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Everything posted by PvtDK2

  1. Preguntas varias y dudas en general

    Hola Adrian! El pack de armas es estupendo, felicidades por los diseños. Pero no ha solucionado el problema de que los numerales no me tiren las bombas... No obstante, muchísimas gracias. Un saludo!
  2. Preguntas varias y dudas en general

    (creo que se dice asi) ¡¡Sos un capoooooooooo!!! xD Muchas gracias por el pack! lo voy a probar ahora mismo!!! jajajaja un saludo! sois geniales!
  3. Preguntas varias y dudas en general

    Hola Dragon, con retardo te refieres a las que retardan las caída? tipo STRIM? es precisamente las que uso. ¿o hay alguna bomba en el juego que retarde la explosión despues de chocar contra el objetivo? Un saludo!
  4. Preguntas varias y dudas en general

    Hola amigos! Algo ha mejorado, FALLS, he usado los valores de IA que tenías en los enlaces que me has mandado, y ahora los numerales hacen pasadas a buena altura sobre los barcos, pero nunca llegan a tirar las bombas. ¿sabes como corregir esto? muchas gracias!.
  5. Preguntas varias y dudas en general

    Muchas gracias, FALLS!!! Voy a mirar los pequeños tesoros que me has enlazado y ya te cuento como ha ido. Hasta ahora amigo!
  6. Preguntas varias y dudas en general

    Hola amigos, Tengo una duda, soy español, y mi mod preferido de Strike Fighters es el Malvinas, me apasiona la historia de la Guerra de las Malvinas. Recientemente me bajé la version del mod Malvinas para Strike Fighters 2 y me gustaría saber si alguien ha hecho alguna modificación para hacer funcionar los radares de los buques ingleses, y el disparo de sus misiles, de una forma real. Otra cosa que me gustaría preguntar, es si se puede hacer para que mis compañeros en vuelo, bajen a la misma altura que yo, cuando intento volar raso, a 14 m sobre el nivel del mar, para atacar los buques, mis "colegas" empiezan a bambolearse de arriba abajo, parece que "les asusta" mantener esa altura de vuelo, y si por algo son famosos los pilotos argentinos en Malvinas... es por su grandes pelotas (perdón por la palabra) xD Para terminar, ¿Se puede hacer para que la A.I. realice la maniobra de bombardeo de buques lo más parecida a la real? eso de subir a mil metros y volar lentamente hasta el objetivo y soltar las bombas a esa altura.... no es lo que se solía hacer, vosotros lo sabéis mejor que yo ¿verdad?. Espero que me respondáis positivamente a alguna de estas cuestiones. ¡Un saludo para todos los hermanos argentinos desde Andalucía, al otro lado del "Charco"!.
  7. Hi guys I have this issue: the ship's missiles (like seaslug, seadart, etc...) are only fired when im really close to the ships... there are missiles prepared to be launch in a ratio of 100 km, as i can see on weaponeditor, but they only fire when im at arround 1 km from the ship.Maybe i have to edit "DetectSystem" or "WeaponSystem" on the ships data.ini? I have this values but still happening this problem: [DetectSystem] TargetType=AIR_AND_GROUND RadarSearchTime=2.0 RadarSearchRange=45000.0 RadarSearchStrength=80.0 RadarTrackTime=2.0 RadarTrackRange=20000.0 RadarTrackStrength=95.0 RadarPosition=0.0,0.0,2.30 RadarMinimumRange=100.0 RadarMinimumAlt=50.0 DataLink=TRUE BackupOptics=TRUE NightSight=TRUE VisualRange=8000.0 VisualMinimumAlt=0.0 ViewportPosition=-0.0231,7.3419,21.8052 MaxVisibleDistance=45000.0 RadarCrossSection=25.0 [WeaponSystem] TargetType=AIR_AND_GROUND MissileRange=45000.0 MinMissileRange=500.0 PitchAngleRate=40.0 MaxPitch=75.0 MinPitch=20.0 DefaultPitchAngle=30 YawLimited=TRUE YawAngleRate=40 MinYaw=-120 MaxYaw=120 DefaultYawAngle=0.0 MissileLaunchTime=15.0 YawModelNodeName=LauncherBase PitchModelNodeName=LauncherTop VisualSearchTime=2.0 IndependentSearchChance=80 and here the weapondata: TypeName=Sea Dart FullName=British Aerospace GWS-30 Sea Dart ModelName=SeaDart Mass=550.000000 Diameter=0.420000 Length=4.360000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.120000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.222000 AttachmentType= SpecificStationCode= NationName= StartYear=1973 EndYear=2010 Availability=1 BaseQuantity=2 Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=1973 ExportEndYear=1973 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=1 RailLaunched=TRUE RocketPod=FALSE Retarded=FALSE FinStabilized=TRUE SpinStabilized=FALSE HasGrowl=FALSE EffectClassName=LargeMissileEffects ReleaseDelay=0.000000 WarheadType=0 Explosives=25.000000 FusingDistance=0.000000 ClusterBomblets=0 ClusterDispersion=0.000000 GuidanceType=13 Accuracy=80 MaxTurnRate=30.000000 MaxLaunchG=20.000000 LockonChance=95 LaunchReliability=95 ArmingTime=1.200000 SeekerFOV=50.000000 SeekerGimbleLimit=125.000000 SeekerTrackRate=11.000000 SeekerRange=120000.000000 CLmax=14.000000 MinFreq=0.000000 MaxFreq=0.000000 MinLaunchRange=2000.000000 MaxLaunchRange=120000.000000 Duration=400.000000 CounterCountermeasure=0.000000 NoiseRejection=0.000000 CapabilityFlags=0x1000002e LoftAngle=0.000000 DescentAngle=0.000000 MaxLoftAltitude=0.000000 BoosterStart=0.000000 BoosterDuration=15.200000 BoosterAccel=50.000000 BoosterEffectName=MissileFireEffect BoosterSoundName=Missile BoosterNodeName= BoosterPosition=0.000000,-2.280000,0.000000 SustainerDuration=1200.000000 SustainerAccel=60.000000 SustainerEffectName= SustainerSoundName= SustainerPosition=0.000000,-2.280000,0.000000 InFlightEffectName=MissileInFlightEffect InFlightSoundName= ReleaseAnimationID=-1 EODisplayFlags=0 CEP=0.000000 Is there anything wrong??? Could anyone help me??This is for the Falklands Mod, i can easy get near the ships, at "high" altitudes (for radar locking) like 500 m altitude...and in reality, argentine pilots had to flight very low in order to not be locked by the ship's radar... thats the reason i want this missiles be fired at long range.Thanks a lot!
  8. Thank you very much, FrankD, i did some little progress understanding how the engine works with this values... based on the information that you, and Fubar, gave to me. Now the long range missiles are fired to a locked target (from Type 42) arround 25-30 km far away from ship... and i´ve realized that, like reality, i can approach ships flying at 12m from sea level without beign detected, i changed the values, cause i could fly arround 45-50 m from sea level without beign detected, and now im detected from 20-25 m from sea level, i saw on a documentary that the argentine engineers calculated that was the minimum altittude to be detected by the UK ships. Really thank you very much to you and Fubar for your help, thats why i really love this game and this forum, the game is never-ending editable and the people here is pretty smart and know about what they talks about. I´ll try to make it more accurate to reality with time, and work... but not now, we have a rising social revolution here in Spain, and its the time for big changes in my country. Wish us luck in this moments of turbulences... I wish all of you freedom, mind strength and that the passion for fighting for your rights may be strong in your heart. Long live to the revolution! Good luck and thanks.
  9. Woooooooowwww The forum is messing up!!! xD Really thanks for the answer, im going to check all answers carefully cause its all messed, hahahahaha And i will tell you whats the result, ok? Really, really thank you, FrankD and Fubar512
  10. Yes, its correct the name in both places... i increased the value you told me, also de "tracking strength", i multiplied it per 10 (a total of arround 800-900) and now those missiles are fired... but still really close... like the small ones... xS
  11. Hi, Frank! Thanks for answering... i should tell in the post that im talking about Surface/Air missiles... as im talking about Malvinas mod, the Harpoon here is the Exocet, and the behavieur of this missile works perfectly. The problem is that i can fly and fly arround ships and they fire the short-range missiles like Sea Cat, but for bigger missiles like Sea Dart or Sea Slug... nothing... they track me but dont shoot their long-range missiles... (maybe they are more expenssive than ships) xD
  12. There are 3 carrier areas on SF2 Europe NF4+... im trying to use one, "LHA-1"... The aircraft spawns well, and the carrier is there... apeears to be no problem, but if im shoot down or something.... and i try to "Refly" the mission... the plane explodes just when the "loading" screen ends... i can see for the wingman (that does not explodes) that the aircraft re-spawn on front of the carrier, and thats why i explode. Any idea why i get re-spawned on front on carrier and not in the original position? Thanks.
  13. Hi everyone! Anyone knows why this happens? it looks like when i gain alttitude... the "ground" goes up, and buildings, AAA and tanks and that stuff looks "under" de ground... it only happens in concrete floors like airports or runways... the stuff in the grass and field does not looks with any issue. Thanks a lot for your time.
  14. Owwww... so the only way to fix it is to intall that patch. Do you know if im losing important updated stuff if i revert to the 2010C patch???
  15. Hi everyone! Is it possible on SF2 to enable a sound for: "Eject" "Bombs Release" "fuel tanks/weapons release" "Flares/chaff release" ??? And is it possible to make the RWR play the TRACK/LOCK warnings for Heat Seekers Missiles??? (i mean the same sound for SHAM & SAMS, not different, i know you can only have one TRACK/LOCK sound for RWR) Thanks!
  16. Thanks Wrench!... i dont use to use SF2 to play WWII... so i had no idea that you discovered this for another idead you had... anyway, it did not take me so much, i only spent this noon on wornking on it... so i did not loosed much time.... xD Thanks again!
  17. A new way to avoid using a weapon station: You have your usual flare effect ¿ok?... by pressing your usual key, then we will create a new gun, that will be the "fake flare" that only plays the sound when its released, it will be fired with "Secondary Gun" key. How?... Create a new gun called "fakeflare"... and type on "Full name"..... "Flare" Set values to 0... it does not matter, but in "RPM" set it to 1, reliability to 100 and the sound of cannon, type the name of "flare release" you want, and the" gun fire effect", "gun effect name" and "tracer" must be deleted. Then go to "xxxAircraft_data.ini" and, in "Fuselage" add a new "SystemName" and call it "fakeflare"... example: [Fuselage] ModelNodeName=Fuselage ShowFromCockpit=TRUE MassFraction=0.391 HasAeroCoefficients=TRUE CLa=0.1463 CD0=0.0115 CDL=0.0001 Cmq=-0.1983 Cmad=-0.0055 Cyb=-0.1063 CLaMachTableNumData=5 CLaMachTableDeltaX=0.40 CLaMachTableStartX=0.00 CLaMachTableData=1.000,1.000,1.000,0.808,1.004 CD0MachTableNumData=7 CD0MachTableDeltaX=0.40 CD0MachTableStartX=0.00 CD0MachTableData=1.413,1.000,0.976,4.998,3.910,5.268,5.483 CDLAlphaTableNumData=15 CDLAlphaTableDeltaX=4.00 CDLAlphaTableStartX=-28.00 CDLAlphaTableData=143.365,90.282,52.247,26.750,11.285,3.344,0.418,0.000,0.418,3.344,11.285,26.750,52.247,90.282,143.365 CmqMachTableNumData=5 CmqMachTableDeltaX=0.40 CmqMachTableStartX=0.00 CmqMachTableData=1.000,1.000,1.000,26.106,32.282 StructuralFactor=1.5 MinExtentPosition=-0.97,-6.54,-1.17 MaxExtentPosition= 0.97, 0.66, 0.195 CollisionPoint[001]=-0.90, 0.66,-0.91 CollisionPoint[002]= 0.940, 0.66,-0.91 CollisionPoint[003]= 0.923,-3.74,-1.17 CollisionPoint[004]=-0.823,-3.74,-1.17 CollisionPoint[005]= 0.00,-6.54, 0.195 CollisionPoint[006]= 0.921, 0.66, 0.193 CollisionPoint[007]=-0.921, 0.66, 0.195 DamageRating=DESTROYED SystemName[001]=Engine1 SystemName[002]=Engine2 SystemName[003]=FuselageFuelCell2 SystemName[004]=FuselageFuelCell3 SystemName[005]=CenterlineStation SystemName[006]=LeftSparrowStation SystemName[007]=RightSparrowStation SystemName[008]=Tailhook SystemName[009]=LeftMainGear SystemName[010]=RightMainGear SystemName[011]=Airbrake SystemName[012]=BottomFuselageLight1 SystemName[013]=BottomFuselageLight2 SystemName[014]=LeftPositionLight1 SystemName[015]=RightPositionLight1 SystemName[016]=ECM SystemName[017]=DecoyDispenserLeft SystemName[018]=FuselageFuelCell4 SystemName[019]=DecoyDispenserRight SystemName[020]=ATFLIRStation SystemName[021]=LaserPodStation SystemName[022]=ATFLIRSensor SystemName[023]=fakeflare ----------------------------------------- this is new Then go to "internal weapons" section and under it... place a new entry like this: [fakeflare] SystemType=FIXED_GUN GunTypeName=fakeflare InputName=FIRE_SECONDARY_GUN MuzzlePosition=0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ----------------------------- you can play with this values to make visible a fire effect in the place you want, then you go to gun editors, and in "gun fire effect" type "RocketPodEffect"... LightPosition=0.0, 0.0,0.0 -----------------------------... and you will see a "flame" when you release the flare... im going to try with the same values of real countermeasure. AimAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 MaxAmmo=30 ------------------------ this is the "fakes flares quantity"... must be the same of real flare's number EjectShells=FALSE MinExtentPosition=0.0, 0.0, 0.0 MaxExtentPosition=0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Its done... Then go to game and use the "double button pressing" technique (1.- Fake Flares pressing secondary weapons fire button and 2.- real flares button at the same time) and you got it... the sound of flares... and the flares working. What do you think? I thought that after wrinting that comment, hahahahah, thanks anyway... xD
  18. Hi! I thought something and it works... I deactivated the effect for the "real" flares... then... i use the Logitech G940 to play, and it has buttons really close... in this way, i can press 2 buttons at the same time easily, so i launch at the same time a "real" and my "fake" flare... so i have the sound effect and the countermeasure working... xD I know its really "dirty" stuff... but its good for me, its only an idea... xD Hope it will help you
  19. Unfortunately, FastCargo is right.... its only a "show" effect, cause its useless in gameplay... x(
  20. Forgot to tell: Edit the copy of Mk24flare, the "inflight effect" you can put there the "flare" effect you use.
  21. I DID IT!!! There is a "nasty" way of having flares sounds. Im spanish so i´ll try to explain how i did it on english. In the weapons editor, copy any of the rocketpods. Copy the mk24flare Edit the copy of the rocket pod, eliminate the 3dmodel (or you can type here the name of any countermeasures pod you want to show on plane) Edit the copy of mk24flare: edit sounds,( i have a sound for flares release), and the "booster" you have to place a value under 0 (example: -5.0) The issues: You have to select the flares as a "rocket" when flying... so... forgot the "quick release" of flares... xD And i think it will not have any effect on avoiding missiles... i have to check it...
  22. hahaha Hi Dels A really nice way of telling "bad news"... xD Thanks a lot for spend your time on answering my question. Now i will go to my room and cry in the loneliness cause i cant enhance my sounds.... hahahah xD P.D: All my life i thought heat seeking missiles could be "detected"... maybe some movies in my childhood are the guilty of it! xD... Thanks for the MAWS explanation... now im very happy with not having a sound for heat missiles in the game... i allways like to make the sim a real thing.
  23. Hi Everyone! I would like to make more realistic the game experience... Could anyone tell me aproppiate values in order to make the missile trails longuer as possible? Thanks you very much. Here my actual trail values for the effect: EmissionType=ORIENTED_EMITTER UpdateType=NON_MOVING MaxVisibleDistance=30000.000000 EmissionRate=0.0075000 EmissionVolume=0.6000,0.6000,0.6000 EmissionVelocityTableType=CONSTANT EmissionVelocity=0.000000,-100.000000,0.000000 EmissionVelocityDeviation=0.0000000 ParticleUpdateType=RANDOM_MOVING ParticleRenderType=SPRITE ParticleRandomOrientation=TRUE ParticleLifeTime=30.000000 ParticleLifeTimeDeviation=0.3000 ParticleWeight=-0.10000 ParticleRandomness=0.150000 ParticleDragFactor=0.200000 ParticleInheritence=0.700000 ParticleWindFactor=1.0 ParticleColorTableType=TABLE ParticleColor[01].Time=0.000000 ParticleColor[01].Value=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,0.000000 ParticleColor[02].Time=0.080000 ParticleColor[02].Value=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,0.200000 ParticleColor[03].Time=0.200000 ParticleColor[03].Value=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,0.150000 ParticleColor[04].Time=0.800000 ParticleColor[04].Value=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,0.100000 ParticleColor[05].Time=1.000000 ParticleColor[05].Value=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,0.000000 ParticleSizeTableType=TABLE ParticleSize[01].Time=0.000000 ParticleSize[01].Value=3.50000 ParticleSize[02].Time=0.150000 ParticleSize[02].Value=7.00000 ParticleSize[03].Time=0.300000 ParticleSize[03].Value=12.50000 ParticleSize[04].Time=0.7500000 ParticleSize[04].Value=15.00000 ParticleSize[05].Time=1.500000 ParticleSize[05].Value=15.00000 BaseSizeDeviation=0.5

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