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About Thudgriffon

  1. Hi Steelflanker, I have just checked my decals and they seem to be ok. I have numbers, national markings and the red round patches on the Netz tailfin. The same on the kurnass, they have the coloured rudders. I also did a flight at night and the decals are not glowing as i have seen it on the pictures. But I have a complete merged installation WITH Exp2. Are all F-16 Netz Squadrons not working or only some? If so which squadrons are not working? I am sorry i couldn't help you more. TG
  2. Yeehaaa!! Now it works! AA is working on my setup too. I am so happy ;-) ianh755 you made my day, thank you for posting the picture. This helped me getting on the right track. It was late last night and i must have done something wrong with my nvidia tool. Shame on me! Now i can confirm that AA is working with the nvidia tool! Thank you all for helping out and communicating. This is a great place! Happy Flying! TG
  3. Hi That doesn't work for me. I have tried nhancer and the nvidia card control menu. I had no luck :( TG
  4. Hi steelflanker, I have exactly the same problem with the jagged edges!! It looks awful :( After i installed the patch it striked my eyes immidiatly. The strange thing is I tried everything in the option.ini and several total different settings with nhancer or the nvidia tool ( i don't know how it is called exactly) but in game it looked all the same. As if the game is totally ignoring my option.ini entry or nhancer. That is really strange. So i am in the same boat with you. I have XP SP3 and the latest directx. I have to check the glowing decal issue in the next two days but i can say that i saw the decals flickering on my wingman. This was all happening on a clean default installation with the new patch. Other than that the patch seems to work good with me. But before the patch SF was a real screenshot-eyecandy....now not so
  5. Ok, that sounds great! Thanks!! In the meantime i set it to friendly. I am so happy to fly again :-) and finally know what crashed my setup Happy Flying TG
  6. Hi malibu43! I could narrow down my problem i mentioned before. I will try to make the long story short. These are my facts: I am running my full merged installation on Win XP and have a separate mod folder for this mod. My problem is: The campaigns Steeltiger and Easteroffensive don't work anymore since Jan11 update. I found out that the problem is somehow in the updated and newly added strat.nodes in the corresponding data_inis. I deleted strat.nodes 13-19.--> campaign worked. Then i added strat.node after strat.node and the campaign worked each time till i added strat.node 17 (Ia Drang Valley(West)). --> Game froze. I tried the last two nodes and they worked. So node Nr.17 is worrying me. I looked up Ia Drang Valley (West) in the Targets.ini where it has an alignment as enemy. I changed it to friendly and campaign worked. Back to enemy --> Freeze ... ... so i am stucked here. Why has the game a problem with the alignment as enemy? makes no sense to me. @Panama Red Thank you for checking
  7. Thank you malibu43 for answering and taking your time! I really appriciate your support. Happy flying TG
  8. Hi eburger68 First of all thank you for this outstanding mod! I really love it but i have a problem with the latest update. Whenever i want to start a new campaign which takes places on the SouthVietnam map i get a total freeze of the game. It happens right after choosing the name of the new campaign. Nothing works and I have to restart my pc with the reset button. I have made a complete new reinstall of the mod folder and it happens again. What i found out so far is when i exchange the latest campaign inis of SteelTiger and Easteroffensive with the old ones it works. So in my case there seems to a conflict with the updated campaign inis and the Southvietnam terrain. I just want to know if i am the only one with this problem. ahh..i forgot: i have a complete merged install up to expansion pack 2 (Dec10-B) P.S. I just found out that in the campaign_data.inis of Steeltiger and Easteroffensive the basepoint values in the strategic nodes are missing. Are they not needed anymore by the campaign engine or could this be my troublemaker?
  9. Soko G2 Galeb

    Hi!! Here i am again. First of all i am really sorry if i am abusing this thread with my problem. but i wasn't sure if i should start a new thread or use this one. So i could find the problem :) somehow :( I had my flightsetting in the optionscreen on hard. Now I have set it to easy or normal and it works. Going back to hard. The plane explodes. So this is the point were i am stumped. I have no clue why the plane explodes only by setting the flightmodel option on hard and having installed the "guns". I can live with that so far but somehow it is weird. Nevertheless a very good plane. I like it! Happy flying TG
  10. Soko G2 Galeb

    Hi Spinners! Thank you for answering! I have a default mod folder with no extras only for testing new planes. No extra terrain. Now it is getting really weird. I found the trigger for this problem Right now i reinstalled this mod folder to be sure it is really clean. I installed only the plane and it works. Then i put in the weapons (Hvar-Y and JATO_Galeb). Everything is fine. The plane flies like it should and the Galeb tanks are in place. Now i create the gun (Jato Bottle Galeb) with the gun editor, put it in the guns folder and the plane explodes and behaves like i described earlier. I have also tried the file from paulopanz on page one and it doesn't work. So it is somehow the "gun". But how can that be? I have checked the effect.ini and there is the speech of jatosmokeblake and jatosmokewhite but i only have a jatoflame.tga and a smoke3.tga in the effect folder. Could a missing effect or tga trigger the explosion? I am confused. But despite of the problem i have it is a beautiful plane and fun to fly!!!!
  11. Soko G2 Galeb

    Hi !! I have exactly the same problem. In my full merged SF2 installation the plane sinks into the ground and explodes. Strangly my wingmates are all ok and taxi to runway and take off. When i start in the air the plane drops like a stone. Has anybody an idea?
  12. These are good news to hear. So with this heard i will definitely make the jump to the Gen2 versions. @usafmtl thank you for your answer in the post i have made in the other thread It seems there is a lot of interest in this mod Happy flying TG
  13. Hi I have just seen in the description that this mod only works with patch June09B. Does that really mean i can´t use it with the latest patch? I am asking because I am thinking about to switch over to the SF2-Version and if i buy SF2E now it will be automatically patched to the latest patch version. Is anybody using this mod with the latest patch?
  14. The Stryker looks great!! Two thumps up Cant wait to see the one with the MBT-cannon on top TG
  15. Hi!! I am quite new here, so I am not quite sure what you are refering to. Are you talking about an overhaul of an iran-irak map? Do I see the Eyphrat and Tigris on the picture? If so will there be also some parts of Israel in it? TG

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