out hides and resulted in a mission success for us. I made a quick pass to see the results of their presence - Really not much left. lol After that surprise, we looked around, Anvil flight, another group of A-4s in the area, cleaned up a remaining gun, so I reeled Olds flight in and headed for home. Up ahead in the egress route I spotted some radar contacts and went after them. Managed to get another AAA or 2, as did #3 or 4 as well. After that I sent them home, checked with Red Crown for bandits but was clear, and then sped for home myself. Once again, a surprise on arrival - a promotion!
  10. Thanks Lt! I'm still a little shocked by it. lol I'm not really sure what you mean by "the garden". Do you have a map image (jpg or some such) with these areas marked? --- May '66 Some good news! Garry Wilber made it back! He had quite a story to tell too. Thankfully he's still in flying shape and is back on the official roster. After the failure of the previous mission (and my second overall in my tour), they decided to give us an easy one. I guess to see if we were still worth keeping around maybe. We had to take out an enemy HQ building, reasonably far south, and quite close. I saw this as an opportunity to make amends. Since it was so close, I dumped the standard drop tank loadout, and replaced mine with 4 CBUs, Barkley's with 1 CBU, and 3 and 4 with rockets. We made our approach below 5000ft, and from the south, turned north west to the IP, then north east to the target. Very quiet flight. Once there, I told everyone to open up, let loose, and rain the hell down on them. Once again(!) I missed the target on my first pass and called Barkley in. Meanwhile 3 and 4 were just lighting the place up like a 4 alarm fire in a fireworks factory next to a saw mill in Arizona on the 4th of July. On my second pass, I got way too low, saw other explosion happen right where I was, and didn't know who caused them, pulled up HARD, blacked out, and wasn't sure if I was dead. I let go and came to and the HQ was out of commission. I thought I got it on that pass. I started directing Barkley to other targets, while proceeding to drop CBUs on some myself. To my surprise I saw another vehicle facility, and wouldn't you know it, I had a CBU for them! And I soon heard the lovely sound of multiple bomblets causing even more multiple secondary explosions. That seemed to stir up the hive though, as suddenly big blasts of AAA finally started appearing. I made one last CBU drop on a AAA battery, and missed. Then made a strafing pass, and missed with that too! gah! I started to feel the temptation to keep going after it until either it was dead or I was totally Winchester, but then I realized that meant multiple runs down the barrel of a gun meant to shoot planes down. So I called everyone off (as the main target area was basically wiped out anyway), and we all went back to the boat. Even though they headed home first, I got there as they were entering the pattern. I drove in past them all, popped the boards, pulled into a hard barrel roll, dropped flaps, gear, and hook even before I was totally right side up, and dove the deck, flaring it at the end, putting me almost right on the ball, and trapping a 2 wire. Over the radio I heard "you f***in' maniac!" The CAG gave me another mean look and finger shake for my antics, but then delivered some really good, and once again surprising news..... I was being awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross!
  11. What is the UK becoming?

    Exactly. It has nothing to do with being quiet or polite in the least little bit, and everything to do with their fear of weapons, their fear of one's fellow citizen (especially when said fellow citizen may be armed), and complete and utter trust in the state, all in the name of the so-called "greater good". And of course, let us not forget the systematic elimination of all forms of conflict and competition, and the witch hunts against individualism, aggression, and any hint of liking weapons (you know, how kindergarten children are being expelled for making a fake gun with thier thumb and forefinger these days, just to mention but ONE example) we now have in schools today as well (preparing the upcoming generation to be just the way they want everyone to be). But he'll just claim that we are simply trying to convince ourselves of a lie. - oh and give me another minus one too. lol! He just demonstrates that the truth hurts, as he doth protest too much. (afterall, if someone called a 90lb dude a fat ass, the only thing he could do is laugh - but 260lbs.... well, then it stings lol)
  12. FAIL! Tasked with taking out a Warehouse, practically in the heart of Hanoi itself, I planned out a round-a-bout, safe ingress, taking Barkley on my wing again, another Lt for #3 and a greenhorn for #4. The ingress was quiet until we got close to the IP. Then all hell broke loose around us. The radio was already clogged with desperate cries about SAM launches and AAA, and as we crested a mountain, we became part of the target pool, and saw it unfolding before us. It's a little creepy to hear the SAM launch calls and see the plume that lead to it, as it happens. There were about 4 sites in the area, and I'm willing to bet they were all linked too. In fact, the IP to OP route took us directly over a SAM site, so I dropped down to 400feet, throttled up, armed my bombs, and hoped for the best. I set the ripple to drop everything this time, I was NOT sticking around for second pass. I needed to pop up though, so I did, rolled inverted, saw green tracers streak by the canopy, pulled down and rolled upright to drop on the target, but was just a bit off, and it was all happening at about 560kts indicated, and.... I missed. I called in Barkley, but he missed too. At this point I had no choice, I ordered everyone home. I wasn't sure if I'd be getting out of there though. Staying low, and at full throttle, I headed for the next way point, which was taking me toward some hills. Unfortunately, it was right in the path of some heavy MG flak too. Screaming over the terrain at 577 knots indicated, at less than 200 feet, I'd occasionally have to stand on a wing and pull hard to break the aim. All the while I'm watching the ground, and my VSI (since there is no radar altimeter in this crate). It was a nightmare, I was sweating bullets the entire time. But eventually I did reach the gulf. I climbed to a whole 300 feet, and kept the throttle wide open. I didn't want to show up on any SAM scopes. Once I was about 40 miles out from the shore, I climbed up to 10,000 feet and throttled back to 70% rpm and cruised back to the boat, conserving what fuel I had left. I felt sick to my stomach on the trip back to the boat, and didn't even want to land. Fresh from a promotion and winning the highest medal in the US Armed Services, and I fail the very next mission assigned to me - even if it did happen to be a strike in the middle of downtown hell itself.
  13. Lt, I thought you were going to say you were gonna build yourself a 100% authentic replica of a Skyraider. Feb 66 7 months in the hospital for injuries I didn't even know I had. Ugh. But the return mission was almost everything I could have asked for. Tasked with taking out a power plant close enough that we didn't need drop tanks, I equipped myself with 4 CBUs, #2 with 1 CBU, and 3 and 4 with rockets, in place of drop tanks, and of course taking the standard load of 4 Mk 82s as well. The initial approach looked dangerous - fly over a SAM site and population center just to reach the plant, then go home via a relatively safe route. Why.....?! I changed that to ingress and egress on the same side. And I'm glad I did. It was smooth sailing the entire way in. We never got shot at until we were dropping iron. On the way in, I made note of a vehicle facility we flew over. Unfortunately, I missed.... with all 4 Mk 82s, but #2, Ens Dennis Barkley, was able to save the mission for us. I then dropped on a 100mm AAA battery, and forgot that I was still set to a ripple of 2. I cursed myself for wasting a CBU, and then called in Barkley on another target. Then I spotted a boomerang shaped wing shoot by me, very close. A MiG 17..... I switched to guns and went after it. We tangled briefly, but I figured it was futile with 2 CBUs still strapped underneath. I wanted to find something close to take out so that I could then better focus on this bandit. But there was nothing. Fortunately the bandit didn't seem to care about any of us too much. However, once I saw that there were no close targets and that MiG was still around, I decided to go after it even with the extra load. And damn this ECM retro-fit..... 40 rounds just isn't enough. And by the time I got a perfect shot, I was out. I had to let him go. At that point everyone else called in Winchester, so I sent them home..... and found myself heading right for a dock. I thought about using the CBUs there, but docks are scary places. I pulled hard to avoid over-flying it, but I woke up the gunners and was dealing with some real pucker factor, trying to skim the ground at over 550kts getting away from there, seeing grey puffs just ahead and to the sides. But once I got clear, and the fire stopped, I started re-tracing my steps. I spotted the facility on my radar, and went in after it. Lined up a perfect run, length-wise on the truck park, and.... dropped nothing. I forgot to switch back to my CBUs. gah! I looped around, selected the right ordnance, and dropped. Massive explosions. Picked up something like 15 ground kills there, plus the AAA earlier, plus the 3 buildings I did hit at the power plant (that were just the wrong buildings), and I came away with 22 ground kills on that mission. Best of all, everyone made it home without a scratch, and there were no radar warnings and no SAM sites. When I got back, I was met with a real surprise - 2 of them! A promotion, AND a CMH!
  14. What is the UK becoming?

    I never listen to Rush, or ANY talk radio of any kind. I also do NOT buy or repeat a stereotype of any group of people that someone tells me. I go off of purely personal experience. I have encountered, interacted with, and known many liberals (TOO damned many, actually), and it seems the place I work at is simply crawling with them (a horrible infestation to be sure). They are all the way I described. Further, this is supplemented by observation of the politicians, judges and lawyers - who do you think set the system up to make it so that the criminals can play the victim, and succeed, in the first damn place? lol You lot are just too funny sometimes. No matter how much you don't like the sound of it eraser, it's the truth. However, if you really and truly feel that shoe doesn't fit you, well, then don't try wearing it.
  15. Dang, it won't let me edit again, and I forgot the screen shot.
  16. June 1965 Well, I did it. Aerial kill number 5. An attack pilot ace. But at what cost? We were charged with taking out a rail bridge. This was not the first time. The last rail bridge I was tasked with remained standing. Even after 8 500lb Mk 82s were dropped on it. I was determined not to let that happen again. I took four 750s this time. All of my drops are basically dead on or "close enough", even despite being dropped in water, the 500lb-ers just weren't getting the job done. I had contemplated 2 1000lb-ers, but instead gave that to my #2, Ens. Gary Wilbers. As it turns out, the 750s were the trick. Apparently, with the timing and spread, even rippled 4 at once, the 500s just didn't have enough punch to take the bridges down. Now I know to what to haul whenever I have a rail bridge to deal with. After taking out the bridge, I dropped my remaining 2 on a AAA emplacement, called Wilbers in on a second one, and told the second wing to bug out. Once Wilbers hit his target I tried to reel him in. He kept acknowledging, but never actually complied. I called out to Red Crown for a status check, and there were bandits to 9 o clock, less than 8 miles out. I saw several planes out that way, most were trailing heavy smoke and were light colored, I figured them to be Phantoms, but one, one was small, hard to really see, light colored, and not smoking. That had to be a MiG (it was either coming toward me and head on toward the Phantoms, or was smokeless, either way, I figured it to be the bandit). Not willing to risk it being headed my way, I turned into it and slammed the throttle. Periodically I kept calling Wilbers in, and kept getting acknowledgments, but he never showed up. At one point I even heard him call "in hot" and then "target destroyed". I met the MiG 17 just after he dodged a Sparrow from a Phantom, I shot past the F-4, rolled in on the bandit, and began using a series of high yo-yos to close and get a shot on him. The Phantom apparently split the scene, had to be from that lack of a gun they suffer from. Glancing at my fuel guage, I saw that it had come off it's peg and I was just under 5000lbs. Plenty on hand, but it meant I didn't need my tank anymore, so I blew all the stores to clean up. We danced for what seemed like hours, and I lost him once in the overcast. He had pulled me down and back into his territory, over his AAA. At this point the fangs were too far out for me to let go. I wasn't even thinking about it being the Ace kill, just a bandit that had lured me into dangerous territory and done me the "insult" of not dying easily (lol). Finally he tried hitting the brakes. This was the second time he did that, this time I was ready and willing to respond, I managed to just say behind him, and with a windscreen full of tail pipe, I let off a burst, blew off his wing and tail saw a flaming fireball drop like a brick. At that point, I found Wilbers was way out of position and would have had to fly through too much to link up, so I sent him home. This was an order he finally did comply with..... and was shot down by flak. He's now MIA. I returned, landed, and was applauded as an Ace, but at what cost? A bit of a hollow achievement. And on top of that, I was apparently injured, but never knew it. And now get to spend a few months in the hospital thinking about it all. [the game actually said I was shot down, wtf? ]
  17. What is the UK becoming?

    So that the maggot can then go on to victimize someone else? Someone who may be unable to ward off his desires? Someone who may have encountered him at just the wrong time and be more than just mugged, but raped and/or killed? No, this idea that you must only give yourself an opportunity to run is utter bulls**t, it's part in parcel of giving up any and all aspects of independence and individuality - of elevating the perpetrator and denigrating the law-abiding citizen. It is, at it's core, a process of, sorry for the coarse language, but... pussifying the population. Forcing them to be ever more reliant on an increasingly invasive and pervasive 'big brother'. Nobody should ever be required by law to run. Nor should anyone be punished for helping others either - be it intervening in a crime in process, or pulling someone from a burning wreck. xclusiv, this is not an attack on you, so I hope you don't take it as such. It's just a sore spot for me, the direction the entire world is going is nothing but bad.
  18. Yes, thanks for trying to enlighten, however that is all pretty apparent from just a cursory glance at the history. My comment was more...... "existential", if you will. A rhetorical comment/question posed to the designers, and the people who laid down the criteria for them to follow, who clearly missed the boat. Just another fighter that could have been so much more than it was, hampered by bureaucracy and tossed away without seeing it's potential. Also, it was basically saying that what we have did exist, so I'm happy staying with it. :)
  19. What is the UK becoming?

    This is very good news. I've heard that Arizona has been going soft, like so many of the other states, at least Nevada hasn't lost it's nerve yet. Just so long as those aren't 12 demoncrats. With all the worthless pussy liberals (yeah, I know, very redundant when dealing with those types, any of those 3 words alone sums them all up lol), the criminal is the victim if you don't go along with his demands, if you stand and fight, then you are clearly an independent individualist, and a threat to the "greater good" (which demands that you sacrifice all - your income, your privacy, and your freedom). And if you use a gun to do it..... well hell, you are basically satan himself come to this mortal plane. Like OvS said, best to have an aliby weapon, kill the perp, and also to know the law, and have a good lawyer.
  20. April 65 Ensign Davan "Maniac" Hawk VA-94 Mighty Shrikes, flying A-4C Gulf of Tonkin, CVA-61 - USS Ranger We returned from a successful warehouse strike, all hands accounted for, and only some minor damage. ...but this one was a bit different from most. The flight deck was mobbed. The CAG looked furious though, and as I turned my attention toward him, amidst the cheering of the other VAs and utter shock of the VFs, he ordered me into his office - "I don't know what the hell you think you were doing out there mister, maybe you're looking for a transfer? My office.... NOW!" As soon as I closed the door behind me, his stern expression broke into a grin. "Hawk, seriously boy, what the hell are you trying to do out there? Show off? Prove a point?" He paused, took a moment, and continued, looking up at me in a soft tone, "do you want a transfer?" 'No sir.' "You know that while taking out an enemy fighter is never a bad thing, being as you're the only Attack pilot to currently hold 4 kills, and 2 of them in this last mission, hot on the heels of 1 kill each in your previous 2 missions, well.... it's starting to look like you are going out of your way, as if you were a fighter pilot or something." 'But sir I....' He put up his hand. "Don't sweat it ensign. I'm not obligated to formally reprimand you, and to be quite honest, I love the accomplishment you've managed to pull off. But this is a dangerous game. I can't have you getting shot down just because you were being a glory hound out there, trying to become an Attack Squadron dog fighting ace. Both you, AND that Skyhawk you are entrusted with are too valuable. Not to mention what could happen with the rest of your flight." With my head down, I managed to utter a '.... yessir' "Look, just keep cool, ok? At this rate, I'm certain that the next kill will, uh, 'accidentally' find itself in front of your cannons" he said with a wink "but I'm serious about wanting you to come back alive, ok? Unofficially, I don't care what you do out there as long as you bring yourself and your flight back home with from a successful mission. And to be honest, I'm pulling for you to become an Ace. I just want you to take your time, relax, and let it happen when, or IF, it does. Remember, your job is to drop bombs and get home safe, everything else is fluff." He turned and walked back around to his chair and pulled a box out of his desk. "Word came back just before you trapped, due to the success of that mission, and the extraordinary feat of 2 kills in one sortie for a VA pilot, you've been awarded the Air Medal" he said as he opened the box. My eyes lit up as I received the medal. I saluted the CAG 'thank you sir!' "You've earned it." 'Poker tonight?' "If I can make it, there's a pile of paperwork that just isn't going away, but I'm going to try. Now go on, get out of here. Oh and Ensign..." 'Sir?' "Make those VF jocks sweat a little, eh? You maniac." Grabbing a quick bit of grub in the galley, there was a small mob around me. 'You know, I'd be an Ace already if the Skyhawk just had a few more round of ammo.' "Get the hell out of here." came a jeer from the crowd "Three kills in 1 sortie? Now way." "Sure!" came another "After all, VA pilots are used to earning their living!" laughs, and snickers and jeers broke out 'Yeah, that's pretty much true, we don't even need all that fancy radar and missiles and afterburners you jocks do!' Laughter broke out among the boos and hisses. 'But seriously guys, I did put a few rounds into a 3rd, but it was like 1 or 2 and a glancing blow at best. Just wasn't enough to really damage him. I hung with him for a while, trying to will him to go down, but ended up giving up on him and just came home. Some fighter jock took him out for me not too long after though' "Hey, no problem, we don't mind stepping in to finish the job right" quiet laughter, with interspersed "yeah right" and "you wish" Some VF jock then said, "Looks like #5 might not be so easy though, attack-boy" 'oh? why's that?' "Because we are going to be upgrading to the A-4C '65 retro fit. We're basically getting some electronic warfare gadgets crammed in, but because of the lack of space and retro-fit nature, they are taking out a lot of cannon ammo to shoehorn it in." 'oh, cool. Should help us with the flak and SAM threats. Dropping iron on those commies is more important anyway, not pussy-footin' around, dancing with MiGs' :drinks: This is the one that got away -
  21. Well.... well done for the mod effort. But I don't really understand why. Any interceptor, or for that matter anything capable of carrying a gun, needs a sight, and some means of seeing over the nose and dash. I have seen some F-106 pits (real pics) that do have that sight tube and look like what we have in game. If the USAF missiles of the era had been as effective as their Navy counterparts (and they used the AIM-7, rather than the radar homing version of the AIM-4), then maybe I could see allowing a view to be obscured like that, but as it stands, it's just lunacy (that it happened I mean, not your particular pit mod).
  22. Lexx, what cockpit is that? My F-106 cockpit has the 102 style sight above the big around radar screen, which enables me to actually see ahead of me, unlike what appears to be in that pit there.
  23. allies/axis-red/blue,pointless friday question

    Gotta love the attitudes from the dense internet tough-guys. And the backpeddaling too. lol You can't refute the points, so now you try to act haughty in an effort to put it back on me. Isn't happening sunshine. ;) No matter how badly you want to spin it, saying that humanity looses DOES mean that the species does not benefit. Further, AFTER I stated that the species benefits from war, you proceed to let your emotions get in the way and tell us all about how out of touch you were when you decided to have a go at me. While it's possible that you just don't understand that (that claiming humanity loses does mean that it doesn't benefit), I'd lay odds that your emotions just welled up so much that you couldn't help but go off, and now we see the aftermath, the typical desperate after-the-fact spin atttempt. Why not just let it go instead of continuing to dig deeper like this? Do you really think that more empty posturing will change anything? All you've done is prove the point that you are speaking emotionally, and that you are unable to really back up your attacks. I do beleive that flame wars are against the TOS here, so further provoking me with your insults would be in violation, not just pointless and counter-productive - I've kept it to facts and merely countered your unsubstantiated attitude and posturing.
  24. ethics of war...told you be deep for friday

    I wanted to find a video with lyrics, but this was all I could find. Still, the audio is what matters.
  25. allies/axis-red/blue,pointless friday question

    You are outright claiming that war does not benefit humanity. So then helicopters to resuce victims of natural disasters are not a benefit to humanity? Radar to track storms and warn people so that they can prepare for the onslaught is not a benefit to humanity? Bombers equipped with fire suppression capabilities to save forrests, as well as paratroop technology (smoke jumpers) are not a benefit to humanity? I could go on for days. The fact is that YOU don't have a clue, and instead insist on basing your argument on emotion and not fact. End of story.

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