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Everything posted by Ngr

  1. If anyone knows where I can download the MiG-29 UB, of course, if it exists. It can be to the SFP1 or SF2.
  2. Can somebody do this skin to S-99 from DLC #28 http://combatace.com/files/file/14663-sf2-ww2-dlc-28-s-99-bf-109g-mod-pak/ or MontyCz's Bf-109 http://combatace.com/files/file/13723-sf2-ww2-messerschmitt-bf-109g-10-pak-by-montycz-an-ndiki/
  3. I found something....... 1,3 - 1 x cannon MG 151/20 4,5,6,7 - 1 x Gun MG 131 2 - 2 or 1 MG 131 gun
  4. Everything great, but in Poland before 1939 sheme of using insignias was diffrent. Something like this: squadron insignia in place checkerboard on fuselage, checkerboardon the fin/rudder
  5. In 2004, in connection with the transfer of Polish Mig-29G, the German Government proposed to transfer 14 C-160D aircraft. Poland adopted a proposal and sent C-160 to transport aviation. After completion of deliveries CASA-295M, Transalls shifted to other tasks. Five was transferred to the Navy as a patrol aircraft with the ability to attack surface targets - ACP-160S. 7 brought to the standard gunship version AC-160S aircraft serve as direct support of ground troops.
  6. Lockheed Hudson, PV-1, PV-2 Ventura (B-34 Lexington)
  7. New Polish MiG-29 skinpack



    New version skins of all Polish MiG-29's -1 ELT -1 ELT after 2012 -41 ELT -41 ELT after 2012 -1 PLM, 1 ESK (CCCP) -1 PLM, 2 ESK (CCCP) -1 PLM ex Czech -number 56 in memory Lt. Col Marian Pisarek -number 111 in memory Lt Miroslaw Feric -number 115 in memory Capt Boleslaw Gladych -number 111 Baltic Air Policing 2006(Lt Grzegorz "Zugi" Zugaj) -number 115 Baltic Air Policing 2006(Lt Col Robert "Skuter" Cierniak -number 77 Baltic Air Policing 2006(Capt Witold "Toyo" Sokól) -number 40 Baltic Air Policing 2006 -number 105 individual skin -number 114 individual skin -number 115 on memory of visit French Mirages in Poland This is repack of my skins MiG-29. It contains all my Polish skins, all updates and new numbers. Before use this pack please delete all of Polish MiG-29 skins.
  8. It looks nice but 315th never flight on Mustang IV. Only 303th have mustangs IV, but only in natural metal colour .
  9. Days with Polish Army

    Link to album on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.634332106657142.1073741832.100002410753211&type=1&l=54e83fe847 Enjoy
  10. I know it , but Mi-8/17 is my favorite helicopter. I can't wait it to do Polish skins!!!!
  11. Maybe it help http://wp.scn.ru/en/ww2/f/72/9/0#15
  12. 4. flaps: to start 15 deg to landing 45 deg speed to break away from the runway: 190 km/h landing speed: 170 km/h flaps to landing and gears could be extended on 350 km/h
  13. Mustangs IV from 303 squadron early and late
  14. Does anyone have an idea how to remove the gun barrels ?
  15. I worked it out with my problem and I did a whole series of Naval versions: with 105 mm gun(AC-130J)..... ...40 mm gun(AC-130J).... ...long range version(mod MC-130J).... ...and anti submarine version(mod KC-130J_HH).

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