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About LeGrandC

  1. Thanks a lot Gterl, this reworked terrain is great. It works fine for me in FE2, although in the Data.INI file I have changed the effects references to the FE2 versions, for example EffectShaderName=terTerrainEffect.fx instead of EffectShaderName=TerrainEffect2.fx One small problem I notice is that the cows and telephone poles look a bit odd, as if the TGA file for them is not working. I see that they are on the file Venkov.TGA, and this is present and seems to be a proper TGA file, but the cows show up as a white rectangle with a cow painted on it, as if the TGA file is not working. Same thing happens with the telephone poles. Maybe this is a problem with FE2, I don't know. Apart from this minor problem, great job!
  2. Great package, thanks Capitaine. The Finland Mod is, in my view, the most immersive and beautiful I have ever seen (who knew there was a Finnish speech pack, until this Mod was released?), and I love flying it. These new medals add a new dimension to the enjoyment.
  3. Thanks Gerwin, the new build downloaded and scanned without showing any problem.
  4. Yep, it is a Trojan in this package. Microsoft Security Essentials says it is a Trojan called Win32/Varpes.M!cl, and gives it a Severe threat level. I don't think I will be touching this package.
  5. I have downloaded and used previous versions of the TFD Tool without any problems, up to v0.95, and having the ability promised by v0.97 of reading the TOD files would be a great thing. But each time I try to download the latest version, v0.97, the zip file is deleted by the Microsoft security essentials program, which says that the zip file contains a virus. Is anyone else getting this problem?
  6. Just guessing here, but have you tried increasing GunRange= ? I can't see that halving the bore size or increasing the muzzle velocity to some uber amount is the way to go.

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