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About Matador

  1. Hat in the Ring Download

    I bought the OFF CD and then I downloded Hat in the Ring, I went to the URL you said and it said to download HITR again but it gives error 404, I appreciate the help DC Snr
  2. Hat in the Ring Download

    There is the problem he had a cooling system in the computor that leaked and the hard drive was lost. DC Snr
  3. My son has a anew Computor and we have reinstalled OFF but on his old computer I had Downloaded Hat in the Ring. do I have to pay for that again. DC Snr
  4. CFS3 QC

    In the Workshop Menu on the left side it says Main Menu and CFS3 QC what is the CFS3 QC for? DC Snr
  5. Get rid of Shrek

    Do you mean I would hear sheep Bleating LOL DCSnb
  6. Get rid of Shrek

    According to Myers, providing the voice for an animated character is a strange experience, with the actor isolated in a glass booth, similar to "being a goal judge in hockey or being in a witness protection programme and surrounded by Plexiglas". His first problem, when he made the original Shrek film in 2001, was finding the right accent. "It was weird," he recalled. "It took a few times for me to get the voice right. I first tried it in a sort of Canadian accent, but it just didn't connect, and, because fairytales are a European thing and ogres are more earthy, the Scottish accent just felt right." I rest my case sir DCSnr DC Snr
  7. Get rid of Shrek

    Polovski Although I live in the US (25yrs) I was born and raised in South Yorkshire and at 63yrs young i am as proud of my heritage as any other Yorkshireman . Laddie I have to tell you, that is so close to a Scottish Accent you must have been conceived in the land of the Heather and born in Yorkshire thats the only explanation for it. Enjoying the Sim but getting a hang up as it goes into the final World loading screen. No doubt a good meal of Roast Beef Yorkshire Pud and veggies all washed down with a pint of Ncastle Brown Ale will help. DC Snr
  8. Is it possible to get rid of the Shrek (Movie character ) sounding voice that says "Contact clear" DC Snr
  9. I am not sure what I did differently but I am flyng thanks for all the help. This recomended link is not working http://www.overfland...on_and_settings Downloaded Hat in the ring having a very satisfying time. DC Snr
  10. Maybe a bell just rang, I have CFS3 Battle for Europe would that make a difference ?. DC Snr
  11. Received my copy of OFF yesterday but after several installations to both new and to an existing installation of CFS3 all patched correctly as per instructions when I get into the cockpit I get booted after about 10 seconds. my Computer is 2.2 GIG Athlon 64x2 Dual Core 240GB Hard Drive NVIDIA GE Force 7950 gt XP Pro SP3. I have several flight sims no problems I also have Auto Racing Sims and my son has warfare sims all run flawlwssly Any suggestions appreciated. DCSnr

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