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Everything posted by Jarink

  1. File Name: F/A-18A VFA-195 "Dambusters" CAG File Submitter: Jarink File Submitted: 19 Aug 2006 File Category: SF F-18 Skins This skin is intended for use with the MDD F/A-18A add-on from the Mirage Factory and Flying Toaster. It is the CAG (Commander Air Group) colors for the VFA-195 "Dambusters" squadron. There are several variations of this paint scheme; this is my favorite one! Skin is based on the originals by Column 5 and USAFMTL. Updated parts include: Additional/corrected panel lines Corrected wheels New landing gear doors and bays Detailed missle stations and weapon pylons Various new parts like cockpit and engine textures. Just drop the VFA195CAG folder into your FA-18A folder and go flying! Jarink Click here to download this file
  2. File Name: F/A-18A VMFA-312 Splinter Scheme File Submitter: Jarink File Submitted: 17 Aug 2006 File Category: SF F-18 Skins This skin is intended for use with the MDD F/A-18A add-on from the Mirage Factory and Flying Toaster. It is a scheme worn by one of the Hornets of VMFA-312 "Checkerboards". This scheme was the creation of Sgt. David A. Sorenson of VMFA-312 and appears to get its inspiration from the earlier splinter schemes created by aviation artist Keith Ferris. Skin is based on the originals by Column 5 and USAFMTL. Updated parts include: Additional/corrected panel lines Corrected wheels New landing gear doors and bays Detailed missle stations and weapon pylons Various new parts like cockpit and engine textures. Just drop the VMFA312SPL folder into your FA-18A folder and go flying! Jarink Click here to download this file
  3. File Name: F/A-18A VMFA-115 Hi-Vis File Submitter: Jarink File Submitted: 16 Aug 2006 File Category: SF F-18 Skins This skin is intended for use with the MDD F/A-18A add-on from the Mirage Factory and Flying Toaster. It is a scheme worn by a couple of F/A-18As from VMFA-115 "Silver eagels". the scheme has changes a few times over the past couple of years (the a/c number changed from 200 to 201 when the squadron rotated to land-based); this is a representation of a later version which includes the wing stripes. The name on the speed brake is Capt “Puj” Hooks. It is in memory of former pilot Capt. Franklin Hooks II, assigned to the “Silver Eagles”, who died in 2004. Skin is based on the originals by Column 5 and USAFMTL. Updated parts include: Additional/corrected panel lines Corrected wheels New landing gear doors and bays Detailed missle stations and weapon pylons Various new parts like cockpit and engine textures. Just drop the VMFA115HV folder into your FA-18A folder and go flying! Jarink Click here to download this file
  4. Version


    This skin is intended for use with the MDD F/A-18A add-on from the Mirage Factory and Flying Toaster. It is a scheme worn by a couple of F/A-18As from VMFA-115 "Silver eagels". the scheme has changes a few times over the past couple of years (the a/c number changed from 200 to 201 when the squadron rotated to land-based); this is a representation of a later version which includes the wing stripes. The name on the speed brake is Capt “Puj” Hooks. It is in memory of former pilot Capt. Franklin Hooks II, assigned to the “Silver Eagles”, who died in 2004. Skin is based on the originals by Column 5 and USAFMTL. Updated parts include: Additional/corrected panel lines Corrected wheels New landing gear doors and bays Detailed missle stations and weapon pylons Various new parts like cockpit and engine textures. Just drop the VMFA115HV folder into your FA-18A folder and go flying! Jarink
  5. I've never done it from scratch before, but I might be interested in trying to skin it. I'd need some good drawings or photos, though; I have nothing of my own for the Foxhound. PM me sometime!
  6. You can guide LGB's right now if you carry a proper designation pod (like the LANTIRN pods). Otherwise, you are only able to drop them on your primary target (designation is assumed to be done by other a/c or ground units).
  7. File Name: F/A-18A Hornet Template File Submitter: Jarink File Submitted: 14 Aug 2006 File Category: SF Skin Templates This set of templates is for the excellent MDD F/A-18A Hornet add-on aircraft by The Mirage Factory and Flying Toaster. It was made using the original textures by Column5 as a guide. While I replaced most of the skins, there are some parts taken directly from the originals, such as the landing gear legs, slimers and a couple of other mechanical bits. Updated or enhanced: New wheels (from photos) New Landing gear and airbrake wells/doors New exhausts (afterburner from photo) New cockpit/instruments (from photos) Many corrected or added panel lines and rivets Feel free to make as many skins as you'd like with these templates, but please leave the credits layer intact. This template pack may not be used in payware without express permission from myself and Column5. Jarink Click here to download this file
  8. You shouldn't need to put it back into the .cat file, as long as the modified file is in the correct directory. The game will use extracted copies of files instead of the .cat versions when it sees one is present. As for the 'Fuzzyness' problem, try incresing your Antialiasing setting. I'm not sure how well that'll work with a lower-end card, but it helps me (6600GT). You could also try running at a higher resolution and decrease some settings (shadows, view distance, ground detail) to bring performance back up.
  9. Version


    This set of templates is for the excellent MDD F/A-18A Hornet add-on aircraft by The Mirage Factory and Flying Toaster. It was made using the original textures by Column5 as a guide. While I replaced most of the skins, there are some parts taken directly from the originals, such as the landing gear legs, slimers and a couple of other mechanical bits. Updated or enhanced: New wheels (from photos) New Landing gear and airbrake wells/doors New exhausts (afterburner from photo) New cockpit/instruments (from photos) Many corrected or added panel lines and rivets Feel free to make as many skins as you'd like with these templates, but please leave the credits layer intact. This template pack may not be used in payware without express permission from myself and Column5. Jarink
  10. File Name: F/A-18A VFA-204 "River Rattlers" File Submitter: Jarink File Submitted: 11 Aug 2006 File Category: SF F-18 Skins This skin is intended for use with the MDD F/A-18A add-on from the Mirage Factory and Flying Toaster. It is a representation of an F/A-18A from VFA-204 "River Rattlers". I was inspired to make this skin by seeing one of the planes at an airshow. The pilot names are all actual pilots' names (former squadron commanders), though the callsigns are fictional. Skin is based on the originals by Column 5 and USAFMTL. Updated parts include: Additional/corrected panel lines Corrected wheels New landing gear doors and bays Detailed missle stations and weapon pylons Various new parts like cockpit and engine textures. Just drop the VFA204 folder into your FA-18A folder and go flying! Jarink Click here to download this file
  11. Version


    This skin is intended for use with the MDD F/A-18A add-on from the Mirage Factory and Flying Toaster. It is a representation of an F/A-18A from VFA-204 "River Rattlers". I was inspired to make this skin by seeing one of the planes at an airshow. The pilot names are all actual pilots' names (former squadron commanders), though the callsigns are fictional. Skin is based on the originals by Column 5 and USAFMTL. Updated parts include: Additional/corrected panel lines Corrected wheels New landing gear doors and bays Detailed missle stations and weapon pylons Various new parts like cockpit and engine textures. Just drop the VFA204 folder into your FA-18A folder and go flying! Jarink
  12. Actually, they are quite different. The E/F models are over 20% larger than the A/B/C/D and share virtually no common airframe parts. Getting an A+ or C model is a different story, since apart from a few extra bumps and bulges, they are identical on the outside. I'm already working on a "C" mod. Getting a B/D model would be cool and relatively easy, since it would only require some 3D remodeling of the cockpits. and upper fuselage. (Hint, hint!)
  13. I've only just started playing and modding this game, but I can see and appreciate the huge amount of time and effort you've put into the community. Thank you!
  14. As far as I know, the KC-135 is currently only available in YAP. Same goes for the Jolly Green. There are a couple of other tankers available (KC-130, A-310), but there is no actual way to perform aerial refuelling, even in YAP. I't there for the atmosphere and eye candy rather than being functional.
  15. Yes, thanks for posting the pics. I read a story about the U-2 program in a magazine recently. Quite an interesting tale!
  16. Your best bet would be to contact whoever did the original skins. You could also make your own (which isn't that hard, just time-consuming).
  17. Here's what I did to get some matching tanks for a skin: (IIRC, USAFMTL posted the how-to somewhere, but I can't find his original post right now...) 1. Copy the .lod file for the tank you wish to re-skin and rename it to the name you wish to use. 2. Open the .lod file in a hex editor (I used WinHex). 3. Scroll down until you see the text that specifies the .bmp file. 4. Edit the file name to your new name. I think it must have the same number of characters in the name as the original - someone correct me if I'm wrong!) 5. Save the .lod 6. Add your tank using the Weapon Editor (check the Knowledgebase for instructions on that) Lexx, I think it's a "Tiger Meet" skin. Nice!
  18. At it's simplest, the only .ini you' d need to change would be the TextureSet.ini to reflect the name, nation, etc. for your skin. About the only other .ini editing needed for skinning is for decals. They are typically used for applying national insignia, squadron markings and individual aircraft numbers/markings as well. (It's not really as hard as it looks!)
  19. Some stuff I wrote while skinning for the IL-2 series... GIMP Tutorials (Mostly)Skinning Tutorials Hope these help some. If you have any questions about skinning or GIMP in particular, don't hesitate to ask! P.S. Don't rename the skin's .bmp files. They need to retain the original names to be properly used by the 3D model. Just put them in their own folder.
  20. A short, wobbly vertical takeoff in the AV-8C... VTO video
  21. I just ran a mission using the AV-8C add-on and was able to VTO with no problems other than a few wobbles. You may need to watch your loaded weight, as heavier loads will make it very difficult. I did it at only 90% throttle, but I had only a middling load of 6 Rockeyes and 2 AIM-9Ls. I just realized that what you're probably asking after is how to rotate the nozzles down. Check your keyboard mappings; I have SFP1 and have the nozzle controls mapped to the += and _- keys (next to Backspace). I don't know if that's the default mapping for WoE, though.
  22. Sure, I was going to see about skinning them and making them into a mod.

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