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Everything posted by sinbad

  1. Version


    This skin set depicts the Albatros D.II flown by an unidentified pilot with Jasta 14 in late 1916 and early 1917. If you can identify the pilot, please let me know. This aircraft was license built by LVG, and carries the LVG logo and camo scheme. The werk number D. 1747/16 is possible (as one source suggests), but not certain as this plane also flew with Jasta 5; perhaps it was reassigned and repainted. The camo pattern and colors, personal fuselage markings, lower wing colors and national markings all closely depict the emblems and national insignia of the reference aircraft. All skins, indeed all models, are at best approximations, and my time machine is still not operational. This skin set uses an unusual number of decals to obtain appropriate texture and color; consequently the bmps do not show up in the form normally expected on the model. The files attached include loading and hangar screens. Thanks to Gambit168 for making his skin set available as a template, to BortdaFarm for the original model and to Southside Bucky for advice which made the paint scheme more accurate. I have included a cockpit adaptation of the Albatross D3 model from the First Eagles Expansion pack. The cockpit mod will not work unless you have the expansion pack. If you do not have the expansion pack yet, you can still use this skin. All you need to do is go into the AlbDII.ini file and modify the lines which now look like this: //CockpitDataFile=AlbatrosDII_cockpit.ini CockpitDataFile=AlbatrosD3_cockpit.ini To look like this CockpitDataFile=AlbatrosDII_cockpit.ini //CockpitDataFile=AlbatrosD3_cockpit.ini Alternatively you can download the full cockpit mod from CA. The FM by Peter01 is intended for use without the April 08 patch. In addition to the skins, there a sound file which was recorded from a running Mercedes engine. If you prefer the original sound, simply change the lines in the data.ini file which refer to “PropLoopMercedes” to “PropLoop”. As usual, place the skin folder in the AlbDII folder and select it in the loadout screen to fly the skin. This skin set is part of a series presented to acknowledge the dedication and continuing hard work of Peter01 who has given us outstanding flight models for so many other aircraft for First Eagles. Without his work, this model and many others would be just pretty pictures. The update enhances the bird logo detail, the national insignia and the rudder colors. September 19, 2008 sinbad
  2. This skin set depicts the Albatros D.II D.910/16 (OAW) flown by Lt. Max Bohme with Jasta 5 in late 1916 until 3 March 1917, when it (and Bohme) were shot down and taken into Allied hands. This aircraft was made under license by OAW, and the camo differs from the Albatros and LVG built aircraft. There is a relatively good photographic record of this aircraft, particularly the fuselage, but questions remain regarding some details. The files attached include loading and hangar screens. Thanks to Gambit168 for making his skin available as a template, to BortdaFarm for the original model and to Southside Bucky for constructive and timely advice for improvements of earlier versions. In response to requests, I have included alternative national markings. See the README for details. The FM was done by Peter01 and is intended for use without the April 08 patch. This skin set is part of a series presented to acknowledge the the dedication and continuing hard work of Peter01 who has given us outstanding flight models for so many aircraft for First Eagles. Without his work, this model and many others would be just pretty pictures. sinbad
  3. There is an update for this skin set in the DL section. There were corrupted files in the decal set for the Max Bohme White 8 Alb D.II which distort the skins on the Jasta 5 Alb D. II set, but have no direct effect of this plane. If you downloaded this file set before the update, and if you also DL the Jasta 5 set, you should DL the update. sinbad
  4. File Name: Decal Update for Max Bohme Alb D.II White 8 File Submitter: sinbad File Submitted: 15 Sep 2008 File Category: WW1 Aircraft This is a replacement decal set for the Max Bohme White 8 Albatros D.II posted September 14. The original decal set runs fine for White 8 but includes files which corrupt the Jasta 5 default decal set. If you downloaded the Max Bohme skins before the update, just drop these decals in over the decal file and everything should then be AOK. Alternatively you can add the Jasta 5 set on top of the first Max Bohme set. The decal sets for these models are unusually complex. A WIP fileset was released in error. Sorry about that! sinbad September 15 2008 Click here to download this file
  5. Version


    This is a replacement decal set for the Max Bohme White 8 Albatros D.II posted September 14. The original decal set runs fine for White 8 but includes files which corrupt the Jasta 5 default decal set. If you downloaded the Max Bohme skins before the update, just drop these decals in over the decal file and everything should then be AOK. Alternatively you can add the Jasta 5 set on top of the first Max Bohme set. The decal sets for these models are unusually complex. A WIP fileset was released in error. Sorry about that! sinbad September 15 2008
  6. File Name: Alb D.II Max Bohme Jasta 5 File Submitter: sinbad File Submitted: 14 Sep 2008 File Updated: 15 Sep 2008 File Category: WW1 Aircraft This skin set depicts the Albatros D.II D.910/16 (OAW) flown by Lt. Max Bohme with Jasta 5 in late 1916 until 3 March 1917, when it was shot down and taken into Allied hands. This aircraft was made under license by OAW, and the camo differs from the Albatros and LVG built aircraft. There is a relatively good photographic record of this aircraft, particularly the fuselage, but questions remain regarding some details. The files attached include loading and hangar screens. The personal fuselage markings, wing and fuselage colors and national markings all closely depict the reference aircraft. There are several known flaws: (1) the prop displays as metal, rather than wood; changing that would also have required wood struts but the original struts were grey painted, since we see those more than the prop before it spins, the choice was easy; (2) the cowl is brighter and more “metallic” than I would prefer, but limitations in the original skin do not permit a more subdued display; (3) there are certain variations and gaps in the colors, again forced by the form and fit of the original bitmaps. There may be others. All skins, indeed all models are at best approximations, and despite extensive reprogramming, my time machine still fails to boot up properly. Thanks to Gambit168 for making his skin available as a template, to BortdaFarm for the original model and to Southside Bucky for constructive and timely advice for improvements of earlier versions. An adaptation of the Albatross D3 cockpit from the First Eagles Expansion pack is included. The cockpit mod will not work unless you have the expansion pack. If you do not have the expansion pack yet, you can still use this skin with the original. All you need to do is go into the AlbDII.ini file and modify the lines which now look like this: //CockpitDataFile=AlbatrosDII_cockpit.ini CockpitDataFile=AlbatrosD3_cockpit.ini To look like this CockpitDataFile=AlbatrosDII_cockpit.ini //CockpitDataFile=AlbatrosD3_cockpit.ini Alternatively you can download the cockpit mod from CA. In response to requests, I have included alternative national markings. This version has a bright white surround around the national markings. If you prefer a “smudged” darker white surround, edit the decal.ini entries from INSIGNIA006T to read INSIGNIA006. The FM was done by Peter01 and is intended for use without the April 08 patch. In addition to the skins, there a sound file which was recorded from a running Mercedes engine to be dropped into your Sounds folder. If you prefer the original sound, simply change the lines in the data.ini file which refer to “PropLoopMercedes” to “PropLoop”. That is the only change I made to the FM. As usual, place the skin folder in the AlbDII folder and select it in the loadout screen to fly the skin. This skin set is part of a series presented to acknowledge the dedication and continuing hard work of Peter01 who has given us outstanding flight models for so many aircraft for First Eagles. Without his work, this model and many others would be just pretty pictures. September 14, 2008 sinbad The September 15 update changes only the decal set. The earlier version runs AOK as White 8 but included files which corrupted the decals used with the Jasta 5 default set. Of course these are intended to be used together. A separate download of just the decal set will be posted for those who do not want to DL the entire file set. Sorry about that! Click here to download this file
  7. Version


    This skin set depicts the Albatros D.II D.910/16 (OAW) flown by Lt. Max Bohme with Jasta 5 in late 1916 until 3 March 1917, when it was shot down and taken into Allied hands. This aircraft was made under license by OAW, and the camo differs from the Albatros and LVG built aircraft. There is a relatively good photographic record of this aircraft, particularly the fuselage, but questions remain regarding some details. The files attached include loading and hangar screens. The personal fuselage markings, wing and fuselage colors and national markings all closely depict the reference aircraft. There are several known flaws: (1) the prop displays as metal, rather than wood; changing that would also have required wood struts but the original struts were grey painted, since we see those more than the prop before it spins, the choice was easy; (2) the cowl is brighter and more “metallic” than I would prefer, but limitations in the original skin do not permit a more subdued display; (3) there are certain variations and gaps in the colors, again forced by the form and fit of the original bitmaps. There may be others. All skins, indeed all models are at best approximations, and despite extensive reprogramming, my time machine still fails to boot up properly. Thanks to Gambit168 for making his skin available as a template, to BortdaFarm for the original model and to Southside Bucky for constructive and timely advice for improvements of earlier versions. An adaptation of the Albatross D3 cockpit from the First Eagles Expansion pack is included. The cockpit mod will not work unless you have the expansion pack. If you do not have the expansion pack yet, you can still use this skin with the original. All you need to do is go into the AlbDII.ini file and modify the lines which now look like this: //CockpitDataFile=AlbatrosDII_cockpit.ini CockpitDataFile=AlbatrosD3_cockpit.ini To look like this CockpitDataFile=AlbatrosDII_cockpit.ini //CockpitDataFile=AlbatrosD3_cockpit.ini Alternatively you can download the cockpit mod from CA. In response to requests, I have included alternative national markings. This version has a bright white surround around the national markings. If you prefer a “smudged” darker white surround, edit the decal.ini entries from INSIGNIA006T to read INSIGNIA006. The FM was done by Peter01 and is intended for use without the April 08 patch. In addition to the skins, there a sound file which was recorded from a running Mercedes engine to be dropped into your Sounds folder. If you prefer the original sound, simply change the lines in the data.ini file which refer to “PropLoopMercedes” to “PropLoop”. That is the only change I made to the FM. As usual, place the skin folder in the AlbDII folder and select it in the loadout screen to fly the skin. This skin set is part of a series presented to acknowledge the dedication and continuing hard work of Peter01 who has given us outstanding flight models for so many aircraft for First Eagles. Without his work, this model and many others would be just pretty pictures. September 14, 2008 sinbad The September 15 update changes only the decal set. The earlier version runs AOK as White 8 but included files which corrupted the decals used with the Jasta 5 default set. Of course these are intended to be used together. A separate download of just the decal set will be posted for those who do not want to DL the entire file set. Sorry about that!
  8. This is a default skin set depicting the Albatros D.II as flown by Jasta 5 in 1916 and early 1917. The skins fit the model created by BortdaFarm. The skins will generate random aircraft identification letters and numbers on the fuselage sides and lower wings as well as werk numbers D.XXX on the vertical stabilizer. The letters and numbers are all authentic, but it was not possible to co-ordinate the two in large part because the squadron often changed the identification number/letters for the same aircraft, e.g. D.1799/16 carried both A and D as identification letters at different times. Nevertheless, the werk numbers are those of aircraft which actually flew in Jasta 5 during this period. Occasionally you will see an aircraft without any ID, as sometimes occurred as aircraft were repainted. The camo pattern and colors, personal fuselage markings, lower wing colors and national markings all closely depict the emblems and national insignia of the reference aircraft. To the extent possible the skins are based on photographs and reliable research sources, particularly Dan San-Abbot. There were variants of the camo markings in Jasta 5 during this period, most notably with differing colors for aircraft made by three different manufacturers (Albatros, LVG and OAW) and even for the rudder and vertical stabilizer as made by a single company as a result of field modifications. I chose the version which I felt looked best. Even in 1917, some of the Jasta 5 aircraft still carried the 1916 style national markings, with a full white square surrounding the black crosses, rather than the narrow white surrounds; this set uses the 1917 style bright white surrounds. I may release another set with the earlier series markings. In response to requests, I have included variations of the national markings used in testing. This skin set is part of a series presented to acknowledge the dedication and continuing hard work of Peter01 who has given us outstanding flight models for so many other aircraft for First Eagles. Without his work, this model and many others would be just pretty pictures. September 11, 2008 sinbad
  9. File Name: Alb D.II Jasta 5 Default Skin Set File Submitter: sinbad File Submitted: 11 Sep 2008 File Updated: 15 Sep 2008 File Category: WW1 Aircraft This is a default skin set depicting the Albatros D.II as flown by Jasta 5 in 1916 and early 1917. The skins will generate random aircraft identification letters and numbers on the fuselage sides and lower wings as well as werk numbers D.XXX on the vertical stabilizer. The letters and numbers are all authentic, but it was not possible to co-ordinate the two in large part because the squadron often changed the identification number/letters for the same aircraft, e.g. D.1799/16 carried both A and D as identification letters at different times. Nevertheless, the werk numbers are those of aircraft which actually flew in Jasta 5 during this period. Occasionally you will see an aircraft without any ID, as sometimes occurred. The camo pattern and colors, personal fuselage markings, lower wing colors and national markings all closely depict the emblems and national insignia of the reference aircraft. To the extent possible the skins are based on photographs and reliable research sources, particularly Dan San-Abbot. There were variants of the camo markings in Jasta 5 during this period, most notably with differing colors for aircraft made by three different manufacturers (Albatros, LVG and OAW) and even for the rudder and vertical stabilizer as made by a single company as a result of field modifications. I chose the version which I felt looked best. Even in 1917, some of the Jasta 5 aircraft still carried the 1916 style national markings, with a full white square surrounding the black crosses, rather than the narrow white surrounds; this set uses wide 1917 style bright white surrounds. In response to requests, I have included variations of the national markings used in testing. If you prefer a “smudged” look for the white surrounds on the black crosses, simply edit the decal.ini entries which look like this: FilenameFormat=AlbatrosDII\D\Insignia006T To look like this: FilenameFormat=AlbatrosDII\D\Insignia006. All skins, indeed all models, are at best approximations, and the replacement parts for my time machine still have not been delivered. Consequently this work probably includes some material which is not authentic, as well as some which is. The files attached include loading and hangar screens. Thanks to Gambit168 for making his skin set available as a template, and to BortdaFarm for the original model. Thanks also to Southside Bucky for comments and advice on the beta versions which improved earlier versions. I have included a cockpit adaptation of the Albatross D3 model from the First Eagles Expansion pack. The cockpit mod will not work unless you have the expansion pack. If you do not have the expansion pack yet, you can still use this skin. All you need to do is go into the AlbDII.ini file and modify the lines which now look like this: //CockpitDataFile=AlbatrosDII_cockpit.ini CockpitDataFile=AlbatrosD3_cockpit.ini To look like this CockpitDataFile=AlbatrosDII_cockpit.ini //CockpitDataFile=AlbatrosD3_cockpit.ini Alternatively you can download the full cockpit mod from CA. The FM by Peter01 is intended for use without the April 08 patch. In addition to the skins, there a sound file which was recorded from a running Mercedes engine. If you prefer the original sound, simply change the lines in the data.ini file which refer to “PropLoopMercedes” to “PropLoop”. As usual, place the skin folder in the AlbDII folder. Jasta 5 should then appear as the default skin set. This skin set is part of a series presented to acknowledge the dedication and continuing hard work of Peter01 who has given us outstanding flight models for so many other aircraft for First Eagles. Without his work, this model and many others would be just pretty pictures. September 14, 2008 Sinbad The September 15, 2008 update includes an improved camo scheme and markings, as well as more detailed texture and trim. Thanks again to Southside Bucky for suggestions which made this skin set better. Click here to download this file
  10. Version


    This is a default skin set depicting the Albatros D.II as flown by Jasta 5 in 1916 and early 1917. The skins will generate random aircraft identification letters and numbers on the fuselage sides and lower wings as well as werk numbers D.XXX on the vertical stabilizer. The letters and numbers are all authentic, but it was not possible to co-ordinate the two in large part because the squadron often changed the identification number/letters for the same aircraft, e.g. D.1799/16 carried both A and D as identification letters at different times. Nevertheless, the werk numbers are those of aircraft which actually flew in Jasta 5 during this period. Occasionally you will see an aircraft without any ID, as sometimes occurred. The camo pattern and colors, personal fuselage markings, lower wing colors and national markings all closely depict the emblems and national insignia of the reference aircraft. To the extent possible the skins are based on photographs and reliable research sources, particularly Dan San-Abbot. There were variants of the camo markings in Jasta 5 during this period, most notably with differing colors for aircraft made by three different manufacturers (Albatros, LVG and OAW) and even for the rudder and vertical stabilizer as made by a single company as a result of field modifications. I chose the version which I felt looked best. Even in 1917, some of the Jasta 5 aircraft still carried the 1916 style national markings, with a full white square surrounding the black crosses, rather than the narrow white surrounds; this set uses wide 1917 style bright white surrounds. In response to requests, I have included variations of the national markings used in testing. If you prefer a “smudged” look for the white surrounds on the black crosses, simply edit the decal.ini entries which look like this: FilenameFormat=AlbatrosDII\D\Insignia006T To look like this: FilenameFormat=AlbatrosDII\D\Insignia006. All skins, indeed all models, are at best approximations, and the replacement parts for my time machine still have not been delivered. Consequently this work probably includes some material which is not authentic, as well as some which is. The files attached include loading and hangar screens. Thanks to Gambit168 for making his skin set available as a template, and to BortdaFarm for the original model. Thanks also to Southside Bucky for comments and advice on the beta versions which improved earlier versions. I have included a cockpit adaptation of the Albatross D3 model from the First Eagles Expansion pack. The cockpit mod will not work unless you have the expansion pack. If you do not have the expansion pack yet, you can still use this skin. All you need to do is go into the AlbDII.ini file and modify the lines which now look like this: //CockpitDataFile=AlbatrosDII_cockpit.ini CockpitDataFile=AlbatrosD3_cockpit.ini To look like this CockpitDataFile=AlbatrosDII_cockpit.ini //CockpitDataFile=AlbatrosD3_cockpit.ini Alternatively you can download the full cockpit mod from CA. The FM by Peter01 is intended for use without the April 08 patch. In addition to the skins, there a sound file which was recorded from a running Mercedes engine. If you prefer the original sound, simply change the lines in the data.ini file which refer to “PropLoopMercedes” to “PropLoop”. As usual, place the skin folder in the AlbDII folder. Jasta 5 should then appear as the default skin set. This skin set is part of a series presented to acknowledge the dedication and continuing hard work of Peter01 who has given us outstanding flight models for so many other aircraft for First Eagles. Without his work, this model and many others would be just pretty pictures. September 14, 2008 Sinbad The September 15, 2008 update includes an improved camo scheme and markings, as well as more detailed texture and trim. Thanks again to Southside Bucky for suggestions which made this skin set better.
  11. This skin set depicts the Albatros D.II 1724/16 flown by Lt. Karl Emil Schafer, with Kasta 11 in late 1916 and early 1917. Get it in the DL section. This skin set is part of a series presented to acknowledge the dedication and continuing hard work of Peter01 who has given us outstanding flight models for so this and so many other aircraft for First Eagles. Without his work, this model and many others would be just pretty pictures. September 8, 2008 sinbad
  12. File Name: Alb D.II Li Karl Schafer Kasta 11 File Submitter: sinbad File Submitted: 8 Sep 2008 File Updated: 16 Sep 2008 File Category: WW1 Aircraft This skin set depicts the Albatros D.II 1724/16 flown by Lt. Karl Emil Schafer, with Kasta 11 in late 1916 and early 1917. The camo pattern and colors, personal fuselage markings, lower wing colors and national markings all closely depict the emblems and national insignia of the reference aircraft. All skins, indeed all models, are at best approximations, and my time machine is still not operational. The files attached include loading and hangar screens. Thanks to Gambit168 for making his skinset available as a template, and to BortdaFarm for the original model. This revision of the earlier release is updated thanks to advice for improvements from Southside Bucky. I have included a cockpit adaptation of the Albatross D3 model from the First Eagles Expansion pack. The cockpit mod will not work unless you have the expansion pack. If you do not have the expansion pack yet, you can still use this skin. All you need to do is go into the AlbDII.ini file and modify the lines which now look like this: //CockpitDataFile=AlbatrosDII_cockpit.ini CockpitDataFile=AlbatrosD3_cockpit.ini To look like this CockpitDataFile=AlbatrosDII_cockpit.ini //CockpitDataFile=AlbatrosD3_cockpit.ini Alternatively you can download the full cockpit mod from CA. The FM by Peter01 is intended for use without the April 08 patch. In addition to the skins, there a sound file which was recorded from a running Mercedes engine. If you prefer the original sound, simply change the lines in the data.ini file which refer to “PropLoopMercedes” to “PropLoop”. As usual, place the skin folder in the AlbDII folder and select it in the loadout screen to fly the skin. This skin set is part of a series presented to acknowledge the dedication and continuing hard work of Peter01 who has given us outstanding flight models for so many other aircraft for First Eagles. Without his work, this model and many others would be just pretty pictures. Revisions include improved under surface camo and added detail. September 16, 2008 sinbad Click here to download this file
  13. Version


    This skin set depicts the Albatros D.II 1724/16 flown by Lt. Karl Emil Schafer, with Kasta 11 in late 1916 and early 1917. The camo pattern and colors, personal fuselage markings, lower wing colors and national markings all closely depict the emblems and national insignia of the reference aircraft. All skins, indeed all models, are at best approximations, and my time machine is still not operational. The files attached include loading and hangar screens. Thanks to Gambit168 for making his skinset available as a template, and to BortdaFarm for the original model. This revision of the earlier release is updated thanks to advice for improvements from Southside Bucky. I have included a cockpit adaptation of the Albatross D3 model from the First Eagles Expansion pack. The cockpit mod will not work unless you have the expansion pack. If you do not have the expansion pack yet, you can still use this skin. All you need to do is go into the AlbDII.ini file and modify the lines which now look like this: //CockpitDataFile=AlbatrosDII_cockpit.ini CockpitDataFile=AlbatrosD3_cockpit.ini To look like this CockpitDataFile=AlbatrosDII_cockpit.ini //CockpitDataFile=AlbatrosD3_cockpit.ini Alternatively you can download the full cockpit mod from CA. The FM by Peter01 is intended for use without the April 08 patch. In addition to the skins, there a sound file which was recorded from a running Mercedes engine. If you prefer the original sound, simply change the lines in the data.ini file which refer to “PropLoopMercedes” to “PropLoop”. As usual, place the skin folder in the AlbDII folder and select it in the loadout screen to fly the skin. This skin set is part of a series presented to acknowledge the dedication and continuing hard work of Peter01 who has given us outstanding flight models for so many other aircraft for First Eagles. Without his work, this model and many others would be just pretty pictures. Revisions include improved under surface camo and added detail. September 16, 2008 sinbad
  14. This skin set depicts the Albatros D.II flown by Lt.Robert Dycke, of Jasta 16b in late 1916 and early 1917. This aircraft was made under license by LVG, and the camo differs from the Albatros built aircraft. This skin set is part of a series presented to acknowledge the dedication and continuing hard work of Peter01 who has given us outstanding flight models for so many aircraft for First Eagles. Without his work, this model and many others would be just pretty pictures. sinbad
  15. Sorry about the oversight. This skin was updated today. The sound file is included. There are also improvements to the rib and aileron shading detail, and vertical stab plywood texture. Thanks for the feedback. This aircraft is a bit of a challenge. More to come . . . sinbad
  16. File Name: Albatros D. II Robert Dycke Jasta 16b File Submitter: sinbad File Submitted: 4 Sep 2008 File Updated: 16 Sep 2008 File Category: WW1 Aircraft This skin set depicts the Albatros D.II flown by Lt.Robert Dycke, of Jasta 16b in late 1916 and early 1917. This aircraft was made under license by LVG, and the camo differs from the Albatros built aircraft. The LVG planes were numbered from D.1024 through 1061, but the actual serial number of this plane is not now known. Photos and all profiles I have seen of the plane do not depict it on the stabilizer. The files attached include loading and hangar screens. The personal fuselage markings, lower wing colors and national markings all closely depict the emblems and national insignia on the reference aircraft. All skins, indeed all models are at best approximations, and my time machine is still not operational. Thanks to Gambit168 for making his skin available as a template, and to BortdaFarm for the original model. This revision of the earlier release is improved and updated thanks to advice for improvements from Southside Bucky. I have included an adaptation of the Albatross D3 cockpit from the First Eagles Expansion pack. The cockpit mod will not work unless you have the expansion pack. If you do not have the expansion pack yet, you can still use this skin with the original. All you need to do is go into the AlbDII.ini file and modify the lines which now look like this: //CockpitDataFile=AlbatrosDII_cockpit.ini CockpitDataFile=AlbatrosD3_cockpit.ini To look like this CockpitDataFile=AlbatrosDII_cockpit.ini //CockpitDataFile=AlbatrosD3_cockpit.ini Alternatively you can download the cockpit mod from CA. The FM was done by Peter01 and is intended for use without the April 08 patch. In addition to the skins, there a sound file which was recorded from a running Mercedes engine to be dropped into your Sounds folder. If you prefer the original sound, simply change the lines in the data.ini file which refer to “PropLoopMercedes” to “PropLoop”. That is the only change I made to the FM. As usual, place the skin folder in the AlbDII folder and select it in the loadout screen to fly the skin. This skin set is part of a series presented to acknowledge the dedication and continuing hard work of Peter01 who has given us outstanding flight models for so many aircraft for First Eagles. Without his work, this model and many others would be just pretty pictures. The update improves the under surface camo and adds some detail. September 16, 2008 sinbad Click here to download this file
  17. Version


    This skin set depicts the Albatros D.II flown by Lt.Robert Dycke, of Jasta 16b in late 1916 and early 1917. This aircraft was made under license by LVG, and the camo differs from the Albatros built aircraft. The LVG planes were numbered from D.1024 through 1061, but the actual serial number of this plane is not now known. Photos and all profiles I have seen of the plane do not depict it on the stabilizer. The files attached include loading and hangar screens. The personal fuselage markings, lower wing colors and national markings all closely depict the emblems and national insignia on the reference aircraft. All skins, indeed all models are at best approximations, and my time machine is still not operational. Thanks to Gambit168 for making his skin available as a template, and to BortdaFarm for the original model. This revision of the earlier release is improved and updated thanks to advice for improvements from Southside Bucky. I have included an adaptation of the Albatross D3 cockpit from the First Eagles Expansion pack. The cockpit mod will not work unless you have the expansion pack. If you do not have the expansion pack yet, you can still use this skin with the original. All you need to do is go into the AlbDII.ini file and modify the lines which now look like this: //CockpitDataFile=AlbatrosDII_cockpit.ini CockpitDataFile=AlbatrosD3_cockpit.ini To look like this CockpitDataFile=AlbatrosDII_cockpit.ini //CockpitDataFile=AlbatrosD3_cockpit.ini Alternatively you can download the cockpit mod from CA. The FM was done by Peter01 and is intended for use without the April 08 patch. In addition to the skins, there a sound file which was recorded from a running Mercedes engine to be dropped into your Sounds folder. If you prefer the original sound, simply change the lines in the data.ini file which refer to “PropLoopMercedes” to “PropLoop”. That is the only change I made to the FM. As usual, place the skin folder in the AlbDII folder and select it in the loadout screen to fly the skin. This skin set is part of a series presented to acknowledge the dedication and continuing hard work of Peter01 who has given us outstanding flight models for so many aircraft for First Eagles. Without his work, this model and many others would be just pretty pictures. The update improves the under surface camo and adds some detail. September 16, 2008 sinbad
  18. OK, this has been going on long enough. Here are two versions of the fabled Alb D.II skins to go along with the cockpit conversion. My working notion has been to use slightly toned down surrounds for the 1917 style crosses, but I now I wonder if the crisp snow white surrounds are better. There will be a series of skins, so I'd appreciate some feedback before I post them. I'll probably do one or two of the individual AC in the "muted" or "dirty" version, on the theory that at least some pilots really wanted camo FX, but then again there are many images out there with "clean" surrounds. It is a more significant decision for the squadron default sets. These samples are from the Jasta 5 set. Please let me know what you think. sinbad WWI_2008_08_31_20_47_00_67.bmp WWI_2008_08_31_20_46_26_12.bmp Jasta_5_1917_portside_low.bmp Jasta_5_1917_PortQ_above.bmp
  19. September FM Update

    You deserve a great vacation. We would be grateful if we had to wait until you got back for these! sinbad
  20. A humble request to modellers

    [quote name=' the polycount was also quite high. About 5000 is normal for FE? Yes there were some good models in WoW, and we have many now in this game thanks to Capun and his team. Meanwhile regarding poly counts, as I said, 3Dmax is a program which I know virtually nothing about. Perhaps one day, but not this week! LOL I'm glad you are getting involved though, and I'd be willing to help with skins and other matters where I have more answers than questions. sinbad
  21. A humble request to modellers

    My congratulations on undertaking a daunting task. Go to this location for a collection of 3dmax models and parts, some of which have been adapted for this game. http://www.polovski.com/FAQ/mods.htm#3D_MODELS I'm afraid I am no help at all with this aspect of modding as you already know more about 3dmax than me! sinbad
  22. These files modify the original Albatros DII by BortdaFarm by installing the stock Albatros D3 cockpit from the Third Wire Expansion Pack. This mod tested AOK with and without the April 08 patch. BortdaFarm invested a lot of time and effort into the creation of the Albatros DII, and I'm glad he did. There is only so much one person can do and the EP cockpit by TK and his team is more detailed and functional. Thanks to both BortdaFarm and Third Wire for making these models for us. The files in this package include alternative loading and hangar screens. In addition to the cockpit and the screens, there are two gunsight types included. The classic Fokker crosshair and a slightly larger Spad13 type with a small circle in the center of the crosshair. A set of new skins for the Alb DII will be posted soon. I also want to acknowledge the dedication and continuing hard work by Peter01 on his outstanding flight models for the Albatros DII and so many other aircraft for First Eagles. These FMs are a tremendous enhancement of the sim. sinbad
  23. File Name: Albatross DII Cockpit and Screens File Submitter: sinbad File Submitted: 22 Aug 2008 File Category: World War I Cockpits These files will modify the original Albatros DII by BortdaFarm by installing the stock Albatros D3 cockpit from the Third Wire Expansion Pack. This mod tested AOK with and without the April 08 patch. The files will not work unless you have installed both the Expansion pack and the BortdaFarm Albatros DII. BortdaFarm invested a lot of time and effort into the creation of the Albatros DII, and I'm glad he did. There is only so much one person can do and the EP cockpit by TK and his team is more detailed and functional. Thanks to both BortdaFarm and Third Wire for making these models for us. The files in this package include alternative loading and hangar screens. Back up your original files (in case you later decide you prefer the originals) and place all of the enclosed files in the AlbatrosDII folder. In addition to the cockpit and the screens, there are two gunsight types included. The default is the classic Fokker crosshair. The alternative is a slightly larger Spad13 type with a small circle in the center of the crosshair. If you prefer the latter, simply open the file marked ALBATROSD3_COCKPIT.INI and change the following lines from this: //GunsightMilSize=40 GunsightMilSize=30 GunsightName=Fokker_ironsight.tga //GunsightName=Spad13_ironsight.tga to this GunsightMilSize=40 //GunsightMilSize=30 //GunsightName=Fokker_ironsight.tga GunsightName=Spad13_ironsight.tga. You may notice that the windscreen appears to be slightly forward of the gun breeches. Don't worry, it will still keep the wind off your face! There was no way I could find to avoid this and still place the new cockpit in the model in a way that functions properly. If anyone can resolve this dilemma, please do so. BTW notice the hole in the glass in the BTF model. These holes were in the original aircraft windscreens to allow sighting the weapons despite the smears of oil and dirt that often impaired the view. I also want to acknowledge the dedication and continuing hard work by Peter01 on his outstanding flight models for the Albatros DII and so many other aircraft for First Eagles. These FMs are a tremendous enhancement of the sim. August 22 2008 sinbad Click here to download this file
  24. Version


    These files will modify the original Albatros DII by BortdaFarm by installing the stock Albatros D3 cockpit from the Third Wire Expansion Pack. This mod tested AOK with and without the April 08 patch. The files will not work unless you have installed both the Expansion pack and the BortdaFarm Albatros DII. BortdaFarm invested a lot of time and effort into the creation of the Albatros DII, and I'm glad he did. There is only so much one person can do and the EP cockpit by TK and his team is more detailed and functional. Thanks to both BortdaFarm and Third Wire for making these models for us. The files in this package include alternative loading and hangar screens. Back up your original files (in case you later decide you prefer the originals) and place all of the enclosed files in the AlbatrosDII folder. In addition to the cockpit and the screens, there are two gunsight types included. The default is the classic Fokker crosshair. The alternative is a slightly larger Spad13 type with a small circle in the center of the crosshair. If you prefer the latter, simply open the file marked ALBATROSD3_COCKPIT.INI and change the following lines from this: //GunsightMilSize=40 GunsightMilSize=30 GunsightName=Fokker_ironsight.tga //GunsightName=Spad13_ironsight.tga to this GunsightMilSize=40 //GunsightMilSize=30 //GunsightName=Fokker_ironsight.tga GunsightName=Spad13_ironsight.tga. You may notice that the windscreen appears to be slightly forward of the gun breeches. Don't worry, it will still keep the wind off your face! There was no way I could find to avoid this and still place the new cockpit in the model in a way that functions properly. If anyone can resolve this dilemma, please do so. BTW notice the hole in the glass in the BTF model. These holes were in the original aircraft windscreens to allow sighting the weapons despite the smears of oil and dirt that often impaired the view. I also want to acknowledge the dedication and continuing hard work by Peter01 on his outstanding flight models for the Albatros DII and so many other aircraft for First Eagles. These FMs are a tremendous enhancement of the sim. August 22 2008 sinbad
  25. Go to http://bbs.thirdwire.com/ You'll find a number of utilities, including the TE and a advice on the forum,. You'll need to register for that, but NP. TE is here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6492 sinbad

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