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About Sunchaser

  1. You can use both applications. Just be sure to pay strict attention to DCG installation and how to use instructions.
  2. Sorry, not possible, see here: http://forums.ubi.com/groupee/forums/a/tpc...02674#381102674
  3. OK, the campaign shows up in my GB folder as Battle of Britain. I have no plane folders in the campaign folders so my unzip path is: Missions/Campaign/GB If you get it to show in the GB folder as Battle of Britain, click on it and then open the first BOB_ 01 properties file and the briefing should read: Name Battle of Britain - Hurricane Season_01 hort Monday, July 8, 1940. \n\nAssignment: RAF Tangmere Airfield.\n Description DATE: Monday, July 8, 1940 - 2:00PM\n\nWEATHER: Mostly Clear.\n\nLOCATION: RAF Tangmere Airfield.\n\nSITUATION: July 8, Britain prepares, bracing for the worst, hoping for the best, taking all things in stride with the proverbial stiff upper lip. \n\n--------------------------------------------------------\nRAF TANGMERE, FLIGHT APRON:\n\nAs the transport plane trundles to a stop on the main apron near the Headquarter building the pilot looks back over his shoulder, "I believe this is your stop gents, this is as far as this trolly goes... Welcome to Tangmere." \n\nYou thank him for the ride as you and several other new pilots gather your things and step out of the plane and down onto the concrete apron. \n\nOne of you fellow pilots nudges your arm, "got a fag and a light mate?" You shake your head, "Sorry Johnny, I don't smoke."\n\nA Flight Sergant standing on the apron with a clipboard tucked under his arm, motions you over to the Headquartes building, "go right on in there..." An administrative ward meets your group in the lobby and directs you to a briefing room down the hall.\n\nThe breifing room is lined with maps on the walls and notes pinned to the maps create a look of organized chaos. \n\nAn Officer waiting in the room greets you with a smile, a pipe in his hand, "have a seat lads, that's all right" he gestures, "you can leave your bags along the wall, the ward will see they get to your new quarters. I'm Squadron Leader Sir Archibald Hope, you will be flying with me in 601 Squadron. Tangmere is a Sector Airfield which means we're quite busy, with several squadrons based here... ... ..."\n\nThe briefing lasted for about a half an hour before you and your fellow pilots were dismissed. You and one other pilot were the last to leave the room. "One moment", said Sir Archibald, "it almost slipped my mind, I need a couple of pilots to make a run to the Hurricane factory near Middle Wallop. Get a bite to eat in the mess hall and jump on that transport you came in on. He's flying over to the factory to pick up some parts and you can bring back a couple new kites waiting there for us. And I guess it would be a good time for you to get aquainted with the area... here, fly these coordinates." He jots some notes on a piece of paper and hands the paper to you. " Enjoy the flight, but keep your eyes open. And stay out of trouble because your guns will be empty. We'll see you back here in time for dinner."\n\n** Use "BLANK_A.BMP" skin.**\n\n In the game, select RAF and it should show up as Battle Of Britain- Hurricane Season in the selection list. Let us know if it works, OK?

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