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Everything posted by sinbad

  1. Nieuport 28

    Thanks Tex. Now I understand. sinbad
  2. Nieuport 28

    Tex - Thanks for all the nitty work which makes this bird fly right. I see one post at 2 am and another at 7:08 - your boss is a real hard case! I am confused. I just found the changes identified in post 196 in the uploaded version of the Data.ini which I got from the link in post 191. Do I keep the changes from post 196 or not?
  3. Got it. Thanks. er . . . Merci!
  4. I have no variations in the difficulty settings for flight model in my patched version of the game. Is it me? Enemy skill levels are there but not for the player. I would expect someone might have noticed that by now.???
  5. OK Thanks. Time for a new install.
  6. Bit of work on an Eindecker

    There is a v2 model of the Eindekker up on Borts website. That could be a good sign. I hope he stays with us in some manner.
  7. You mean objects/aircraft/TYPE correct? I noticed the patch deleted all data.ini files from the individual aircraft folders.
  8. File Name: WWI Era Music for FE - 5 files File Submitter: sinbad File Submitted: 3 Jan 2007 File Category: SF Sound Mods These are WWI era tunes which add a bit of flavor to FE. Place these files in the menu folder NOT Sounds. Records Screen is "Keep the Home Fires Burning" Options Screen is "Stay Down Here Where You Belong!" Campaign Screen is "I Didn't Raise My Boy to be a Soldier" Single Mission Screen is "It's a Long Way to Tipperary" Main Screen is "Over There" AKA "The Yanks Are Coming" Enjoy! sinbad Click here to download this file
  9. You may enjoy these authentic tunes. Place then in the Menu folder after backing up the originals. Enjoy!
  10. Authentic WWI Era Music

    The link above is good for one file. I included a total of 5 in the latest version. Those should be posted soon in a self-extracting archive. Thanks for your patience, apparently there is a screening process at the board which requires a bit of time. sinbad
  11. FE where will it go?

    As this is posted I find an excellent Beta Fokker EIII for FE on your website. java script:emoticon('', 'smid_1') Thanks very much for the work you put in to create this crate! I must say that all this is certainly some indication of a commitment to "realism" else why not simply create aircraft that resemble fanciful ( and perhaps more visually attractive) birds such as those in Crimson Skies? It seems that we are all seeking some measure of realism, perhaps in differing degrees. Meanwhile you are indulging everyone as you encourage us to "fart about with the bits n bobs" of this fine and apparently realistic (to a substantial degree) Fokker. Some will probably tug it in the direction of easier handling and others towards whatever view they have of "realism." It is a game, after all. I remain your devoted fan.java script:emoticon('', 'smid_10')
  12. FE where will it go?

    I'll hang on waiting for the Godot of WWI flight sims, It may be that FE will evolve into that; it may be that OFF will be that. It may be that I'll never see it at all. Meanwhile FE has potential. I'm glad so many folks are working to improve it.
  13. File Name: Authentic WWI Music for Menu Screens File Submitter: sinbad File Submitted: 1 Jan 2007 File Category: SF Sound Mods These are authentic WWI era music fir your menu screens. Simply place in the menu folder after backing up the originals. Click here to download this file
  14. Authentic WWI Era Music

    Right. I have had problems uploading. I will try again. Sorry about that. These are really neat. Please stand by.
  15. FE where will it go?

    I agree with Wingstrut. While it is fun to tinker with code, especially in plain English, I find I am spending more time with that than I am flying the sim. Programming is rather like maintenance on an engine. I will get my hands dirty if I need to, and sometimes it is satisfying to get the cranky thing to run properly, but it is not the name of the game. The work on OFF appears to be far more thorough than FE, and any cost is entirely optional. The only competitive advantage I see with FE is that it was released before the second phase of OFF. That may explain whey we have so few planes, and so many issues. The OFF team is devoted to historical accuracy in all regards, and the recent movie demonstrates an excellent body of work. If they had both been released on the same day, I doubt I would have paid for FE. In the world of Adam Smith, the FE developers made the right move to release it when they did. There are many who want to play a game, and there are others, probably fewer, who prefer the historically and aerodynamically accurate sim. It remains to be seen whether or not FE can, or will attempt to, compete for that segment of the sin community after OFF phase 2 is released, not to mention the sim which is based on the IL-2 engine. I count myself among those folks who want historical, and aerodynamic accuracy. I have been a buff for WWI aviation since the 50's, when I was a kid. I started flying in the 60's, and especially now that I am grounded, I really enjoy a challenging FM in a sim. Fortunately it seems that things are looking up and it may well be that all segments of the community may soon be able to get what they want.
  16. FE where will it go?

    There is a lot of potential here, but it may be surpassed by the imminent release of OFF 2. The basic FM and AI do not do justice to the very nice models and skins. It remains to be seen whether this will be a game which looks good and has appeal to the players or a flight sim which attempts to accurately depict flying characteristics and combat tactics in a realistic environment. I hope it will be the latter,but right now I'm not sure. Of course RB was a game for the kids when it was released. This one is more open to modding than RB so, we'll see . . .
  17. Bit of work on an Eindecker

    Oh yes. We need a suitable adversary for the FE-2s and DH-2. A very good start. I'm glad to see your computer is up and running. Regards.
  18. Weathered D7 skin #1

    Looks great but . . . Nothing attached here.
  19. DVII Jasta 6

    This fabulous! I mean it is great to see the fantastic skins and to see you posting here. Welcome aboard. It has been a long time since USAS 1918. Do you plan to release these (and hopefully others)?
  20. There was supposed to be a digital DL available today. I have not yet found it.

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