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Everything posted by thereg

  1. Go to the terrain.ini and swap the longitude and latitude values. Some terrains have these reversed and it now matters for the positioning of the sun. Never used to.
  2. Has it always been possible to get land units to attack another strategic node that is totally cut off across water? I have been working on an adaption of Spectre's War For Taiwan, aiming for about 2 weeks of air war followed by amphibious assault. But in the past I couldn't get the Chinese to assault across the Strait, no matter how often I aborted missions to give them the upper hand. As a workaround I made a tiny piece of the southern tip of Taiwan already under enemy control, but assigned no land units to it until the 2 weeks was up, giving the impression on the map that all was well, until 6 Chinese divisions suddenly pop up. Then today I was doing more testing to stop some frontline movement problems and I inadvertently got this: So did I just not test for long enough before, or is this new?
  3. I agree totally about the mess. But I can confirm that in this test I had 5 different China based units simultaneously attacking directly to 4 different Taiwan nodes, all of which were defended. And some of the nodes they were attacking were quite distant from the primary objective (in terms of how many more they would have to fight through to get to victory). This is the first time I've managed to make it work, gives me hope for a better campaign and headaches at the thought of having to redo what I've already done
  4. That was me. I did find it after another, more careful, look through the ini.
  5. Fixed my day and night problem. The Longitude and Latitude values were reversed in the terrain.inis. Seems the game is reading them where it never used to.
  6. You're right about the RunCampaignBeforePlayerStart=FALSE command. I've found that my heavily altered versions of Spectre's Korea and Taiwan campaigns, with flyable units starting AFTER the campaign startdate always cause a ctd if I set this to TRUE, whereas they were fine before NA came along. As for the carriers disappearing, I've just been making the start position and objective positions the same and they stay around. Now I just need to figure out why both of those maps have day missions starting in darkness and night missions in daylight in single and campaign missions.
  7. The Korea and Taiwan terrains have come up with a new problem for me. Both terrains were fine at the March level (full merged install including NA). But since the April patch night and day are reversed and I have no clue why. Example: Missions starting at 10am are in darkness and 10pm in full daylight. The other terrains I've tried are not affected. I also had the Ulyanovsk carrier working (no change to the weapons, but at least showing up in game) in the March level, but now April just crashes the game when trying to load it. Has anybody done a proper update to get it working?
  8. They are found in the Gen 1 downloads section. German http://combatace.com/files/file/8025-german-speech-pack-beta/ British http://combatace.com/files/file/5533-ww2-raf-speech-pack-v10/ Neither is complete (you still get some original voices come in) and the British is WW2, but they are cool to use for now.
  9. Actually guys, TK did fix the hangar problem with the 2 beta patches here: http://bbs.thirdwire...t=8660&start=16 I installed both patches that he posted in the thread and now hangar screens are behaving as normal. Some are reporting ongoing minor issues though, and I myself have found I get no mission briefing text for SEAD missions (not a big enough problem to bother me at this stage).
  10. For SF2 there is a Speech.cat file inside the Thirdwire/Strike Fighters 2/Speech folder. This contains all of the American accented calls. Any nations that aren't redirected to a new speech pack in the mods folder via the method above simply default back to this.
  11. Yep, that's the way I did it exactly... /mods/speech/Gramps Russian Speeck Pack No idea if it would work in SF1, sorry.
  12. I hope he gave his wife an extra big kiss good bye this morning Because some days there just aren't enough flares.
  13. Gotta show the SAMs some respect. Waiting until they go on lunch break
  14. I extracted the NATIONS.INI from the MissionData001.cat Then, using the Soviets as an example: [Nation005] Name=Soviet DisplayName=Soviet Air Force Alignment=ENEMY PilotNameList=NamesRussian.lst RankList=RanksRussian.lst CallsignList=CallsignsUS.lst Formation.Fighter=SovietFighter Formation.Attack=SovietFighter Formation.Bomber=SovietBomber Formation.Transport=SovietBomber Formation.Tank=SovietTank Formation.MobileAD=SovietAD PilotTrainingStandard=NORMAL GenderRatio=0 DebriefSuccessMusic=DebriefSuccess.wav DebriefFailMusic=DebriefFail.wav DebriefKilledMusic=DebriefKilled.wav SpeechFile=Gramps Russian Speeck Pack <<<--------------------- I entered this to tell the game where to look SpeechTextFile=USAFSpeechText.str Then I downloaded the Russian speech pack by Gramps located here http://combatace.com...an-speech-pack/ I added a Speech folder to my mods folder for SF2E (I'm using a full four merged install with lots of mods for each game). Then extracted Gramps' pack into its own sub folder with the same name as is shown in the Nations.ini. Now, whenever flying for the Soviets I hear Russian, but not when flying for any other country. And put the Nations.ini into the Flight folder of my mods
  15. Found it. The MISSILEOBJECT.ini came with the nukebeta pack uploaded my Fubar512 here (http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=766) inside, you find this: [NukeExplosionEffect] GroundHitEffectName=NukeExplosionEffect GroundHitSoundName=Nuclear.wav WaterHitEffectName=NukeExplosionEffect WaterHitSoundName=Nuclear.wav ObjectHitEffectName=NapalmExplosionEffect ObjectHitSoundName=Nuclear.wav ArmorHitEffectName=NapalmExplosionEffect ArmorHitSoundName=Nuclear.wav AirBurstEffectName= AirBurstSoundName=Nuclear.wav CraterModelName= CraterType=5 As you can see, the airburst is not assigned, you can either enter NukeExplosionEffect to that line to give you mushroom clouds for ALL nuclear blasts, or enter the name of the airburst file from EE3 (the exact title of which I can't remember right now) to give you the separate nuclear airburst effects, followed by editing all low altitude weapons to detonate on impact, as I said earlier.
  16. I had the same problem of no nuclear effects in EE3 (Oct 08 patch installed) until I inserted the MISSILEOBJECT.ini from another nuclear effect pack to specifically assign the groundburst and the separate airburst effect. The downside to having both separate effects is that if you use a low altitude detonation - which should produce a mushroom cloud - you end up with a blast that looks like it took place at 100, 000 feet. And every nuclear weapon I found does use at least a low altitude fuse. To fix that, I edited all my nuclear bombs to detonate on impact instead, and bingo, out came the mushroom cloud. Please forgive my lack of detail, I'm not at home for a week and can't remember the exact steps, or the specific edits for the ini, and being a bit of a newbie I can't remember off the top of my head. When I get home I will search them out and post them. ps, the may be a way of correctly assigning the mushroom cloud to low airburst weapons, while preserving the separate high altitude effect, but, as I say, I'm a bit inexperienced and haven't yet found out how to do it.

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