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Posts posted by taktik

  1. Think of it this way, when at mach 1 you are flying faster then the speed of sound meaning sound cannot catch up with your speed and therefor you will not hear the sound behind you. So there is no way for you to actually hear it since you are infront of the sound. Physics 101.


    I agree however Falcon 4 Allied forces doesnt give away that option the sound still stays the same even after 600 Knots.

    Only the mods to give away that option

  2. Hey guys Is it me or F4:AF doesnt have that feature at all ? I went at superspeed of 650 Knots yet still no effect in the cockiptt or the outside view. Whats funny is in the setup there is that sound effect test which gives out a sonic boom.


    Anyone ever tried that before?

  3. Its true , I tried all versions of the modded falcon 4 and at some point they all stall out ,

    I found it hard going back to the usual gfx of lead persuit however the system is more stable thus Im settled with this one for now untill something more official comes out

  4. Thank you guys for your replies , and specially the vid


    One way I found that could really help is to keep the enemy on your 3 or 9 o clock hold them there untill you get riskless lock on which then you can initiate a missile shot.


    ofcourse shooting flares and chaff , I did this trick I literaly dodged 6 incoming missile in one mission tactic. be reminded that you should keep focused on the audio tone in order to find out your situation.


    Other than that always always be the first one to attack

  5. Hey guys ,


    I installed RV patch on my Falcon :AF ,everything is running smoothly however when I break the sound barrier the game sound just goes mute. I push shift+9 for a fly by view and there is no sound what so ever.




    I checked my sound options and all , even patched in all my sound files and the same problem exists anyone knows how can I fix this?



  6. Hey guys ,


    I have been playin falcon for a month now and my god it is so hard to aim in this game I played EF2000/TOPGUN before and its much easier , which makes this game prettier

    anyway I hope someone can answr these:


    1-I know how to aim with the Amraam (using radar projection) but how do I switch targets ?


    2-How do I know when is the best time to shoot the amraam ? There is that Sideway V sign that give a long range medium range and short range , which one to use?


    3-How do I know someone shoot a missile at me ? with sound notification ? 'Missle Launch' message?


    4-Everytime I play the trainin mission for the Amraam I get shot


    5- How do you know you hit your target with your missile? Pitbull message ?


    6-What do you do when there are 6 bandits right infront of you?


    please help out guys




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