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Posts posted by shadeone

  1. I was very impressed with ODS, it was an amazing transformation of the game and it's creators deserved the applause that everyone gave when it came out drinks.gif definately worth getting good.gif ..............the one thing that really stood out to me was that I was disappointed with the look and the feel of the cockpit in the F-117 (hopefully my honesty doesnt offend anyone) then again I really never spent anytime in it, I just kinda had a look and at it, took a quick flight and moved on.


    still no screenshots?!? :(


    its gonna be a few weeks before i can get to playing this mod, i need eye candy haha!



  2. Hey guys! complete newb here....

    just wondering something about the ODS mod.... does the f-117a have a cockpit? I found the ODS manual (more of a readme thean a manual) through another thread and in the credits it just gives credit for whoever did the skin and doesnt list a cockpit animator. I have been trying many different sims lately and have shied away from them because i just cant seem to find that perfect f-117a stealth simulator.... there is always something that just isnt quite right that takes away some of the feel for me...


    anyways, if there is a nice cockpit for the stealth in ODS, can someone post a picture? It would really be appreciated! I will be getting the mod eventually anyways but im waiting for a computer repair at home and that mgiht be a while, i just need something to drool over ;)


    thanks in advance!



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