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About fabianfred

  1. File Name: December_7th_1941_small File Submitter: fabianfred File Submitted: 12 Apr 2005 File Category: IL2- FB/PF Campaigns & Missions a mini campaign of Pearl harbor... with the frst mission as a look at the fleet just before take-off... just to look at... you don't fly in this one the second is the take-off phase... more scene seting eye-candy the third attack phase has a choice of four different complexities depending how good your machine is, and how much stutter you are prepared to put up with.... (this is called the small version because it is missing some sound files I included with the full version... just briefing screen music... which bumbed it up to over 6 mb. Click here to download this file
  2. File Name: FMB tutorial for il2 File Submitter: fabianfred File Submitted: 12 Apr 2005 File Category: IL2- FB/PF Campaigns & Missions before the days of FB/AEP/PF there was a great site called Sturmovik Technika and many regretted its passing.... this FMB guide with example missions was regarded as very good by many... Click here to download this file
  3. Version


    a mini campaign of Pearl harbor... with the frst mission as a look at the fleet just before take-off... just to look at... you don't fly in this one the second is the take-off phase... more scene seting eye-candy the third attack phase has a choice of four different complexities depending how good your machine is, and how much stutter you are prepared to put up with.... (this is called the small version because it is missing some sound files I included with the full version... just briefing screen music... which bumbed it up to over 6 mb.
  4. Version


    before the days of FB/AEP/PF there was a great site called Sturmovik Technika and many regretted its passing.... this FMB guide with example missions was regarded as very good by many...

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