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Posts posted by ChiefofMen

  1. Haven't heard anybody ask for that file in a Long. . .Long . .Long time. It was added to Windows32, without it Phase 2 just plain won't run


    Which then brings us to an interesting fork in the road. . .If you have W7 - 32bit. . . Try PM to Sitting Duck maybe he's got a copy


    If you have W7 - 64bit. . Order Phase III


    Yep You have given me my answer! Order for Phase 3 on it's way!!



  2. Hi,


    I am running CFS3 fine on W7.


    Off Phase 2 installed fine but when I try to run it I get the message "File MSSTDFMT.DLL" must be installed on the computer.


    Anyone know what this file is or where I might get it?




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