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Everything posted by sinbad

  1. Version Sep 10 2011


    The Bohme/Lademacher Dragodiles The markings, logos, and numerals are those that appeared on the Alb C.III flown by Lt. Erwin Bohme and his observer Fritz Lademacher. The evidence available (three photos and the text of a letter from Bohme to his girlfriend) strongly indicate that the Dragodiles were white. When I started this project I thought that the beasts might have been a light green or yellow-green. It took some time to get it, but after I read the Bohme letter describing the images as “”ghosts” I decided they really were white. That is why the default is the ghostly white. I still included the less authentic, but more colorful greenies. If you prefer the more colorful version, simply delete (or rename) the Decals file, and then copy and rename the"Decals Green Dragodiles" to "Decals". Both decal sets are in the folder and should be left there. The green and yellow/green beasts should now appear. If you want to switch back, reverse the process. (That's why you didn't dump the original file!) The Wood and Linen Alternative This skin set uses the original decals provided by Stephen1918 that generate a varied set of markings derived from original German units and numerals. None of the part numbers on the struts, elevators, wings, etc. are adjusted. Please back up your original “Wood and Linen files before using these as they will overwrite the originals. The logo on the prop is the earliest version of the Axial logo. Loading, Loadout and Hangar Screens. The loading and hangar screens are in the main file set along with the skins. The loadout screen is in the Menu folder, and will replace the stock loadout screen for all aircraft. If you prefer the original, just delete it. Thanks to Stephen 1918 for a great model! All files are set up for use in FE2. If you need help getting this package to run in FE1, let me know. sinbad September 10, 2011
  2. Infantry Units

    Another excellent contribution.! Thanks again.
  3. I agree - but that is not a huge task for the National Insignia - unless you want the personal and squadron and AC numbers as well.
  4. No diff for me in FE2. FR 55 - 60 with or without it; loading times 15 - 20 sec. Only quick tests tho simple TO with 2 -4 wingmen. No furballs. HP-Pavilion W7 64 16 gigs mem (4x2; 2x4 GB) Type: PC3-8500 1066MHz DDR3 SDRAM 2.80 gigahertz Intel Core i7 930 64 kilobyte primary memory cache 256 kilobyte secondary memory cache 8192 kilobyte tertiary memory cache 64-bit ready Multi-core (4 total) Hyper-threaded (8 total) ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series HP S2031 [Monitor] 19.9"vis, IZI VMM26F10I [Monitor] 25.5" Samsung SMB2030 [Monitor] 19.9"vis,
  5. Anatra DS in progress

    Another beauty Stephen1918! I love that exhaust system.
  6. The Voisin LAS is here

    Thanks for all the hard work Stephen1918 - I know this one wasn't easy, and it looks great. The variations on the theme are just what is need with this versatile little kite. DL it now
  7. Voisin LAS in progress

    I've been waiting a long time for this one. It looks very good! You are a very fast worker!!
  8. Help with the Voisin III

    Here are a few that may help. Do you have the datafile?
  9. Here are a few screenies for this project . Get the files here - http://combatace.com...ohmelademacher/
  10. Very impressive. Is is possible to adjust the relative size of the people? They appear to be 10 - 12 feet tall.
  11. Do you have the Datafile #68? - there are photos - not color but B & W there for both the N-10 and N-12 cockpits.
  12. File Name: Albatros C.III 766/16 Bohme/Lademacher File Submitter: sinbad File Submitted: 10 September 2011 File Category: Albatros Skins The Bohme/Lademacher Dragodiles The markings, logos, and numerals are those that appeared on the Alb C.III flown by Lt. Erwin Bohme and his observer Fritz Lademacher. The evidence available (three photos and the text of a letter from Bohme to his girlfriend) strongly indicate that the Dragodiles were white. When I started this project I thought that the beasts might have been a light green or yellow-green. It took some time to get it, but after I read the Bohme letter describing the images as “”ghosts” I decided they really were white. That is why the default is the ghostly white. I still included the less authentic, but more colorful greenies. If you prefer the more colorful version, simply delete (or rename) the Decals file, and then copy and rename the"Decals Green Dragodiles" to "Decals". Both decal sets are in the folder and should be left there. The green and yellow/green beasts should now appear. If you want to switch back, reverse the process. (That's why you didn't dump the original file!) The Wood and Linen Alternative This skin set uses the original decals provided by Stephen1918 that generate a varied set of markings derived from original German units and numerals. None of the part numbers on the struts, elevators, wings, etc. are adjusted. Please back up your original “Wood and Linen files before using these as they will overwrite the originals. The logo on the prop is the earliest version of the Axial logo. Loading, Loadout and Hangar Screens. The loading and hangar screens are in the main file set along with the skins. The loadout screen is in the Menu folder, and will replace the stock loadout screen for all aircraft. If you prefer the original, just delete it. Thanks to Stephen 1918 for a great model! All files are set up for use in FE2. If you need help getting this package to run in FE1, let me know. sinbad September 10, 2011 Click here to download this file
  13. The Albatros C.III is here

    I vote for the Voisin. It was very widely used (in all theaters), and there were type variations that should permit relatively easy application of the Max files to produce bombers etc. Meanwhile, I continue to plod along with the Alb C.III skins. Dragodiles are very persnickety beasts!
  14. The Albatros C.III is here

    I am now nurturing the Dragodiles, and fiddling with a few other bits and pieces. Any time I try to estimate how long it will take, I find out later how silly I can be . . . I sent an e-mail to Ray Rimmel and I'm posting elsewhere to try to learn whatever there is to know about the skin tones of the Dragodiles. Apart from these two supposedly ghosty white critters, every dragon, and every crocodile, I have ever seen was green (or yellow-green). The Bohme book is really fun to read; there's a lot of info there. The first confirmed victory for Bohme was with his observer/gunner Lademacher in an Alb. C.III as they made an attack on the HQ of a Russian General named Brussilov. The plane they shot down was a Nieuport 12, flown as a single seater ( the Russians favored that configuration) by a French ace named Edwards Pulpe, who was on TDY a the Russian front. If you have any info on his plane I'd like to see that as well. I have no photos or drawings. I'll keep reading the Bohme letters though. I could have paid better attention when I studied German, but that was forty years ago, and it's been nearly ten years since I've been in Germany. That combined with the evaporation of 10,000 brain cells each day slows me down at bit. If you know anything at all, or know where we might learn more, please send me a note or post here.
  15. The Albatros C.III is here

    Well if Stephen1918 didn't give me push I'd probably take another month to post the hi rez skins for this wonderful bird. There's still more to do, but here are a couple of screenies. There will be a wood and linen generic, and my version of Edwin Bohme's C.766/16 Dragodile. I've wanted to do that plane since I first saw it years ago. When I finally started to do it, it bothered me that the accepted opinion is that the beasts were black and white. (So says Ray Rimmel in the Datafile.) It just doesn't make sense to me that someone who would do such a fantastic job painting the animals wouldn't want them to be some shade of green. While it might be true that there wasn't green paint available, that was a very common color. Anyway, I ordered a copy of the book of Bohme letters. One of my best reasons/rationales/excuses for the glacial pace of this project is that I am wading through the original German and its been more than a few years since I was even close to understanding that language. If anyone has any hard information regarding the Dragodiles, I'd love to know about it. Meanwhile, I get it done when it's done, but now it's Happy Hour!
  16. Aviatik-Berg D.1 in progress

    Hi Stephen 1918- It's great to see you on board. We need people who can make 3dMax sing and dance! The screenshot is impressive. I look forward to the full aircraft. I'll be glad to help with research and skinning if you wish. re your Q- 1- Start on airfield. As soon as game loads hit ALT/P that will pause game and you can walk around slowly to check your work. 2- Yes - you can use the game textures. First, you paid for them, second the TW team looks favorably on modders; you are enhancing the product. I have never seen any grumbling about such use. 3- We prefer historically accurate markings. If you need help with research, post a request. You'll find that there is a lot of accurate data available. I cannot say that fictional skins are not posted, but they are not favored, and I do not DL them. Cheers, sinbad
  17. Sopwith Strutter 1A2 - French



    The French had three versions of the Strutter. The 1A2 for recon and artillery spotting, and two bombers, the 1B2, which carried a gunner, and the 1B1 which had only the pilot. The French prioritized delivery of the 1A2. The 1A2 Strutters, like the English 9400 series, had a fuel tank between the pilot and the observer. Consequently the 1A2 had greater range than the 1B2 and 1B1, which carried internal bomb bays in that same area. France began building Strutters under license in April 1916 to replace obsolete Farmans and Caudron G-4s. As the first French built Strutters were tested ten months later in February 1917, a 1B2 Strutter broke up in mid air. The British insisted over stressing by the pilot caused the crash but the French demanded a total design review. The review resulted in few changes, but French built Strutters were not put into combat until the Spring of 1917, when they were significantly outclassed by enemy aircraft. Bombing squadrons were routinely equipped with a mix of the 1B2 and 1B1 variants. and the 1B2 was often used to escort the 1B1. I find no evidence that the French mounted any external stores on the 1A2 or either of the 1B Strutters. The French produced approximately 4,500 Strutters through April 1918. Some American units were provided with French built Strutters, which they intensely disliked, in part because they were initially delivered without weapons. All versions of the Strutter had air brakes on the inboard lower wings, which are not operational on the model; these brakes were often not favored by the aircrews because they created “mushy” handling. Many pictures of Strutters nosed over, perhaps document this characteristic. The flight models attempt to reflect the known variations in the French aircraft. The windscreens on French Strutters were different (some would say more graceful) than the British. That, unfortunately has not been modeled in this version. Dagaith, my original partner in this project left to join the army before the 1A2 model was started. Perhaps one day I will become sufficiently adept with 3dMax to make the adjustment, but that is not possible today. I'd love to have some help with that, if there is someone interested who can make 3dMax sing and dance. We may eventually have a 1B1 Strutter, but, meanwhile there are production delays. . . Thanks to Dagaith for the original model, Peter01 for the flight model, Laton for the additional LODs, , Gustav for conseils français, as well as beta testing by Southside Bucky (for the original English versions) Panama Red and Ojcar, who prompted me to get this bird out of the coop. The included skin sets for the 1A2 depict aircraft flown by two French Escadrille, Sop 226, with silver dope and Sop 284, which operated 10 camo 1A2s from March 1918, the date the unit was formed, until the end of the war. Some sources incorrectly depict the Esc 226 aircraft in clear doped linen or light yellow dope, a mistake I made before discovering more recent and authoritative information. There are two files sets, on for FE2 and another for all previous versions of FE. Just drop them in and go. sinbad 3 Nov 2010
  18. Available in the downloads area. sinbad
  19. just one of my dreams

    Don't count FE out just yet. Quack74 is doing some great work. Whatever magic Tuma is working, it will certainly be impressive. I take the long lag as a holiday break, combined with the rather tedious method he is using (and hopefully simplifying!). We never know when the old hands will rejoin us. One feature this game offers is the capacity to do add ons. I'll probably never live long enough to be proficient with 3dMax, but there may be others who know how to make Max sing and dance who will contribute. Meanwhile I intend to just keep tinkering. I'll keep fumbling with the single seat Strutter, the Staakens and also the Fokker D.II, that I not only recall but now have on the desktop. I'm trying to add the pully assembly at the trail edge of the top wing over the cockpit that handled the wing warping cable. That is just one of the bits that Bort didn't address, and it has always bothered me. It is taking a lot of fussing to get it done though! Send me a PM and tell me what you need to address the texture gloss.
  20. just one of my dreams

    There are mods for the Bort D.I and D.II. We do not have the Bort 3dMax files so we cannot mod them directly; we have to do it the hard way. I did what I could with decals over the skins to cover the glossy finish of the original model, and that was a steep climb. The graphics load is increased by those mods and that is probably what is slowing down your machine. Since we already have the Bort models, and there are other demands for time, it is unlikely, (at least for me) to try any further revision of the D.I and D.II. Jan Tuma has an entirely new approach that might be applied to the Third Wire models, but I have no experience with it, and he has not yet posted a tutorial. That is one possibility. Given the relatively sparse participation in this forum, it seems unlikely we will soon see any more models from TK; he is after all running a business, and his developers need to be paid. Making an entirely new 3d Max model requires a huge amount of time and effort, even for someone proficient, (which I am not). The Strutter project was a team effort that took over a year, and there is still more to do (such as the single seat bomber version). Dagaith did most of the 3d Max work for the Strutter before left for military service and he has not returned; Peter01 (who did the FM's), and Laton (who did the longer distance LODs) have not posted for some time. P10ppy, who did a lot of very fine work now also appears to be MIA. I hope you will have more than dreams but until then . . .
  21. SE5 SE5a FM

    I knew it had to be Peter01! Thanks christian59- I have many FMs for different versions of the game, and didn't have time to sort them out.
  22. SE5 .ini files?

    I have no record of it. If anyone did it was probably be Peter01.
  23. MFJ I and III

    Thanks Quack74- More great work. TK should have you on the payroll!
  24. Gibraltar Buildings & Trees

    It may be a good idea to remind folks to install the Gibraltar Terrain first. Never assume . . . .
  25. Gibraltar Buildings & Trees

    Thank you. This is something I've wondered about. I'm DL now. Terrain modeling is demanding work. As I recall there was an successful attack on a German sub near the Rock. Now we need to get some functioning ships and there will be another theater of operations!

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