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Everything posted by TheGrimReaper

  1. Just curious, what is the recommended difficulty setting (FE2) to get the best experience playing the AI? Under default settings, I'm shooting 2-4 aircraft down each mission which seems a little high, especially since I'm usually not good at flight sims:) IF I move it to the hardest setting, does it become way too unrealistic?
  2. No problem and I'm also enjoying. I never purchased FE1/Gold, kind of wishing I had based on what I'm now seeing. My only problrem right now (off topic), is the difficulty level. I find it way too easy and haven't come close to being shot down.
  3. Trek, information sent. As for missions, campaigns, and other downloadable stuff, not sure if compatible with FE2. I'm guessing it depends on if those missions were based on other mods that may or may not work with FE2. But just guessing.
  4. What difficulty settings?

    If it appears to be easy on the hard settings, is there anything that can be done to make it more difficult? Although I love shooting down stuff, I would hate for it to be too unrealistic.
  5. The "data" file is located in the sub directories of each of the terrain mods. You'll first have to go where you installed the mods. For me (Win7), it is located under my saved games folder. There will be a "data" file located there and then you just need to copy and replace the existing text with the updated stuff provided by Stary. Also, Trek, check you PMs. Let me know if interested.
  6. New FE seasoned tiles released!

    Make sure to make the change suggested by Stary from above. Makes the mod work much better in FE2.
  7. New FE seasoned tiles released!

    Wow...great job...seems to work for me as well in FE2.
  8. New FE seasoned tiles released!

    Thanks, I got it working and people are right, this looks great. However, like others with FE2, I'm also seeing the blotchy-white effects in some of the terrain objects. I'm not a modder, so I have no idea how I can fix this. Otherwise, great stuff!
  9. New FE seasoned tiles released!

    Thank you so much for the quick instructions.
  10. New FE seasoned tiles released!

    Is there anywhere that states how to implement mods for FE2? For example, using these new terrain files, how do I implement them in FE2? Where do I put them and how do I turn them on? Sorry for all the newbie questions, but I'm completely new to the FE series.
  11. FE2 Details?

    Hello, I'm thinking about purchasing FE2 but was looking for some information first. Hopefully someone can assist. 1) What is the campaign like? Completely dynamic? Is it fun? 2) What are the ground targets like? Just dropping a bomb on buildings? Or can you attack tanks, troops, people in trenches, etc. 3) Will FEGold/FE1 mods work with FE2? Thanks!

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