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Everything posted by Ngr

  1. File Name: Let L-410 Baltic Countries File Submitter: czarny900 File Submitted: 16 December 2013 File Category: Other Origin Pack of Let L-410 Latvian and Lithuanian skin for L-410 by Monty Cz: http://combatace.com/files/file/11358-let-l-410a/ Click here to download this file
  2. Version 1.0


    Pack of Let L-410 Latvian and Lithuanian skin for L-410 by Monty Cz: http://combatace.com/files/file/11358-let-l-410a/
  3. I want remove becouse a want do something like this Herc:
  4. You can get it: http://combatace.com/files/file/13668-polish-mig-29-skin-repack/
  5. File Name: New Polish MiG-29 skinpack File Submitter: czarny900 File Submitted: 24 December 2012 File Category: MiG-29 New version skins of all Polish MiG-29's -1 ELT -1 ELT after 2012 -41 ELT -41 ELT after 2012 -1 PLM, 1 ESK (CCCP) -1 PLM, 2 ESK (CCCP) -1 PLM ex Czech -number 56 in memory Lt. Col Marian Pisarek -number 111 in memory Lt Miroslaw Feric -number 115 in memory Capt Boleslaw Gladych -number 111 Baltic Air Policing 2006(Lt Grzegorz "Zugi" Zugaj) -number 115 Baltic Air Policing 2006(Lt Col Robert "Skuter" Cierniak -number 77 Baltic Air Policing 2006(Capt Witold "Toyo" Sokól) -number 40 Baltic Air Policing 2006 -number 105 individual skin -number 114 individual skin -number 115 on memory of visit French Mirages in Poland This is repack of my skins MiG-29. It contains all my Polish skins, all updates and new numbers. Before use this pack please delete all of Polish MiG-29 skins. Click here to download this file
  6. New skins!!!! I am most proud of the skin plane number 56. I invite all of you to fly.
  7. Nastęcy Su-22

    Kilka tygodni temu czytałem o rozpisaniu przetargu na następców Su-22 z bazy w Świdwinie. Preferowane są maszyny używane. Ktoś ma kandydatów?
  8. 111111

    From the album my

  9. my

  10. Modernizacja MiG-29

    Nie wiem czy wiecie ale 12 sierpnia 2011 roku została podjęta decyzja w sprawie modernizacji MiG-29 sprawa dotyczy tylko maszyn z Mińska Mazowieckiego. Więcej szczegółów w grudniowym numerze Lotnictwa (12/2011). WRESZCIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Modernizacja MiG-29

  12. Coud someone tell me are there any refuel missions for SF2?
  13. http://wp.scn.ru/en/ww3/f/12 many colourful profiles and i have some PDF but only in polish if you want contact with me
  14. Remember, Remember The First of September...

    I would remind you that this forum is mainly for sharing aviation with the subject, rather than spreading over the history of the world and Europe. This was how it was, and we end the discussion on this topic. SFP1Ace would just remind you that the 1st of September 1939 launched aggression on Poland by Nazi Germany and much of this topic. Glory and honor fallen heroes and soldiers of all sides of the war, most more terrible war in the history of the world.
  15. russouk2004 Slovakia has MiG-29AS - 9-12/9-12A not 9-13 http://www.mars.slupsk.pl/fort/mig/mig-29-sl.htm
  16. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ORP_Blyskawica http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ORP_Grom_(1936) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Essex-class_aircraft_carrier http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ORP_Burza
  17. Polish Air Forces on West Spitfires IXC... ...Spitfires IXE... ....Spitfires XVIE.... .....Mustangs III
  18. Could some one do serial numbers? I'm not good in decals
  19. If you wait a few days to provide for you a few pictures because the magazine Aviation is an article on the Bangladesh Air Force.
  20. I think it should help: http://forum.keypublishing.com/showthread.php?94062-Su-22M4-Cockpit-layout

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