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Everything posted by sinbad

  1. Version


    This is a substitute German theme screen depicting Kesta 4 in 1916, which you can substitute for the Spad hangars that appear in the loadout screen. Simply drop the file in the Menu folder and it will override the Spad screen. If you want to go back, just delete this file and the original will appear. TK is considering adding code which will permit type specific loadout screens for each aircraft, but right now the code only permits one such screen for all aircraft. I prefer the sepia version, which I now post as an update. I think the earlier B/W version will remain on the site- if not and you want BW, it is relatively simple to remove the color.
  2. Thanks Charles. Another wonderful addition to the early war stable. Now the DH-2s will have more to escort. The more the merrier! sinbad
  3. I just did the DL. Now I going to hop in my time machine and shoot at it!
  4. New Mannock skin query

    I believe all you need to do to get the skins to work is to place the sub folder RAF Mannock from the compressed file into the SE5a folder. The game will adjust the settings automatically. sinbad
  5. A bunch of Flight Models

    Thanks. This really is helpful. The link doesn't work just yet though, perhaps still waiting for CA screening.
  6. Excellent! you have discovered what no one has found before. I had a little trouble finding them, the settings are under RightmainGear and LeftMainGear. My search for "Wheels" went into limbo. It works though, but you need to be careful lest you nose over with too much brake too early. That may be why the original setting were a bit weak. Thanks again.! sinbad
  7. New SPAD 7 Skin Markings.

    Deutschmark- Thanks for the skins. They look very good, with crisp detail. I am DL now. You may already know about this site http://perso.orange.fr/airtraditions/ but if not check it out. It lists all French WWI squadron markings. Click on each for a larger image. Perhaps you will find even more inspiration. sinbad
  8. JoeM423 I do not believe there is a control which shuts down the engine. Perhaps TK may add that in the next patch. Meanwhile we have to quit the mission before coming to a complete stop. sinbad
  9. Peter01- Perhaps it makes sense to have one FM for player operated A/C (recognizing that this is limited to solo flights) and another for AI operated A/C? Just a thought. It does seem that the problem we are discussing here re the E-III applies to many A/C and even many sims. Meanwhile thanks for your efforts in what can be a frustrating task. sinbad
  10. Spad VII

    Thanks for doing the skin. It looks very good indeed. Is this skin for the A-Team SpadVII or the mod of the stock FE Spad VII? sinbad
  11. Bort has updated the cockpit for the EIII and also the FM. Some testing is in order to determine which you might prefer. http://www.ebort2.co.uk/FE.html sinbad
  12. Wingmen are very helpful in diluting the defensive fire, but you can do it solo. Slashing co-ordinated runs from the sides work best. Keep the gunners trying to pivot to hit you, and use all the speed you can. There is no reason to keep shooting until you tear off a wing. You may get lucky and flame an engine, (on attacks from 3 and 6, I have repeatedly been able to flame both engines in a single pass). Do not attack from 6 or 12 or you will be toast. Attacks from directly below, flying up and aiming at the bomb bay also works nicely, if you hammerhead away, but dive steeply to avoid defensive fire. Cumulative damage from several passes will bring the HP down. sinbad
  13. Do not attack from 6 or 12 or you will be toast. Wingmen are very helpful in diluting the defensive fire. Slashing co-ordinated runs with at least one wingman from the sides work best. Keep the gunners trying to pivot to hit you, and use all speed you can. There is no reason to keep shooting until you tear off a wing. You may get lucky and flame an engine, but cumulative damage will bring the monster down. sinbad
  14. "Of course if you mod the AimAngle it will be off centre if you fly in No Cockpit Mode (with just sight)." Only Wonder Woman flies a glass airplane. sinbad
  15. Thanks Charles - scrambling now. sinbad
  16. I tried that, but no joy yet. Just the DFWs. I was hoping there was a mission generator somewhere.
  17. Got it! Thanks again for all these great aircraft. Now how do I get this beast to appear in a mission?
  18. OFF Phase 2

    I have DL and installed and it is more than we have any right to expect from a package that comes with no cost (except what you should properly feel you should offer). The GUI is well thought through and detailed. OFF includes a diverse stable of aircraft with solid FM, nearly a gig of historically accurate skins, ground objects galore, user tunable weather, etc. etc. The only problem I had was a prolonged DL because so many were in line to take a free ride. Bravo OFF Team. :clapping: sinbad
  19. This rule is AOK, but unless I am mistaken, the Fokker DVIIF is not one of Borts aircraft. It is stock. Check the website http://www.ebort2.co.uk/FE.html. sinbad
  20. Future Release

    How do you guys find time to eat? I still haven't installed the last two releases yet! Thanks for being so dilligent. sinbad
  21. WIP

    I believe it is possible to reduce the rate of fire for the MG. That should simulate the deflectors on the prop. As to the vibration and eventual damage I DK. sinbad
  22. Firecage Plane Fest ver 2.0

    I've DL the file but I see that the N-24 and N-24b are listed as required aircraft. Where can we get them? They are not yet here at Combat Ace. Thanks again for the work you have done to make this sim more enjoyable. sinbad
  23. Excellent Terrain. Thanks for all the hard work. TK should hire you!
  24. Nieuport 28

    This is worth waiting for. It really should be in other scout models, especially SE-5 and Spad 13. Thanks for the extra effort Tex.

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