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Everything posted by OldSimmer

  1. Up And Going!

    Received my copy of BHaH today! Install went without a hitch... already created a pilot and accomplished my first free flight. Took off and landed without incident. Fun! There is a TON of capability in this game and the in-depth nature of it is nigh overwhelming. I chose the SE5a and am in the year 1918. Did the SE5a of 1918 have a four blade propeller? Mine does! What airplane/squadron/year would you guys recommend for a newbie like me? Thanks! Old Simmer
  2. Up And Going!

    Thanks again, guys! Sounds like some fun times ahead!
  3. Up And Going!

    Thanks everybody! These pointers will come in handy! OldSimmer
  4. Boy... you guys are GOOOOD. You know EXACTLY how to promote something. The music is AWESOME... the effects INCREDIBLE... all of it reeks of professionalism. WELL DONE! OldSimmer
  5. OldSimmer here. Used to hang out here long before B&HH was released. I still have the "Phase 2" DVD "beta". Unfortunately, I can't remember how to install it! If I could remember how to install it, I'd get it up and running while I wait for BH&H. Anyway... after a long absence from flying sims, I'm looking forward to flying some WW1 airplanes in B&HH. Doubt seriously I'll survive very long... but hey... there's a reset button, right??? Cheer-o lads! OldSimmer
  6. Just Ordered BH&H

    Hi again Olham! I've already ordered/purchased BH&H and am anxiously awaiting its arrival. Thought I would install Phase 2 in the meantime. Will BH&H require that missing msst dll file, too? If so, I'm seriously screwed. "Call of Duty"... ah well... not a huge fan... just a lark. What can I say? I also fly Pacific Fighters, some... does that help redeem me? :D OldSimmer
  7. Just Ordered BH&H

    Hi shredward: I found that forum/thread after my little whining post above! I've already accomplished all of the installation steps EXCEPT... Unfortunately, I'm having difficulty with the "MSSTDFMT.dll" file. I don't have the "MSSTDFMT INSTALLER.zip" on my Phase 2 DVD. So, I tried copying the required dll from my old C: drive now F: drive, into my new C: drive (where CFS3 and Phase 2 are now installed). Copied from the System to System folder and System32 to System32 folder. No go. Did a Google for the called-for msst file. A few places had a download available... but I am very wary to download from the sites that appeared in Google. If you all have some suggestions for the missing/needed msst file... I'm all ears. I'm stumped by this msst dll file for sure. Oh well... I think I hear Call Of Duty 2 hollering at me... I need to go out to the desert campaign and help the British fight off Rommel's hoards! Cheer-o lads!
  8. Just Ordered BH&H

    Thanks for the welcome, everybody! I COULD get up and flying again IF I could remember how to install Phase 2. (There are no instructions in/on the DVD.) Here's what I've done so far: 1. Installed CFS3. (It works fine and functions well with my joystick.) 2. Downloaded the CFS3 patches. (Which one to apply first? ACUpdate.exe or CFS3updateEng.exe?) After the above patches are installed, I think it's time to install OFF Phase 2... but how? Which exe do I run first? Any help would be appreciated! OldSimmer
  9. Anticipitation is killing me

    Another theory of sound: If a man speaks in the forest, and there is no woman to hear him: Is he still wrong? The OldSimmer
  10. Hi Guys: Couple years ago I wandered into the OFF website and the old forums. Had a lot of fun trying to learn how to survive in Ph2. Also enjoyed the chit-chat with fellow enthusiasts at the old OFF forums. Well... put away Ph2 some time ago, only to recently re-discover it. I have been piddlin' with it on occasion. Read down below that some of you have flown to Paris for a "look see". That could be fun. How do you do that? Wow... I've just about forgotten all that I sort-of knew about OFF. Anyhoo... all for now. Ta-ta! OldSimmer

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