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Everything posted by Javito1986

  1. Sopwith Camel has a lot of character. She's like your wife. Handle her with care and you'll be rewarded. Misuse her and she will cut your head off. Usually in the form of an unrecoverable spin. SE5 is a good starter plane if you join the Flying Corps. Very forgiving, you have to work to make it spin out on you. Stable gun platform, and capable of diving and speeding away if you bite off more than you can chew. Plus she can climb so high that nothing can get ontop of you, except a Fokker DVII if you live long enough to see them introduced. I don't have much experience with other planes. If you join the Americans the Nieuport 28 is very mediocre. It's wing invariably sheers off whenever things start going well for you.
  2. 1918(1) Mod

    You'll see when you get OFF, there's a large difference between being posted to a quiet or active sector. It basically just means when there's a battle going on where you're stationed. Example: When I first joined 56 Squadron we deployed to Flanders in the middle of the Battle of Arras. April - June my sector was active as all hell. High air activity, intense bombardments and gas attacks and infantry battles down below, and things are just a lot busier in general. June 12 - the end of July things were quiet again. The front sounds more like a dull rumble, less air activity, always there's bombardments but not the hellstorm it was before. You won't see much in the way of gas attacks and the infantry are all entrenched. Now it's August and we've launched another offensive (Passchendaele) and things are busy again. But if I make a trip over to Alsace it's nice and quiet.
  3. I cranked up the difficulty on Crysis 2 to the highest. Damn challenging but fun, I thought it was a bit too easy on Veteran. Reminds me a lot of Arkham Asylum. Well, Arkham Asylum mixed with a Michael Mann film. This is a very dynamic, fun shooter, with raging gun battles and on-the-fly tactical thinking. Like when a helicopter fires a rocket that kills everyone around you but you survive because you entered armor mode at the last second and absorbed the damage. Very fun! The enemy AI is generally quite good, but they have occasional pathfinding issues (sometimes you see them running endlessly into a wall). The multiplayer is also more fun than any other FPS multiplayer I've played since the first Modern Warfare game.
  4. Oh yes, that's a very intimidating skull. Might be scarier if it wasn't mounted on that kite though.
  5. I'm running OFF on this low-powered machine at 1920x1080, with everything up high but anti-aliasing, I only use a little anti-aliasing (and don't notice) ----------------- System Information ------------------ Time of this report: 4/3/2011, 22:57:55 Machine name: DIEGO-PC Operating System: Windows Vista™ Home Premium (6.0, Build 6002) Service Pack 2 (6002.vistasp2_gdr.101014-0432) Language: English (Regional Setting: English) System Manufacturer: Micro-Star International System Model: GX620 BIOS: GX620, BIOS Version: A1651IMS Ver1.0P Processor: Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU P8400 @ 2.26GHz (2 CPUs), ~2.3GHz Memory: 3070MB RAM Page File: 2289MB used, 4051MB available Windows Dir: C:\Windows DirectX Version: DirectX 11 DX Setup Parameters: Not found DxDiag Version: 7.00.6002.18107 32bit Unicode Display Devices --------------- Card name: NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT Manufacturer: NVIDIA Chip type: GeForce 9600M GT DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0649&SUBSYS_72201462&REV_A1 Display Memory: 1777 MB Dedicated Memory: 497 MB Shared Memory: 1279 MB Current Mode: 1920 x 1080 (32 bit) (30Hz)
  6. It's not enough you don't get a parachute, you can get dumped if the pilot does a left turn too hard? No wonder so many guys just said screw it and went off to land at a German aerodrome to get themselves captured
  7. Uh Is that guy strapped in?
  8. Best way to learn OFF is to enlist in the Richtofen's Jagdgeschwader in March 1918, set air activity to heavy, and throw yourself into a 30+ aeroplane dogfight over No Man's Land. Surviving to April will separate the men from the boys!
  9. How in the world is it even healthy to be up there like that? I would think they'd be getting frostbite on their extremities. And the cold must do wonders to your state of mind.
  10. Balloon Ramming

    hehehehe. I love the dog in that first picture. They never change
  11. Oh hell no. Not without my electric heater! And a parachute!
  12. Flak is a bother eh? It's all one big joke until the day it actually hits you and knocks your engine out over No Man's Land. From that day on you'll be Flakophobic like me.
  13. Stay away from the Roland. Can barely land in that thing your visibility is so limited. I hear the view from a Fee is nice, providing you don't mind flying a highly flammable bathtub
  14. So I've had a fun night. The wife fell asleep in the middle of Farscape, so I escorted some recon planes over the lines in my OFF campaign, then popped in Crysis 2 for the first time. I'm finding Crysis 2 to be pretty fun. Cranked up the difficulty to the highest possible, it's a lot more tactical than Halo or Call of Duty which is great. Only just reached the subway (barely 30 minutes of gameplay) but so far it's not nearly as nonlinear as Crysis, but that makes sense given the setting. Reminds me more of Crysis Warhead so far, not a bad thing. Also damn gorgeous, I've been waiting a long time to see CryEngine 3 on consoles and it hasn't disappointed. I look forward to playing this on my Alienware over the summer. It's DX9 right now, but by then it'll be DX11 and I'll crank up the graphics to max and have myself a ball. I know, I know, I said I wouldn't buy any new games until I finished what I had. And I'm sticking to that, this is a rental from Gamefly
  15. I just saw that. Dear god! Yea, I mean, I guess that one bullet must have ignited the fuel tank. Wow. And to think I felt good when I went had to head with a DV and made him smoke on the first pass. I suppose anything's possible. The last thing MvR thought before that Fee gunner's bullet hit him in the head was "What a fool to start shooting at this distance and waste all your ammunition!"
  16. Fateful Morn III

    Oh man this is great. Must've been such a challenge to create. Kudos sir
  17. Just different versions of OFF development. Phase 1 & 2 were first and they were free. Phase 3 then made huuuuuuuge advancements and it's what we're at now, with Hat in the Ring v. 1.47 being current. Phase 4 is the sequel to Phase 3 with a TBA release date. Sometime in 2012 we're thinking. Work in Progress screenshots: http://www.overfland...view/index.html Welcome to the Western Front btw. Watch your instruments when you cross the Lines, many's the chap who takes one in the fuel tank and doesn't notice until his engine stops.
  18. Balloon Ramming

    Bloody rotten observers think they're so great just because they get bloody rotten parachutes... *mutters as he climbs into his SE5*
  19. Is it just me or do planes in RoF seem a lot easier to shoot down than in OFF? Maybe I'm just watching vids with the difficulty turned down. Seemed like the guys barely graze them and they go down, or land miracle shots I could never make in OFF from 100 - 150m distance or beyond. Not you Hellshade, you get in close as ever, but some of those other chaps... man! It's like their Camels have laser sighting to make shots that precise! I'm so used to aiming for meat or metal, but it seems in a lot of those videos just putting a few into the fuselage suffices. I have fun watching the videos though. I'm such an armchair pilot. "Oh man you'll never make that shot. Look at you, you're just spraying bullets into the air you fool! RUDDER! RUDDER! Stay with him! Your sights are dancing all over him, sit still! Your need to aim the damn guns! Don't bank the whole airplane, use your bloody rudder! RUDDER I SAY! That's it, shoot now. Too late. No, don't shoot now. Well that was a waste. I say you wouldn't last a day in 56 Squadron."
  20. Have you visited Good Old Games? They have just about all those classic old school RPGs, DRM free and handsomely priced. I've got so many great games from them, including the Baldur's Gates, Planescape, both Icewind Dales, both Fallouts, and more. I'm not one for shameless plugging but it's a great, game-loving group of Poles that runs that site. The original Fallouts are fantastic, eons better than Fallout 3, which I didn't like. One of the reasons I look forward to playing New Vegas so much is that it's made by the same team behind Fallout 2. And Planescape... well, what more is there to be said about that one? I left off about a week ago, ten hours into it, and it's a real gem. They just don't make them like they used to. I'll be very bummed if Dragon Age 2 disappoints, I've had high hopes for this series carrying on the Baldur's Gate legacy. Origins was such a delightful game, the backstory presented in the Codex alone was worth the price of admission, let alone the wonderful character interaction. The Mass Effect games are brilliant too, but different kind of RPG entirely really. Witcher 2. That's one to look out for, the developers are very much into hardcore cRPGs. Actually I think it's the same company that runs GoG.
  21. Balloon Ramming

    I'd be worried about the planes zapping the bag and having it come down on top of you while you're floating down
  22. All true from what I've heard. Not sure how I'll feel about DA2 once I finally get around to it. Origins was very Baldur's Gate like but still missing something. That quest in Shadows of Amn to kill the lich in that Elven Forest has to be one of the most dark and epic quests I've ever been on.
  23. Balloon Ramming

    Yes, but it did catch up with him. Had to have his leg amputated after his last mission. Still, what a run. Yes I'd rather be an observer than a pilot. First sign of trouble and I'd jump for it! Flaming bag of gas above me? No thank you
  24. Balloon Ramming

    That actually sounds really fun!

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